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Al-Shamelah International School 2015/2016

Quiz 2
Subject :
Grade :
Student name :
Date :
A. Refer back to the story "Contents of a Dead Man's
Pockets" to answer the
.following questions
10 .What effect does the realization that he might die have on Tom? 1
During the story, we discover that only a small amount of time has .2
?passed. Why is this ironic

?Why wouldn't anyone else understand the contents of the yellow sheet .3

After purposely trying to avoid looking at the street below, Tom .4
?accidentally does so. What effect does this have on him

What type of conflict is Tom facing (internal or external) as Clare gets .5
.ready to leave for the movies? Justify your answer

What does Tom Benecke's use of a typewriter suggest about the time in .6
?which the story is set

What type of conflict is Tom facing (internal or external) as Clare gets .7
?ready to leave for the movies

Al-Shamelah International School 2015/2016

Quiz 2
Subject :
Grade :
Student name :
Date :

B. Use the words in the box to the complete the

.sentences below





I really did not have time to read the whole article, so instead I .1
.kind of read a few excerpts from it
Some people do not feel it is very ethical to keep certain details .2
.about a product from the customers
I guess, because people watch so much TV nowadays, this causes .3
them to be a bit melodramatic, and they kind of over exaggerate a
.The dead man had a very contorted grimace on his face .4
The National team struggled with an indomitable spirit to go on to .5
.win the championships
Some people just simply refuse to succumb to the negativity that .6
they face every day and continue to stay focused with a positive
Companies tend to take advantage of the malleable, compliant .7
.personalities of most of the consumers
The methods applied in classrooms today for learning should be .8
left in antiquity where they belong, and newer methods be applied
.in their place
When a student does not understand a certain concept, we can .9
use an analogy to kind of give him an example that can be easily
We need to take heed of all the prophetic warnings in the .10
.Sunnah of events that are going to happen in the future

Al-Shamelah International School 2015/2016

Quiz 2
Subject :
Grade :
Student name :
Date :

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