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Mrs. Fuentes
English 114A
25 October, 2015
Power given through Space
Within the novel Chinese Cinderella, written by Adeline Yeh Mah, there are pictures of
Adeline and her family. They appear to be an average family with a good set of morals. Even the
clothing that they are wearing in the family portraits within the story helps to portray how the
family's dynamics are normal. Although for Adeline and her siblings, things were different from
their half-siblings when it came to Niangs favoritism. In the article The Power of Place and
Space Robert D. Sacks states that, being in one place rather than the other makes a difference,
as does being near rather than far away. Moving away from the space of having their picture
taken, the reality of how powerless Adeline and her siblings really are within their situation with
Niang is something that can only be read in the text. Although Adeline was treated the worst
amongst the whole family within the house, she had kept pushing forward through the moments
when Niang wasnt around, and the moments she had to herself in her school. Within a given
space there is a hierarchy of power and rules that is applied by that space automatically with
nearly every given person, and usually there is always more power given to parents when it
comes to their children. This application of hierarchy is especially true when it comes to Adeline.
Iin Niangs house or even around Niang herself Adeline has no power, but when Adeline is at her
school she gains her own sense of power through her studies.
In the interaction between Adeline and her family in the novel Chinese Cinderella, it's
apparent how the applications of space changes what life's really like for Adeline and her
siblings. This change namely revolving from the home they lived in to the schools that Adeline

goes to. This change in space shows just how the power begins to fluctuate from one character to
another, and in this case the power mainly seems to be around Niang and Adeline. Moreover the
change of space and power becomes a huge importance not only to Adeline herself, but also to
the family dynamics and how they begin to shift throughout the novel. It could be seen from the
grouping of Adelines family from both the adults and the children within the pictures how the
family was within itself, as opposed to how they shown themselves to be (Mah 92 & 94).
After Adeline and her siblings moved to Shanghai to live with Father and Niang it was
clear that they were in Niangs territory. Adeline would know how to behave and would
understand the hierarchy of power when being in Niangs home. From the very moment when
Adeline and her siblings first entered Niangs home, Adeline described the interior as ornate,
formal, polished and hard. Moreover as Adeline was looking at Niang she felt as if Niang
herself personified the room by saying that, like the room, our stepmother was also stylish and
flawless. Within her own space Niang greatly demonstrated her power from the very moment
people would look at her. Even Adeline herself felt shabby and ill at ease when being in
Niangs presence in their new home (Mah 24). When Adeline and her siblings were settling into
their new home Niang demonstrated her authority by telling them the rules of the house. One of
the main rules given to them was that they weren't allowed to have any friends over the house,
and they couldnt go to anyone elses house to visit them. With this rule Adeline felt even more
isolation, but despite that she had still found some power and happiness at school.
Adeline would always try her best at school and as a result she would often lead her class.
Within her school Adeline felt happy and even accepted as opposed to being home with her
family. Whenever Adeline would be home she would be reminded of her powerlessness within
the family. Adeline would be told by her siblings at home that, If you had not been born Mama

would still be alive. She died because of you. You are bad luck(Mah 3). At school however,
Adeline had a really good friend named Wu Chun-mei who she could talk to and not feel put
down. One day at Adelines school there was an announcement for becoming class president, and
Wu Chun-mei had immediately nominated Adeline for president. Even when Adeline couldnt
stay after school the day she delivered her speech for the presidency, Wu Chun-mei had told her,
Don't worry! Ill win this thing for you! (Mah 109). Due to Wu Chun-mei and their friendship,
Adeline had won in becoming class president of her school. After winning the election Adeline
had felt the power of being on top of the world (Mah 111). Adeline felt such happiness that the
feeling of powerlessness and ill at ease she has at home wasnt on her mind. Adeline had felt
the power to take control of her life because of her friends and her actions in school, and she had
even said Though my parents tell me Im worthless, Ive proven them wrong! Of all the girls in
my class, my classmates chose me to be their president (Mah 112).
Although Adeline had felt on top of the world, when she had entered the house her
happiness began to fade away. Even mentioning the accomplishment to her family means
nothing to them. Adeline is then reminded again that she is, still a disgrace (Mah 114). Later
that day when Adeline was in her room and her friends from school had came by her house to
celebrate with her on winning the election. Of course thought, Adeline felt panic-stricken when
she had been told this. She knew that Niang would become furious with her because of this.
Adeline had tried to explain that her classmates had came to their house out of their own will
because of the election at school. Adeline had approached Niang gingerly, and trembling with
terror(Mah 114). Finally to demonstrate her full authority over Adeline, Niang slaps Adeline so
hard she fell. Niang then commands Adeline to go downstairs and tell everyone to leave and that
they are not welcome!(Mah 115). Despite that happening the next day when Adeline goes to

school, and when she enters she her teacher turned to her and smiled proudly. Her teacher then
says, I want the class to welcome and salute Yen Jun-ling as your new class president(Mah
118). All throughout that day Adeline felt happy and accepted. She had put the horrible memories
of what had happened within her house behind her and she was even lighthearted walking back
In the very beginning when Nai Nai was still alive the family power was namely
centered around her, but after Nai Nais passing however Niang had taken control of the power
within the family. Most of the time life had been rough because of Niangs power within the
house, but whenever she had left the space of the house the atmosphere would seem more calm.
Although it only seems that when Adeline was at school however, she herself gains more power
and control over her life. The power that was established by the hierarchy within the house made
life extremely difficult for Adeline, but despite that she had found her power thanks to her
schooling and her friends. It seems like the highlighted part is your main idea. You need to
clarify your main idea in your introduction paragraph.

You also need to give your paragraphs meaning and purpose within the essay. Yiou had
very good examples and supporting paragraphs but you did not tie them back to your main idea
so I had to keep going back to your introduction paragraph to remember what you were trying to
analyze. Even then I was confused because your thesis was unclear. It wasnt till I got to your
conclusion that I saw what you were trying to do. So, you are analyzing that e Adeline founind
her own power when she moves away from the power of Niang. The power of Niang resides in
her home and Adeline finds her power at school. This is a very good idea. I really like it. Now,
just make sure you are clarifying your paragraphs so they speak to this main point.

Where is your work cited page?

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