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Kristin Threw

Dr. Wyant
Tiger Pride
SO Report Week Six
On November 2nd, Brydie Pye taught a physical education lesson to a group of 20
second graders. The focus of the lesson was on kicking and trapping a soccer ball using the
inside of the students feet. Previous skills including skipping, running, leaping, and
basketball dribbling and shooting. The lesson was taught in the sun in the grassy area with
plenty of room for the students to kick the soccer ball back and forth with their partners. For
the lesson Brydie used 9 soccer balls, 30 cones and poly spots.
Systematic Observation 1:
The first systematic observation that I completed was the Teacher Feedback and
Questioning which indicated to whom the feedback or question is targeted at and what type of
feedback it is; skill development, behavior, check for understanding, or other. The first
question that was asked by Brydie was if she can have a volunteer to call out the color of the
cones as the students were playing four corners. The question was directed at a group of
students. The second question that was asked during the lesson was directed at a student and
brydie asked if they could tell her how many times they clapped before they caught the bean
bag. All the feedback that was given was directed at individuals and they were considered
skill development as they were things such as, throw it up a couple more times, and good job.
Brydie did a good job at giving feedback to the students but overall I think she could have
given a little bit more throughout the duration of the lesson. It was good that none of the
questions or feedback had anything to do with behavior as this seems to be a problem without
Systematic Observation 2:
The second systematic observation that I had to complete was the System for Observing
Fitness Instruction time (SOFIT) which tracks how many seconds during the lesson are spend
with the students engaging in moderate to vigorous activity or MVPA. The goal is to spend at
least 50% of the lesson in MVPA which did not happen during this lesson. There was a total
of 7 minutes and 30 seconds spent in MVPA for this lesson which lasted for a total of 25
minutes. This does not even come close to the 50% goal. It was raining during this day which
is why I think It was hard to keep the focus of the children during this lesson as they were
focused on the puddles more than they were the activities they were given. Also four corners
is a hard game to keep most of the students active during because after each round students
are out if their corner is called. In order to boost the total time of MVPA I think Brydie
could have made the students who got out doing activities such as jumping jacks or skipping
around the square while they were waiting for the game to finish. So this way they would at
least be doing something active instead of sitting and waiting for the rest of the students to
finish the game.

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