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Robert Mack Macaroni;

1. How does he get the newest Omnimatrix?
Stumbles across it in the woods after running from bully
Finds it outside of school after running from home when
parents fight
2. How does this effect the school?
Leaves a sinkhole that others arent sure of how it was caused
Cancels sports due to fields being close to sinkhole
3. When will the school be fully repaired?
Maybe halfway through season one..
Caesar PT8;
1. Who is he?
Macks mentor with a shady past.
A Kineceleran.
One of the greatest fighters on earth.
2. What happened in his past?
Plasma killed Caesars wife after traumatizing him by
revealing that he is actually just Plasmas eight attempt at
making a weapon of mass destruction.
Thats why his name has an PT8 in it. It stands for
Proto-type 8.
This is why Caesar is the last in his blood line- his wife was
killed whilst she was pregnant.
Caesar became his prototype when he was first born- this
is why he cant remember it. He was actually a
Kineceleran, just genetically mutated.
1. What is he?
The series major villain.
A member of Atomixs species.
A harsh and cruel man who will do anything to destroy the
planet Earth.

2. Continued on next page

Plasma; continued
1. Why does he have a vendetta against Earth?
He was outcasted as a child because he was an alien.
1. Why is he an assassin?
He witnessed his parents get murdered, leading him to a
life of crime thinking that he was avenging his parents by
doing so.
2. Why does he wear a full body suit?
His name, Polonium, is a reference to a very radioactive
substance. Polonium himself is radioactive everywhere but
his head because of the amount of steroids put in his arms
and legs as a child.
3. How do steroids make him radioactive?
It turned out that the drug dealer who was giving them to
him was a criminal.
4. Why was he taking steroids?
He was trying to make the football team and he took one
every week for five weeks before tryouts to help him get
used to them. This is also where he gained his great
5. How is he intertwined with Macks story?
Albedo had killed his parents, but Polonium thought it was
Ben. Though because it took so long to get to Earth, Ben
was already dead and he assumed Mack was Ben.
6. What ever did happen to Albedo?
He was ultimately betrayed and killed by Vilgax, causing
his bloodline to be killed off.
The Omnimatrix, aka the Matrix;
1. Who invented it?
Azmuth, of course.
2. What happened to Azmuth?
Its currently not known. Mack doesnt even know at the
beginning who Azmuth is. He is assumed to be either dead
or MIA.
3. Was it actually made for Mack, or did he just happen to find it?
A man from the future came to convince Azmuth that Mack
needed the Matrix to stop a worldwide threat. Though not
convinced first, after taking one of the most advanced lie
detector tests he was proven to be telling the truth. This
caused it to be meant for Mack.
1. Where does it all take place? What about time?

Orlando, FL. Year is 2062.

2. Is the future as advanced as we thought it was?
No. There are things such as hover boards, but there arent things like
flying cars.

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