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Study Method From Past to Present

I would like to sharing to your about study method from past to present. In
1940, the person who want to learning need travel to the school and get the
information, because thats where the information lived. Is was in the books; it
was inside the teachers head and needed to go there to get the information,
because thats how you learned. Fast-forward a generation - in 1980, the
person who want to learning also need travel to the school to get the
information from the teacher, and stored it in the only portable memory he
has, which is inside his own head and take it with him, because that is how
information was being transported from teacher to student and then used in
the world. Fast-forward a generation in 2000, the person who want to
learning can do in the house by using a set of encyclopaedias/internet and it
was extraordinary comparison from past. Because the person not need to wait
to go to library to get the information and the information was inside the
house. This was different than either generation had experienced before, it
changed the way the person interacted with information even at just a small
level, but the information was closer to and can get access to it.

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