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Observation One

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Fosters: House and Home

Note: This observation took place throughout a 42-minute episode. The majority of the
observation took place in the middle and towards the end of the episode. The specific timing of
events listed in the observation is based on when they occurred in the episode.

Relevant Background Information: The observations listed below took place inside a group
home called Girls United. The audience is introduced to all the members apart of Girls
United. Group homes provide the most restrictive placement for foster children. Children placed
in group homes may have emotional or behavioral problems that require a more restrictive
environment. A group home usually houses six or more children. Callie is separated from her
brother, Jude, and is placed in Girls United for running away. The episode is very emotional as
Callie tries to adjust to her new lifestyle.

Figured World: A large social structure that obtains its own particular rules and conventions
for correct behavior.

Inside a group home, care is given to a group of people with similar disabilities. Group
homes provide the most restrictive out-of-home placement for children in foster care. Group
homes provide a placement option for children with emotional or behavioral problems. These
children usually require more restrictive environments. In the group homes, 24-hour nonmedical
care and supervision is provided. The purpose of observing a group home is to analyze how the
individuals learn to work together, be supportive, and become a family. There are many specific
rules conventions that are required when living in a group home. There are absolutely no drugs
allowed in the household. Possession will lead to a consequence and one could possibly be
removed from the home. Unless you have earned your visitation you are not allowed to have
family members or friends come visit you inside the home. The members living in the home are
given jobs to complete when living in the house. Members are given chores to do around the
house. When living in the house, it is not acceptable to be disrespectful to other members or the
supervisor. Any lying or stealing is not permitted. Fighting shall not be tolerated either inside the
group house. Acting up inside the group home will gain you extra work and you could lose your
privileges. The goal is for everyone to get along and put effort towards helping one another.
Inside the group home, it would also be inappropriate to have an intimate relationship with any
other member.

Actors: Individuals who have a significant role or purpose in a community. I have chosen the
individuals below because they are the key individuals who set the stage for the show in this

Comment [1]: Very basic description of the cast, it is

direct and to the point. I fell like you should elaborate
on the characters. Inserting their names would go a
long way in earning the cast :)
Comment [2]: Nevermind, the characters were
introduced later on in the assignment
Comment [3]: Clarifying for the reader may help when it
comes to the involvement of behavioral problems.
Listing some of the problems that these girls have
could clear up reasons as to why they are in the group
homes. Also, I would like to know if all the girls have
the same type of problem or not?

Callie: A 16-year-old girl who has been in foster care for a long time, bounced around from
home to home. Callie plays the role as a loving and caring sister and role model for her younger
brother, Jude. Callie begins to give up on finding a family until she meets The Fosters.

Jude: Callies little, innocent brother. Jude is not the most talkative but is always paying
attention to what is going on.

Rita: In charge of the foster group home, Girls United. Rita is a loving, caring individual
who takes pride in the members of Girls United. Rita is a confident, mid-aged woman who
devotes all her time and effort towards Girls United.

Brandon: Step Fosters biological son with Mike. Brandon is the eldest son but when
Callie enters the family everything changes for him.

Cole: A member of Girls United. Cole is very passionate towards becoming transgender.
Cole is 15 years old and seems to have anger issues.

Artifacts: Physical objects, feelings, or emotions that are culturally significant within a

Girls United: The group home in the show the Fosters, represents a safe and secure
environment for individuals who need stability. The home offers support and guidance for the
members that need it. Girls United hopes to give the girls a different outlook on life.

Callies Determination: The time Callie spends inside the group home rubs off on the
other girls. Throughout her stay Callie makes improvement after she realizes why she is there.
The other girls are influenced to make a difference when they see how successful and the
progress Callie is making.

Comment [4]: You described Callie's determination

well! I would like to know what characteristics rubbed
off on the other girls. Also, including a description of the
improvements she makes corresponding with why she
realizes she was there would help me to understand
what kind of person she was, and turned into.

Communities of Practice: Individuals who share a passion for what they do. These
individuals share common interests, habits, and ways of communicating.

Members of Girls United: Each one of the girls in Girls United have something in
common. Whether they all come from different backgrounds they are all there for the same
reason. The group home is provided for foster children who have no place to go. All of the girls
have some kind of emotional or behavioral problems that require a more restrictive environment.

Domain: Individuals who share the same goals/interests. Therefore, members are
distinguished from other people.

Gaining Privileges: One key factor that drives the girls to be successful in Girls United
is getting to see their family on the weekends. Other members of Girls United have to vote on
your visitation rights. If you do not participate in group talk and put forth the effort you could
lose your privileges.

Practice of the Community: Involves the shared ways individuals complete a task. Members
of a community engage in activities to further their ideas in order to accomplish a goal.

Bettering Oneself: One of the practices of the community of practice is working towards
making an improvement. Many of the girls that come into the home have drug addiction or some

Comment [5]: I don't really understand what "group

talk" is. What if you defined how it's directly correlated
to the privileges? Or what girls can specifically do to
put forth effort? This might clear up some confusion for
future readers.

kind of behavioral problem. Before any of the girls can get out of the group home they must
learn how to support one another and find the real reason they are there.

Literacy Practices: Ways of communicating that can be written or spoken.

Group Talk: By having group talk everyday the girls are able to express their thoughts and
emotions. Sometimes having a support group is all someone needs. Group talk allows for Rita to
confront all the girls at once about a specific idea or topic.

Comment [6]: I also don't understand what group talk

is. Is it an organized talk? How often do they have
group talks? What feelings are expressed between the

The Observation:

15:00mins: Callie is escorted by her probation officer into the house she will be living in. The
house is a modern two story house that looks very safe and secure. Callie looks very nervous and
confused as she walks up the stairs. Callie asks her probation officer how long she is going to be
here and exactly what it is. Rita, the owner of the group home, greets Callie with a warm
welcoming into Girls United. Callie walks into the house while Rita tells her about Girls
United. There are seven girls currently living in the home. Inside the home there are no bars,
security gates, or security cameras set up. The inside of the house is very clean and organized.
Rita informs Callie at Girls United they trust you won't leave the home. If you violate the trust,
you go back to jail or are placed in a more restrictive group home. The choice is yours. The girls
gather one by one to come meet Callie. As the girls walk by, they glance at Callie. There is no
smiling or hugging. All of the girls are serious. The girls circle around in a circle to introduce
themselves. None of the girls look eager to talk. Many of the girls look down and do not make
eye contact. The first girl to speak, Kierra, is fifteen years old and has been in jail four times.
Kierra is very loud and does not seem shy. Becca is the next one to speak but is rudely
interrupted by Kierra. Becca is 16 years old and has been in trouble for drugs. Becca puts her feet
up on the couch. Becca does not seem like she follows the rules to well. Carmen is 17 and wants
to join the army. Carmen looks like the only girl who knows what she wants to do when she gets
out of Girls United. Cole starts to tell the other girls about herself. Cole is 15 and has been
with Girls United for three weeks due to stealing. Daffney looks big, tough, and older than the
other girls. Daffney is 17 and is in Girls United for drugs and gangs. Gabby is last girl to speak
before Callie. Gabby has gotten in trouble for armed robbery and cyber bullying. Callie tells the
other girls she is 16 and should not be here.

22:00mins: Cole is the kitchen floor man of the house. Cole walks around making sure the other
girls are doing their jobs. All the girls work together to clean the kitchen. Becca is doing the
dishes and Kierra is putting the clean dishes away. Cole orders Callie to wipe the counter again.
The other girls make fun of Cole because she is a transgender. Daffney tries to get the other girls
to cut out the drama and just do their jobs. Gabby tells Daffney to show Callie where the trash is.
Callie does not look thrilled to take the trash out with Daffney. The trash is in a big black bag.
There is tension between Daffney and Callie. Daffney put her hands on Callie in jail. Callie looks

Comment [7]: Great start to the observation, but I'm left

wondering why there was a 15 minute gap between the
beginning of the episode, and the beginning of your
observation. Also, why was Callie under probation?
Was this described in the episode, or the 15 minute
segment where there was no description given?

timid around Daffney and eager to leave the situation. Callie tells Daffney they are not straight
and begins to walk back into the house.

26:00mins: Callie and Kierra are roommates. They begin to make their bed and get ready for the
night. The room looks very warm and cozy. The room has two beds and does not look to small.
Kierra explains to Callie what an UA is. A UA is something that is unacceptable. If you dont do
you job or get into it with the other girls, you can get a UA. If you get 5 UAs then you get a
consequence. Callie puts a pillow case on her pillow and continues to ask questions. Kierra
informs Callie if you have your privileges you can have visitors. The other girls in the house vote
on your privileges. Callie has a shocked look on her face when she hears this. Callie looks scared
she might not ever get to see her little brother, Jude. There is a picture of Kierras brother beside
her bed. Apparently he doesnt come visit her on the weekends. Rita walks into their room to
check in on them before bed time. Rita seems like a very loving and caring individual. Rita
informs Callie the first night can be a bit rough and if she needs anything to come downstairs.
Callie gets into bed and turns the opposite way from Kierra. Kierra tells Callie if you talk in
group and do you job the girls wont vote against you. Callie looks upset and concerned about
her future in Girls United.

30:00mins: The next morning the girls talk about what theyve been through. The girls talk to
each other for support. Kierra shows her love for Gabby and tells her she cares. The girls
convince Rita to tell a little about herself. The girls look interested and become engaged when
Rita begins to speak. Shortly after Callie and Kierra get ready for bed there is an incident. Callie
grabs her toothbrush and heads towards the bathroom. As she opens the door, Cole is standing
right in front of her. Callie tries to apologize but Cole wants her out. Cole looks furious and not
comfortable with the situation. Cole pushes Callie back towards the door. Callie looks angry and
upset. Callie pushes back and Cole falls back into the shower. Glass shatters everywhere while
Callie stares with a look of regret. All of the girls come downstairs to hear each side of the story.
Cole says she slipped on water and fell back into the shower. Callie claims to have just walked in
on Cole. All of the girls look tired and are standing around in their pajamas. As a result of the
incident, Callie and Cole are made roommates.

40:00mins: Rita walks into Callies room. She has a sympathetic look on her face towards Callie.
Rita tells Callie shes sorry she couldnt see Jude. Rita informs Callie you dont get to just act
out and then avoid the consequences. Callie looks frustrated and as if she doesnt care about
what Rita is saying. Callie stares outside the window. Brandon appears to be standing on the
sidewalk outside of the house. Callie opens the door and sprints to Brandon. Callie hugs Brandon
with a relieved look on her face.

Observation Two
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Fosters: Things Unsaid

Note: The observation took place over a 42-minute-long episode. The observation begins at the
beginning of the episode and continues throughout the time period. The specific timing of
events listed in the observation is based off when they occur in the episode.

Relevant Background Information: Callie struggles to adjust living in the group home. As a
result, she begins acting up. The majority of the observation takes place inside the home except
for when Rita takes the girls on a field trip. The girls are taken to an art showcase. Several
important incidents take place. Callie steps up for Cole despite the criticism everyone else has for
her decision to be transgender. A lot of arguing takes place in this episode.

Figure World: A large social structure that obtains its own particular rules and conventions
for correct behavior.

Inside a group home, care is given to a group of people with similar disabilities. Group
homes provide the most restrictive out-of-home placement for children in foster care. Group
homes provide a placement option for children with emotional or behavioral problems. These
children usually require more restrictive environments. In the group homes, 24-hour nonmedical
care and supervision is provided. The purpose of observing a group home is to analyze how the
individuals learn to work together, be supportive, and become a family. There are many specific
rules conventions that are required when living in a group home. There are absolutely no drugs
allowed in the household. Possession will lead to a consequence and one could possibly be
removed from the home. Unless you have earned your visitation you are not allowed to have
family members or friends come visit you inside the home. The members living in the home are
given jobs to complete when living in the house. Members are given chores to do around the
house. When living in the house, it is not acceptable to be disrespectful to other members or the
supervisor. Any lying or stealing is not permitted. Fighting shall not be tolerated either inside the
group house. Acting up inside the group home will gain you extra work and you could lose your
privileges. The goal is for everyone to get along and put effort towards helping one another.
Inside the group home, it would also be inappropriate to have an intimate relationship with any
other member.

Actors: Individuals who have a significant role or purpose in a community. I have chosen the
individuals below because they are the key individuals who set the stage for the show in this

Callie: A 16-year-old girl who has been in foster care for a long time, bounced around
from home to home. Callie plays the role as a loving and caring sister and role model for her
younger brother, Jude. Callie begins to give up on finding a family until she meets the Fosters.

Cole: A member of Girls United. Cole is very passionate towards becoming transgender.
Cole is 15 years old and seems to have anger issues.

Comment [8]: I could see from the previous observation

that Callie might be feeling a struggle to adapt, which
was a great description. I feel that you should describe
her behavior, as well as include any consequences she
faced. Maybe include any specific acts that jump out.

Rita: In charge of the foster group home, Girls United. Rita is a loving, caring individual
who takes pride in the members of Girls United. Rita is a confident, mid-aged woman who
believes in making change.

Brandon: Step Fosters biological son with Mike. Brandon is the eldest son but when
Callie enters the family everything changes for him.

Artifacts: Physical objects, feelings, or emotions that are culturally significant within a

Callies ambition: Nothing stands in Callies way from seeing Brandon. Callie risks
getting in trouble when on the field trip just to see Brandon. Callie is a strong, independent,
determined individual who makes her own decisions.

Communities of Practice: Individuals who share a passion for what they do. These
individuals share common interests, habits, and ways of communicating.

Artists at the art show: The individuals whose art was being displayed during the art
show all share a talent. These individuals share interest in creating artwork to display to their

Domain: Individuals who share the same goals/interests. Therefore, members are
distinguished from other people.

Girls United: All of the girls share the same goal of wanting to get out of the home. In
this episode the girls take a field trip. In this episode the girls get to experience what its like to
have freedom.

Practice of the Community: Involves the shared ways individuals complete a task. Members
of a community engage in activities to further their ideas in order to accomplish a goal.

Looking out for one another: In this episode Daffney saves Callie from getting in trouble
by Rita. In the group home, the girls learn how to work together and have each others backs.
The girls soon start to realize how to look out and care for one other.

Literacy Practices: Ways of communicating that can be written or spoken.

Group Talk: After the girls get back from the field trip, a group discussion is held about
how the day went. Group talk allows for anyone to speak out loud. The discussion helps to
analyze the problems that occurred throughout the day.

Texting: Callie sneaks out of the house to communicate with Brandon off a cellar device. It
is only a matter of time before Cole discovers the phone.

The Observation:

2:00mins: Rita confronts Callie about her decision to act out inside the group home. Callie looks
back at Rita with a blank stare. Rita makes it clear just because there is no bars or security gates

Comment [9]: Could you possibly go a little more in

depth about this literacy practice? It seems a bit vague
and I don't understand why she is wanting to talk to
Brandon so bad if she is going to get caught.

around the home doesnt mean you get to act out. Rita seems frustrated and uptight about
Callies recent actions. Rita has reached her breaking point with Callie. Callie shakes her head up
and down. Rita dismisses Callie.

13:00mins: All of the girls in Girls United go on a field trip. The majority of the girls look
pleased to get out of the house. When the girls are listening to the instructor they do not seem
engaged. The girls make jokes to each other and seem to be enjoying the fresh air. As the crowd
moves forward on the tour, Callie sneaks off on her own. Callie looks suspicious and up to no
good. Callie takes a deep breath and continues to walk in the opposite direction. Callie walks
inside to where the art is being displayed. Brandon appears from behind and asks Callie if she
would like to see some art. Brandon and Callie unite. Callie looks extremely happy and satisfied
with the situation. Everyone continues to go on the tour but Rita finally realizes Callie is
nowhere to be seen. Rita is in shock and frantically looks around. Rita runs around shouting
Callies name. Rita looks around in confusion. Daffney approaches the situation and orders
Brandon to get lost. Rita walks in the door and sees them both standing there. Callie remains
calm and explains she didnt want to interrupt the tour. Callie takes a deep breath as the three of
them walk back to meet up with the other girls. Rita does not look pleased. Cole waits in the line
for the boys bathroom. A woman walks by informing Cole the line is not for females. The
woman tells Cole she is confusing the lines for other students. Cole become very defensive and
upset. A police officer starts to head over to the situation when the arguing starts to occur. The
police officer tries to grab Cole but Cole swigs back. The other girls start to get involved when
everyone begins to gang up on Cole. There is fighting, yelling, and pushing. Rita approaches the
situation and the girls walk away.

28:00mins: After the incident on the field trip the girls sit around for group talk. The girls try to
blame Cole and wonder why she cant do what she is suppose to do. Cole does not look satisfied
and tries to explain she has rights. Rita tries to get the girls to express themselves to each other
calmly. One of the girls, Gabby, makes an insult to Cole about being transgender. Cole tries to
defend herself the best she can but looks as if she is about to reach her breaking point. Callie
does something unexpected. Callie agrees with Cole. All of the other girls are shocked at what
just came out of Callies mouth. Rita is impressed with what Callie said and praises her. Cole has
a look of hope on her face even though the other girls continue to look down on her.

31:00mins: Steph, being the caring and worrying mother she is, makes a visit to Girls United.
Steph shows up at the front door in her cop uniform and a worried face. Steph asks Rita how
Callie is doing. Steph is reassured that she is doing just fine. All Steph wants to do is see Callie.
Rita informs Steph Callie doesnt have her privileges but even is she did you cant just show up
unannounced. Steph seems scatterbrained and tries to think of anything that will change Ritas
mind. Rita shows sympathy towards Steph and reassures her that Callie will come to them when
she is ready. Callie looks outside the window and sees Steph drive away. Callie looks hopeless.
Callie and Daffney start a conversation as they wait in line for the bathroom. Daffney tells Callie

how relieved she is to be out of the house soon. Daffney informs Callie about her plan when she
gets out. Daffney is going to enroll in the independent living program. Callie becomes curious
and starts to ask more questions about the independent living program. Callie seems shocked it
could be that simply to apply. Daffney informs Callie you have to do good in Girls United or
they won't accept you. Daffney bangs on the bathroom door and Callie starts into space thinking
about what Daffney has said.

37:00mins: Callie bends down on her knees and grabs her phone out of a small box on the side of
the house. It is dark outside. The phone is sealed inside a black trash bag. Callie unravels the
phone out of the bag. As she starts to use the phone, Cole approaches her from behind. Cole
demands for the phone and threatens to turn her in if she does not corporate. Cole walks back
into the house with the phone. Callie has a very agitated look on her face.

Observation 3
September, 26, 2015
"The Fosters: Family Day

Note: The observation did not begin until 15 minutes into the 43-minute-long episode. To
provide a detailed description of how Family Day went for Callie I chose to focus the
majority of the observation on that. The specific timing of events listed in the observation is
based on when they occur in the episode.

Background Information: In this episode Callies family comes to visit. This is a very
emotional and optimistic event in Callies life. Not many families come inside Girls United so
this is a big shock for all the girls. In this episode the audience gets to see the girls interact with
individuals outside of Girls United.

Figure World: A large social structure that obtains its own particular rules and conventions
for correct behavior.

Inside a group home, care is given to a group of people with similar disabilities. Group
homes provide the most restrictive out-of-home placement for children in foster care. Group
homes provide a placement option for children with emotional or behavioral problems. These
children usually require more restrictive environments. In the group homes, 24-hour nonmedical
care and supervision is provided. The purpose of observing a group home is to analyze how the
individuals learn to work together, be supportive, and become a family. There are many specific
rules conventions that are required when living in a group home. There are absolutely no drugs
allowed in the household. Possession will lead to a consequence and one could possibly be
removed from the home. Unless you have earned your visitation you are not allowed to have
family members or friends come visit you inside the home. The members living in the home are
given jobs to complete when living in the house. Members are given chores to do around the

house. When living in the house, it is not acceptable to be disrespectful to other members or the
supervisor. Any lying or stealing is not permitted. Fighting shall not be tolerated either inside the
group house. Acting up inside the group home will gain you extra work and you could lose your
privileges. The goal is for everyone to get along and put effort towards helping one another.
Inside the group home, it would be inappropriate to have an intimate relationship with any other

Actors: Individuals who have a significant role or purpose in a community. I have chosen the
individuals below because they are the key individuals who set the stage for the show in this

Callie: A 16-year-old who is fresh out of juvenile detention. Callie has been in foster care
for a long time, bounced around from home to home. Callie plays the role as a loving and caring
sister and role model for her younger brother, Jude. Callie begins to give up on finding a family
until she meets the Fosters.

Jude: Callies little, innocent brother. Jude is not the most talkative but is always paying
attention to what is going on.

Jesus: One of the twins that were taken in as a toddler and adopted by Steph and Lena. He
is 15 years old and is very laid back. Jesus has attention deficit disorder and to help his disorder,
he takes medication pills.

Mariana: Jesuss fraternal twin and adopted daughter of Steph and Lena. Mariana is
popular, social, and a smart student.

Lena Foster: Lena is Stephs wife and is the vice principal of Anchor Beach Charter
School. Lena is dark skinned with curly hair and a thin body.

Step Foster: A cop who was recently married to Mike foster and gave birth to their son
Brandon. Lena later became involved with Lena and together they started fostering children.

Brandon: Step Fosters biological son with Mike. Brandon is the eldest son but when
Callie enters the family everything changes for him.

Artifacts: Physical objects, feelings, or emotions that are culturally significant within a

Hormone Pills: We very quickly learn that one of the members of Girls United has a
serious problem. It only takes one incident where Cole almost takes her own life. The hormones
Cole takes represent a serious addiction she has. The incident brings attention to the people who
love her that she needs help.

Communities of Practice: Individuals who share a passion for what they do. These
individuals share common interests, habits, and ways of communicating.

EMTs: EMTs all share a passion of helping those in need. They all share ways of
communicating to make sure the patient is taken care of.

Comment [10]: Each of the actors you have mentioned

flow greatly together. I think that this helps the reader
create a clearer picture. Having each character
previously correlate to the other will clear confusion.

Callie and Brandon: Both Callie and Brandon share interest in playing the guitar. They
both have a passion for music. Music helps Brandon and Callie communicate when there are no
words to be spoken.

Domain: Individuals who share the same goals/interests. Therefore, members are
distinguished from other people.

Members of Girls United: All of the girls placed in the home are there for a reason. No
family or someone to look out for them. All they have is each other. The girls share the same
interest in wanting to be loved and cared for. The girls are used to being by themselves and not
having a shoulder to lean on.

Practice of the Community: Involves the shared ways individuals complete a task. Members
of a community engage in activities to further their ideas in order to accomplish a goal.

Taking Care of the Patient: One of the practices an EMT must do is make sure the patient
is being treated. The community of practice as a whole does their best to keep the patient alive
until arriving at the hospital. Cole is wheeled out of the house on a stretcher and put in the
ambulance. The EMTs are right by her side ready to assist.

Literacy Practices: Ways of communicating that can be written or spoken.

Verbal Communication: Callie catches up with her family when they come visit. There is
plenty to talk about during the visit. Callie seems to enjoy communicating with Brandon in
person rather than texting him.

The Observation:

15:00mins: Callie looks out with window as she sees her family get out of the car. Daffney looks
at Callie with jealousy. All of the other girls look shocked at how many visitors Callie has. The
girls stand up out of their chairs in disbelief. The Fosters begin to walk up the stairs approaching
the front door. Callie looks happy for once. Callie quickly walks to the door and opens it. Steph,
Lena, Jude, Brandon, Mariana, and Jesus all smile and greet Callie. Callie smiles with a big sigh
of relief. Jude is the first one to step up and give Callie a hug. Callie holds Judes head while he
lays his head on her chest. Callie closes her eyes and continues to smile. Callie greets the rest of
the family members. Rita approaches the door and welcomes The Fosters into the home. Callie
shuts the door. The other girls are in the kitchen preparing food for lunch. Callie walks into the
kitchen and grabs a jug of water to being serving to her guests. Kierra checks in on Callie and
smiles. The girls start to bicker inside the kitchen. Gabby asks Callie about Jesus. She seems
interested in getting to know him. Gabby has a piercing hanging out of her mouth. The girls
discuss who is cuter, Brandon or Jesus. The other girls are entertained by Callies family since
not many visitors come on the weekends. Mariana asks Callie how its like in Girls Unit.
Callie sits on the floor poring water into glasses while the rest of the family is sitting around her.
Callie talks about an ordinary day inside Girls United. Brandon looks into Callies eyes and

Comment [11]: Do you think that splitting this time

section up could increase the clarity of your paper? I
believe that if you split this time frame into 2 sections it
would help. It is a bit cluttered and I think this would
help the reader.

grabs the glass of water. Rita announces the girls have prepared a late lunch. Jesus stays in his
chair claiming he is not hungry. The food is set up on the table as everyone goes around picking
up what they want. Callie and Jude take their food and go outside on the porch excluded from
everyone else in the house Callie and Jude have a conversation trying to catch up with each
other. Callie apologizes and Jude informs her he is getting adopted. Rita eats her dessert while
talking to Steph and Lena. Rita informs them Callie has applied for independent living. Stephs
eyes become enlarged. The two moms turn to each other in shock. Mariana talks with some of
the girls about their plans for when they get out. Callie walks over to the table and picks up some
of the plates that need to be thrown out. As she walks toward the trash can she hints at Brandon
to come over. Brandon and Callie talk briefly before the visitation comes to an end.

26:00mins: Callie is standing outside by the trash cans when she hears a noise coming from
behind. Cole appears with a small bag. Cole frantically tries to pass Callie but she stands in his
way. Cole and Callie make a deal. In order for Callie to keep quiet about the drugs Cole must
give Callie her phone back. Cole takes a deep breath and secures the bag. Later on that night,
Callie stands by the dryer finishing her laundry when Cole approaches her. Cole tries to explain
to Callie what she saw wasnt drugs. The pills are hormones. Callie is understanding and asks
questions. Callie feels bad for Cole. Cole apologizes and admits to having anger issues. Callie
agrees to let Cole us her phone to continue getting the pills. Cole smiles and walks away. Callie
sighs and continues doing her laundry. The next day, Callie and the other girls are cleaning an
apartment when there is a knock at the door. Brandon appears when Daffney opens the door.
Brandon walks in with his guitar. Callie takes the guitar from Brandon. Callie gives Brandon a
tour of the apartment. The two of them sit on the floor. Brandon begins to play the guitar and
begins to sing. Callie sits watching Brandon with a smile on her face. The two of them look into
each others eyes. Callie puts the guitar away.

32:00mins: When the girls arrive back to the house, there is an ambulance parked on the side of
the street. Cole is laying on a stretcher. Rita looks very uptight and upset. All of the girls look
confused. Rita informs everyone there were needles on the floor. Rita gets into the ambulance
with Cole as the doors are being shut. Rita awares the girls in group talk Cole had a seizure due
to taking the hormone pills.

37:00mins: Callie is sitting on the couch doing homework when Rita approaches her. Rita tells
Callie the girls are right about how she is not committed. Rita tells Callie she does the same
exact thing she does. Callie takes everything away form herself and never takes the time to truly
connect. Rita sips her coffee and continues to talk with Callie. Callie tries to get comfortable but
does not look in the mood to have a conversation. Callie gets up and walks away with her
textbooks in her hand. Rita shakes her head and takes a deep sigh. As Callie is laying in her bed
reading a book, the door is swung open. Rita escorts Cole to her bed very carefully trying not to
cause her more pain. Cole has a white bandage tapped around her head. Callie helps get the bed
ready for Cole. Rita picks Coles head up and looks into her eyes. Ritas eyes start to water as

she tells Cole how much she scared her. Rita gives Cole a hug and leaves to get her a glass of

Note: The following interview below took place via email. The individual who took this
interview has seen all 3 seasons of the show The Fosters and agreed to answer the
questions. The answers were recorded and are shown below.

The Interview:

1. Tell me about your opinion of the group home, Girls United. I think Girls United is a
very beneficial way to regain and find yourself. I think Girls United provides all its members
with a safe and secure environment to live in. Girls United provides a support group for many
of the members who need it.
2. Describe what you think about Callies behavior inside the group home. I think when Callie
first enters the home she is still very agitated, confused, and upset. I think these factors influence
her bad decisions. I think it is hard for Callie to adjust to her new lifestyle but with time she will
be just fine.
3. Discuss your opinion about the other girls in Girls United. I think all the girls are very
similar. Although each girl has a different background they are all there for the same reason. I
think all the other girls have the potential to be who they want to be after leaving Girls United.
4. Reflect on how Girls United is run and what you think can be improved. Girls United is
run very smoothly and is very organized. The girls have a schedule to follow during the day and
are given chores that must be completed. I think that the rules could be enforced more and there
should be more supervision so there are less incidents involving misbehavior.
5. Tell me what you like about the woman in charge of Girls United, Rita? I think Rita is a
very loving, caring individual who has the girls best interest at heart. I see Rita as a mom to the
members of Girls United.
6. Give an example of how Girls United is a loving support group for its members.
Everyday the girls sit down in a circle for group talk. This gives everyone the chance to let go of
their emotions and feelings. During group talk, the girls have a chance to form relationships with
each other.

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