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When Pedestrians Ruled the Streets

Summary (150 to 300 words)
If you live in Los Angeles, New York or San Francisco, you will see the streets full of
cars, but, many years before, the situation was complete different. But now its a big
problem. Probably, if you hadnt gotten stuck in traffic, you could have come to work
early. Maybe the solution could be the new car Google self-driving. Although
pedestrians could oppose, as has happened throughout history.
This invention has designed to navigate city streets all by itself. That smart car detect
nearby traffic and pedestrians avoiding collisions, because it is equipped with a GPS
which can sense the road. In addition, passengers could do others activities like read.
Even though exist a lot of benefits, many pedestrians could be affected. The war
between humans and cars, of many years before, might return. If you had lived in the
late 1890s, you could have seen kids playing soccer in the streets and people talking
or buying. The pedestrians dominated the roads. In 1900, the motor vehicles were
handmade and regarded as wear and not very dangerous. Everything changed since
Henry Ford created the first Model T in 1908. The middle-class families bought these
new cars and drove, in the cities, causing tons of accidents. The newspapers like New
York Times helped people to claim for these accidents. They decried to stop the
slaughter, because those had caused the deaths of 1054 kids. The car sales slipped
too much in 1923, in order to solution this problem that carmakers and driver
associations founded Motordom. At the beginning everything became difficult and then
improved. Charles Hayes, president of the Chicago Motor Club, and Motordom did a
huge campaign with a strong slogan: the jaywalker (the person who didnt respect
the traffic rules). The newspapers too began blaming pedestrians for causing
accidents. And it worked, the persons began to change their mind until the opponents
were minimized. The conflict ended in the thirties.
Coming back to the new car Google self-driving. On the one hand, the inventors show
us the benefits. The ride could be superefficient and we wont need any semaphores,
because we could cross the street and the cars would stop and wait for us or flow
around us. On the other hand, the critics predict a catastrophe. The persons will begin
to live farther away and when the accident happens who will take responsibility.

This format January 2012

Idiomas Catlica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines acadmicos,
salvaguardando la identidad del autor.

Personal Opinion (Min. 50 words for 150-word summaries | Min. 100 words for
300-word summaries)
In my opinion, I found the article really interesting. I think that its important to see the
great events that marked our history and try to understand their importance. From my
point of view, Im agree with the implementation of this new car in our streets because
it has a lot of benefits. The passengers could read, check the laptops, answer their
cellphones and inclusive eat, while the car navigates city streets all by itself. This new
invention will cause a great impact but its need to be regulated. If the governments
want to put this car in our streets, they must implement new traffic rules to ensure the
safety of pedestrians. They should make information campaigns for children in
schools, because they are the generation who will use this new car. Governments
must be responsible for implementing new technologies in our cities of the best way.

For Teachers Use

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Teachers Feedback:

This format January 2012

Idiomas Catlica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines acadmicos,
salvaguardando la identidad del autor.

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