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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template


Subject: Social Studies

Ms. Rogowski and Ms. Sanchez

Common Core State Standards:
Strand 1: American History
PO 4. Identify the early civilizations (e.g., Maya, Aztec, Inca/Inka) that developed into empires in Central and South America.

Objective (Explicit):

SWBAT : explain what a civilization is within Native American culture by using thinking maps. aa
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
Provide exemplar studenst responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
Assign value to each portion of the response.

Students will be able to complete a double bubble map of two different civilizations within this lesson
identifying similarities and differences.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

1. SWBAT: identify characteristics of a civilization using a circle map.

2. SWBAT: compare details from life, when Native Americans lived and life in the present, what is the same, what
is different by underlining and circling details given in the text.
3. SWBAT: state specific details from how the Mayas, Aztec, Anasazi, Inuit, and Cahokia tribes lived.
4. SWBAT: explain specific details of how civilization differs in the past and now in the present, students will
display this in a double bubble map.
Key vocabulary :







Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

How will you activate student interest?

How will you connect to past learning?
How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your students?

Today we will be discussing ancient cultures and civilizations by using thinking maps. To
start off, I would like you to first think about, what is a civilization. Teacher will create a circle
map generating ideas for what they know about civilization. Once, students have a couple
ideas they will write1-2 sentences for what they know about civilization. Now turn to your
face partner and share your ideas. Teacher will call on volunteers to share various answers.

Teacher Will:

Student Will:

How will you model/explain/demonstrate all

knowledge/skills required of the objective?
What types of visuals will you use?
How will you address misunderstandings or common
student errors?
How will you check for understanding?
How will you explain and model behavioral
Is there enough detail in this section so that another
person could teach it?

What will students be doing to actively

capture and process the new material?
How will students be engaged?

Teacher will have materials all ready for students on the table.

T: Now that we have a couple ideas of what a civilization could

be I would like you to think about what life may be like back
when the Native Americans lived and how it compares to life
right now.

S: Listen to teachers model, on using a double bubble

to compare ideas about life in the past to life in the

T: Pull up show me that demonstrates, life back then and life

now and how it compares. It will be demonstrated using a
double bubble. Next have students think of examples from
their own life. Tell students that is independent and that they
will only be given 4 minutes.


S: Create their own double bubble to compare ideas,

T: Teacher will go over multiple student examples, students can
volunteer their answers. Teacher can add their examples to her
show me.

T: Open your workbooks to page 40 and we can do some

reading together, when I drop my voice, you will fill in the

having at least two ideas.

S: Volunteers will share out ideas on how

their life
T: Read pages 40-41 outloud.

compares to life in the past.

T: Turn the page, now we are going to read about the Mayan
Civilization. While we read, we are going to underline cultural
S: Follow along with reading on pgs. 40-41.
aspects of the Maya including food, shelter, religion and daily

T: After #2, teacher will ask, Why did the Maya create a
** Students may need to talk with their shoulder partner to
retrieve the answer. ***

T: After #3 teacher will ask What are the roles and

responsibilities of Maya leaders in society?
**Turn and talk with face partner**

T: After #4 teacher will ask, Why did the Maya civilization

***Turn and talk with a partner**

S: The Maya created the calendar to help with farming

and predicting events such as eclipses.

T: Read Aztec section underling culture aspects.

T: In this box it says, Think about different cultural aspects of

the Maya and Aztec. How were they similar? How were they
different? Now, talk to your shoulder partner, say whats up
shoulder partner! Now, Partner A talk about similarities,
partner B talk about differences.

S: Maya leaders oversaw large building projects and

led military. They formed alliances and strengthened
trade. Maya often married royalty from other

T: Lets talk about what we found as similarities

Some similarities may include:
settled on the shore of Lake Texcoco
built temples for their gods
At war with their neighbors

S: Maya people moved out of cities in search of food.

They lost power by A.D. 900.

Created the calendar (M)
Losing teams were sacrificed to the gods (M)
Slaves and prisoners were sacrificed to the gods (A)
Boys were trained at a young age to be soldiers (A)

S: Follow along underlining in their textbooks.

S: Students will talk about the similarities and

differences with their shoulder partner, partner A will
talk about similarities and partner B will talk about
***** Possible answers are on the teacher side***

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?

Guided Practice

Students will work with a partner to answer guided questions. Students will have
the opportunity to share similarities and differences, whole group.

Teacher Will:

How will you ensure that all students have multiple

opportunities to practice new content and skills?
What types of questions can you ask students as you
are observing them practice?
How/when will you check for understanding?
How will you provide guidance to all students as they
How will you explain and model behavioral
Is there enough detail in this section so that another
person could facilitate this practice?

T: Turn the page, and in this section I am going to have you

read and underline the culture aspects in the Anasazi. Instead
of looking at this with your shoulder partner, I am going to have
you SUHUPU, when the music stops you are going to freeze,
give your partner a hi-five and say, howdy-partner! You may
find anywhere in the room to work, be sure to bring your

Student Will:

How will students practice all

knowledge/skills required of the objective,
with your support, such that they continue
to internalize the sub-objectives?
How will students be engaged?
How will you elicit student-to-student
How are students practicing in ways that
align to independent practice?

S: Work with partner, underline cultural aspects in

each tribe.

S: Complete SUHUPU, for each section, underling

cultural aspects. Students will only have 3-5 min in each

T: Students will complete this task for the Inuit, Mound

Builders, and Cahokia. Each time, students will SUHUPU, within
each section students will be given 3-5 minutes.


Teacher will set an exact timer on her phone during this time in
order to not get sidetracked.

*** When they meet with their partner, students with the longest
hair will go first, tallest person, oldest person**

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
How can you utilize grouping strategies?
Students will have the opportunity to read and underline parts with multiple partners.

Teacher Will:

How will you plan to coach and correct during

this practice?

How will you provide opportunities for

remediation and extension?

How will you clearly state and model

academic and behavioral expectations?

Did you provide enough detail so that

another person could facilitate the practice?


T: Now I would like you to open up Show Me

again creating a new document making a Venn
Diagram, on one side I would like you to pick one
tribe and compare it to another one on the other
side, on each side write examples that are
different, in the middle write an example that is

T: Please do this section independently, using at

least two examples, in each. I will give you about 7
minutes to do this.

Student Will:

How will students independently practice the

knowledge and skills required by the objective?
How will students be engaged?
How are students practicing in ways that align to
How are students using self-assessment to guide
their own learning?
How are you supporting students giving feedback
to one another?

S: Create their own venn diagram comparing

the differences of two tribes as well as the
similarities. Students will use at least two
examples in each section.

S: Save this document in their Show Me file,

make sure students write their name on their
show me!

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?

Students will use at least two examples in each, they can write more if they have the time to
write more examples.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?

Why will students be engaged?

At the end, have students open up another show me answering this sentence starter, I used to think civilization was..
Next have them answer, But now I think civilization is

Possible student answers

I used to think civilization was how people live
But now I think civilization is the culture in which people live in, which includes food, religion, clothing, and
other beliefs.

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