Cheesesteak Festival Log

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Cheesesteak Festival LOG

SOT Jamie w/ Kevin Baxter/Co-Founder, Philly Cheesesteak Festival (0013)

11:01:18 are you telling me its taken this long to have a cheesesteak festival in
Philadelphia 11:01:23 yea I mean our thing was we couldnt believe that it had
taken this long 11:01:27 I saw Nathans Im from new York originally 11:01:29 Im
like here they go all over for the hot dog weve never done something for the iconic
sandwich of Philadelphia 11:01:36 amazing to me
11:02:25 its hard not to notice theres a giant cheesesteak behind me 11:02:27
thats cheesey 11:02:27 hi cheesey 11:02:28 so to really bring the festival to life we
said we have to have a mascot 11:02:34 every great festival has a mascot and this
is cheesey you are gonna see him all around the city for the next few weeks up until
the festival 11:02:39
Cheeseys kind of impressive I mean not only is he a giant cheesesteak but he can
spin, he can dance he does it all hes very entertaining 11:02:48
11:02:55 Im wearing this for Halloween 11:02:57
11:03:23 60 different cheesesteak vendors? Absolutely. Thats heaven for a
cheesesteak lover. The numbers been going up as weve seen more and more
people buying tickets and what not we started with 40, we made a promise of 50
and now we just got delassandros so were heading in to 60 11:03:36 its great
cause everyones gonna get fed 11:03:40 // 11:03:42 everybody that gets a ticket is
going to get a piece of a cheesesteak 11:03:44
11:04:36 so come with your appetite come with your appetite 11:04:38 but also
come with everything else we have entertainment carnival games corn hole
11:04:43 // 11:04:45 we wanted to really mirror a food festival which his huge and
festivals and bri9ng them all together for really what were calling the mother of all
food festivals so its gonna be quite a show on the 24 th 11:04:55
11:05:00 some of the big names are gonna be there? There are gonna be big names
11:05:40 I think there is a little bit of a brotherhood you know sure heres always
gonna be a little competiveness // 11:05:53 Im sure theres a competition but were
all under one cheesesteak right 11:05:58
11:07:36 where is this all gonna be? This is gonna be at Lincoln financial field I
mean if youre gonna do it lets do it big 11:07:43
11:08:29 what are you guys thinking we wanted to get a little crazy 11:08:33
SOT Jamie w/ Michael Wink/Co-Founder, Philly Cheesesteak Festival (0013)

11:01:38 hows that possible? 11:01:40 its just one of those things you know
Philadelphias a competitive area and um nobody really wanted to compete against
each other 11:01:47 so what we did is we created a p0latform where you can go
and sample everybody else without a competition 11:01:50
11:01:55 what made you come up with this? Uh it was a collaboration between
Kevin, myself and elite events uh I have a food background I used to work with
Steven Starr down here in the city 11:02:04 I always love food and wanted to do a
food event 11:02:07 // 11:02:13 Kevin was really adamant about doing just he
cheesesteak only because thats kind of the iconic symbol of Philadelphia 11:02:17
he said hey we got to just stick to cheesesteaks and just do it 11:02:21 its kind of
just evolved from there 11:02:21

11:03:46 I love cheesesteaks 11:03:50 I dont know if I could possibly sample 60

cheesesteaks how is this gonna work? If you do we should probably come up with
some kind of award for you 11:03:57
11:04:00 were doing the samples in a 2 bite portion so that way you get to go you
get to try your different spots 11:04:05 people especially Philadelphians your set in
your ways you have your shops that you go to 11:04:08 so were here at Steves
steaks today and // 11:04:15 by doing the smaller sample sizes you get to go
around you get to try different underdog shops theres all kinds of different things
that youve never had before 11:04:22 youll see cheesesteak pierogis and
empanadas and things like that 11:04:26 so more than just cheesesteaks but plays
on cheesesteaks as well 11:04:31
11:04:33 its a culinary, its a food festival too!! 11:04:35
11:05:07 Steves is actually building the worlds largest cheesesteak 11:05:09
11:06:16 the worlds largest cheesesteak right now is in Arizona 11:06:18 and its
426 feet long I know cheesey cheesey is very upset about this 11:06:23 //
11:06:26 were gonna bring that title back to Philadelphia 11:06:28 // 11:06:36
were going to build a 450 foot cheesesteak to blow the one in Arizona out of the
water 11:06:39 because were Philadelphia and the worlds largest cheesesteaks
should be here - 500 500 feet he said 500 feet you heard it here 500 feet
11:08:12 everywhere you go theres gonna be something to do we have a zip line
Jamie w/ Steve Iliescu Prince of Steaks (0016)
11:13:39 were gonna make some chesseteaks were gonna make some
cheesestewakzs 11:13:42

11:13:45Dont make a mistake and be fooled by a fake im the true prince of steeaks
11:13:47 steves prince of steaks 11:13:49
11:13:54 one bite and you will be a loyal subject for life 11:13:56
Cheesesteak invented in Philadelphia in 1937 by pat oliveri pats steaks
11:14:42 it has become a Philadelphia tradition 11:14:45
11:16:23 youve been doing this al ong time 35 years 35 years, how ahs there
not been a cheesesteak festival? 11:16:30
11:17:05 who doesnt want to hold the world record 11:17:07
11:17:37 whats the most popular? Wiz wit or without onions is the true traditional
SOT Jamie w/ Tom Francano/ General Mamnager, Pats Steaks (0037)
12:06:35 why be a part of this? Well you know Philadelphia is the capital of
cheesesteaks you know what I mean 12:06:41 when you come to philly his is the
greatest cheesesteak shop in the world 12:06:47 I mean it all started here so why
not do it 12:06:49
12:06:51 how has there not been a cheesesteak festival? I know all them years and
this is only the first one 12:06:56
12:08:26 it all started here at pats this is the original cheeses shop you know so I
12:08:39 its the original cheesesteak 12:08:41
12:09:48 over a billion served we did that way long ago we did that 12:09:53
12:10:45 american
12:10:55 two provolone wit
NAT Jamie makes steak (0041)
12:13:40 look at that thats beautiful see I can do this I may even want to eat hat
one 12:13:45
12:13:58 I made that

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