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1) Which of the following denote stream classes in C++?

a) ios
b) fstream
c) ostream
d) All the Above
2) cin

in C++ program uses the operator


3) Which of the following denote types of polymorphism in C++?

a) Virtual function
b) Function overloading
c) Operator Overloading
d) All the Above
4) A condition that must be true on exit from a member function if called as
a) Precondition
b) Post-condition
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
5) In a C++ program each statement is ended with the character
a) .
b) ;
c) *
d) :
6) The header file that must be included while using cout function in a C++ program is
a) conio.h
b) math.h
c) iostream.h
d) None of the Above
7) The variable that contains address of another variable is called as
a) Pointer
b) arrays
c) unions
d) None of the Above
8) Which of the following language given below uses the concepts of OOPS?
a) C++
b) C#
c) Java
d) All the Above
9) The output of operation 20%3 is
a) 6
b) 2
c) 1
d) 4
10) In Late binding the function calls gets resolved during
a) Compile Time
b) Run Time
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
11) The class that in C++ for file input is
a) ifstream

b) ofstream
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
12) The operator that denotes address of a variable in C++ program is
a) *
b) %
c) $
d) &
13) The notation of ternary operator is
a) &
b) ?:
c) ~
d) %
14) Which of the following denote bitwise operators of C++?
a) ^
b) <<
c) ~
d) All the Above
15) The isolation of data from direct access by a C++ program is called as
a) Data Hiding
b) Data Encapsulation
c) Data Isolation
d) None of the Above
16) What is the notation used to place block of statements in a looping structure in C++?
a) % %
b) ( )
c) { }
d) None of the Above
17) Which of the looping structure in C++ check condition at the beginning of loop?
a) do-while
b) while
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
18) The friend function of a class in C++ can access
a) Private members of the class
b) protected members of the class
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
19) Which of the following allocates memory but does not initialize it?
a) operator delete
b) operator new
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
20) Reference to its own class can be accepted by
a) simple constructor
b) copy constructor
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
21) Index of an array starts from
a) One
b) Zero
c) Two

d) None of the Above

22) Which of the following is used to store data of different types?
a) Arrays
b) Structures
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
23) What is used to convert C++ source code into object modules?
a) Compiler
b) Linker
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
24) Which of the following denote advantages of inheritance?
a) saves program development time
b) code reusability
c) Both A and B
d) All the Above
25) Which of the following exists in C++?
a) virtual destructor
b) virtual constructor
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
26) Which of the following denote operator of logical AND in C++?
a) &&
b) and
c) &
d) !&
27) The block of memory allocated by the new is released by using
a) delete
b) realloc
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
28) cout in C++ program uses the operator
a) >>
b) <
c) <<
d) >
29) Which of the following is mandatory for all C++ program?
a) main()
b) scanf()
c) system()
d) All the Above
30) Class that reads and writes to an array in memory is
a) ostream
b) ifstream
c) strstream
d) None of the Above
31) When dynamically allocated memory is lost to the C++ program then
a) warning occurs
b) memory leak occurs
c) The program executes successfully
d) None of the above

32) Which of the following operators cannot be overloaded?

a) sizeof
b) ::
c) :?
d) All the Above
33) Comments in C++ program is written by using
a) / /
b) //
c) /* /*
d) * *
34) The member functions of a class can be defined outside the class using
a) Extraction Operator
b) Insertion Operator
c) Scope resolution operator
d) None of the Above
35) Which of the following remains static in a C++ program?
a) Class
b) Object
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
36) Pure virtual function in C++ is one in which the virtual function
a) has no body
b) has at least one member
c) which cannot be inherited
d) None of the Above
37) Which of the following denotes growable array?
a) Vector
b) ArrayList
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
38) A function defined within a class is called as
a) Member Function
b) Class Function
c) Object Function
d) None of the Above
39) A function in a C++ program can be called
a) Only Once
b) Cannot be called at all
c) Any number of times
d) None of the Above
40) For the class exforsys defined as below: class exforsys() { }; int main() { exforsys a; }
Which of the following is TRUE?
a) No default constructor is provided by the compiler
b) The compiler provides the default constructor
c) The compiler generates error
d) None of the Above
41) Which of the following is returned by the operating system if a C++ program completes
a) No Value Returned
b) -1
c) 1
d) 0

42) Which of the following is allowed for the value of subscript variable?
a) Positive Integer
b) Negative Integer
c) Both A and B
d) Float
43) Which of the following notation compares two variables X and Y?
a) X==Y
b) X=Y
c) X%Y
d) X equals Y
44) Which of the following denotes feature of OOPS?
a) Inheritance
b) Encapsulation
c) Polymorphism
d) All the Above
45) Which of the following denote C++ looping statement?
a) while
b) do-while
c) for
d) All the Above
46) A template can be instantiated by
a) Explicit Instantiation
b) Implicit instantiation
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
47) The notation of member access operator in structures is
a) &
b) .
c) $
d) *
48) A variable modified by multiple threads should be declared as
a) global
b) static
c) volatile
d) Non of the Above
49) The new operator in C++
a) Initialize the allocated memory
b) Allocates memory for the object
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
50) The data members and member functions that are only available to derived classes are
a) private
b) public
c) protected
d) None of the Above
51) Strict parameter type checking is followed with which of the following?
a) Inline
b) Macros
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
52) The function named as exforsys declared as int exforsys(float x, double y) has return
type as
a) double

b) int
c) float
d) Non of the Above
53) Virtual functions are defined in
a) Derived class
b) Base class
c) Both A and B
d) Non of the Above
54) The variables that are used to represent individual array element in an array is called as
a) Pointer Variable
b) Subscripted variable
c) Index Variable
d) Real Variable
55) Which of the following is used in C++ to create a copy of an object?
a) Assignment operator
b) Copy constructor
c) Both A and B
d) Non of the Above
56) What is the value of variable z when the following program segment ends? int z; for(z=0;
z<50; z++) {}
a) 51
b) 49
c) 50
d) 0
57) The header that should be included while using manipulators in C++ is
a) iomanip.h
b) manip.h
c) ifstream.h
d) Non of the Above
58) The value of EOF is
a) 1
b) 0
c) Infinity
d) -1
59) The vtable entry for a pure virtual function in C++ is
a) zero
c) one
d) No Entry in vtable
60) The variables that can be used only within the function in which it is declared is called as
a) Global Variables
b) Local Variables
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
61) The first fully Object-oriented language is
a) Java
b) C++
c) Simula
d) Non of the Above
62) What is the keyword used to allocate memory in C++?
a) assign

b) malloc
c) new
d) Non of the Above
63) RAiI stands for
a) Read Acquisition is Initialization
b) Resource Acquisition is Initializer
c) Resource Acquisition is Initialization
d) Non of the Above
64) Which of the following can be used to initialize a newly declared variable from an
existing variable?
a) Virtual Function
b) Namespaces
c) copy constructor
d) None of the Above
65) The class with name exforsys and having integer data x in its have constructor name as
a) exforsys
b) x
c) any name
d) Non of the Above
66) Which of the following denote insertion operator in C++?
a) &
b) >>
c) <<
d) !
67) Mutable keyword can be applied to
a) non-static data members of a class
b) non-const data members of a class
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above
68) Which of the following denote library function in C++?
a) isalpha
b) isdigits
c) isspace
d) All the Above
69) The array exforsys[10] can be declared using pointers as
a) % exforsys[]
b) & exforsys[]
c) * exforsys[]
d) @ exforsys[]
70) If a function in C++ does not return a value then its return type is denoted as
a) float
b) int
c) void
d) None of the Above


Allocate , ,
Bitwise - ,
Compare - , ,
Condition -
Denote ,
Derived - ,

Explicit -
Feature - ,
Inheritance ,
Mandatory - ,
Memory leak
Mutable - , ,
Release - ,
Reusable -
Scope - , ,
Subscript - (, )
Subscripted variable
Provide , ,
Volatile - , ,
Vtable -

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