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Bloomberg data base session check for client install
can login and create individual space on Bloomberg terminal in the library
login terminal provides 4 screen for multitasking purpose only
keyboard specification
Yellow keys are asset class keys
green shortcut keys
help key ( press twice ) > redirect query to chat room

data can be queried by writing in bar on terminal

data can be copied via right click and export ( pdf, image, clipboard)
security study option ( add security ) is for comparative analysis ( technical like moving
averages) , add fields, add events on chat also

To export company data >output ( tab select) in window and then export as pdf/ excel ..
The excel exported is also hyperlinked with terminal and is dynamic ( so can change it by
changing formula )

choose any company ( write name in terminal ) and then choose broad field of comparative
analytics ( now u can choose any peer company to compare)
for any company one can customise tabs.
you can directly do function analysis by writing Beta / or any function name ( can change base
index also, change time stamp etc)
Sectoral analysis : equity screen EQS (write in terminal ) -> choose all and now check
matches that match criteria and then click on result ( at right bottom)
add criteria / like country
public private
domicile india

Actions >change currency

Range can not be specified ( so one has to add for all years ; 2004 ,05 ,06 on)
Bloomberg uses CMPL (composite London closing rates)
EQS>choose exchange> can filter on rank basis ( for a period of time, on particular
exchange )
can choose any sector and then do macro analysis

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