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AMV 10/20/30

Vocal Music Survey

In order to better plan the course, I need a bit of musical
background from each of you. Please fill out the following
survey as honestly and accurately as possible.
General Questions:
1. What kind of music do you listen to? Any favourite artists?

2. Why did you choose vocal music? What do you hope to get
out of the course?

3. What kind of work do you think the course will comprise of?

4. What do you expect of me as you music teacher?

Musical Background
5. What is your singing background? Do you sing or have you
sung with any organization (choir, private lessons,
productions school, community)?

6. Do you play an instrument(s)? What and for how long?

7. Use the chart below to indicate the amount of theory you

have: to what degree can you read music (dont worry if you
have little to no experience).
Check the appropriate box.
Know fairly

Notes/rests and their values

Can read and clap rhythmic patterns
Lines and spaces of the treble clef
Lines and spaces of the bass clef
Time signatures
Key signatures
Intervals 8va, +3, P4, P5, etc
Scales major, minor
Mapping a song: the understanding of the
markings on a piece of music

Kind of know
need some

Need to

Are you interested in auditioning for the vocal music show?

Yes / No

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