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Kristin Threw

Dr. Wyant
Tiger Pride
SO Report Week 4
On October 21, Brydie Pye taught a physical education lesson to a group of twenty
second graders. The focus of the lesson was to have students maintaining control of the
basketball while dribbling while previous skills were underhand throwing and catching. The
students did the lesson on the blacktop in a half shaded, half sunny area where there was
already lines drawn in the blacktop to provide a path for the students to use to dribble straight.
For this activity Brydie used 10 cones, 10 basketballs, and 3 polyspots.
Systematic Observation 1:
The first systematic Observation that I had to complete was the Idiosyncrasies which
tracks which words Bydie commonly uses throughout the lesson and how many times she
uses those words. The words that Brydie constantly used throughout the 25 minute lesson was
um/ uh which I heard her use one time, and she used so seven times. The main one that she
used during the lesson was ok as she said it 36 times. I noticed that she would say ok
whenever she was looking for understanding from the kids after she would finish explaining
and activity. Some advice that I would give Brydie is to try not to say ok as many times as she
does and replace it with statements like does everyone understand, or ask if there are any
questions. These would be good phrases to use to limit the amount of times she says the word
Systematic Observation 2:
The second systematic observation that I had to complete was the System for Observing
Fitness Instruction Time (SOFIT) which tracks the amount of time the students are engaging
in moderate to vigorous activity during the lesson. The three students that I tracked this time
were Malena, Natalie, and Aiden who ended up getting a total of 12 minutes of MVPA
between the three of them. I would say that that is pretty good MVPA since the total time of
the lesson was 26 minutes which means she was almost right on 50%. The activities she had
them doing was red light/ green light which all the kids seem to enjoy so that is easy to get
participation in. Then she had them work on dribbling which the students can lose interest in
after a while so the fact that she was right on 50% is very good. The only thing I would tell
Brydie to try to get more MVPA next time is to try to have the students to different types of
dribbling so that they do not get bored of running to a cone and back the entire time. Just to
switch it up in order to keep their focus.

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