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Kristin Threw

Dr. Wyant
Tiger Pride
SO Report Week Five
On October 28th , Bydie Pye taught a physical education lesson to a group of 20 second
graders. The focus of the lesson was basketball shooting with previous skills in basketball
dribbling. The lesson was taught on the blacktop in a half shaded, half sunny area where there
was already basketball hoops that may have been a little too tall for the students to make the
baskets, but it still allowed them to practice their shooting. For this lesson Brydie used 36
poly spots and 10 basketballs.
Systematic Observation 1:
The first systematic observation that I had to do was Teacher/ Student demonstrations
which indicated whether it was a teacher or a student doing a demonstration for an activity
and what cues were used. The first demonstration done was by Brydie and she was showing
the students how to properly shoot a basketball. The cues she used were feet next to each
other, arms up, and one hand behind the ball and one on the side. She did a visual demo of it,
it was done at a proper speed, and she made sure that the students could see and hear her.
After she finished with the demo she picked a student to do a demonstration as well in order
to check for understanding and they used the same cues she stated during her demonstration. I
think Brydie did a good job with how she demonstrated the skill and it was good that she had
one of the students demo it as well so I would not have any corrections for her.
Systematic observation 2:
The second systematic observation that I had to complete was the time analysis which
measures how many sections during the lesson are spend giving management, instruction, or
if the kids are performing the activity. This lesson was 25 minutes long and out of that total
time 765 seconds was spent doing the activities she had planned for the class, 150 seconds
was her giving instructions, and 585 seconds was management. It is good that the majority of
the time was spent doing the actual activities, but the time spent on management was very
high. I think she should work on trying to bring that down by being sterner with the students
and sitting them out right away if they are not going to listen or follow instructions. The
amount of time she spends on instructions is good because it is enough for the students to
understand what they are supposed to be doing but not too long to where it takes the majority
of the time.

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