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Everyone Deserves the Upmost Respect

One of the biggest points Lee stated was that everyone deserves the upmost respect. Situations
will arise where people create problems while working, but treat everyone you encounter with
respect. Whether it be a communication or relationship issue amongst peers or coworkers, they
deserve your respect. Lee, born in Seoul, South Korea, understands culture influence
communication immensely. In Korea, it is tradition to write formally as well as speaking with
high respect towards elders. This tradition, ingrained in Lees head, carried on even after he
immigrated to America. He gained much credibility and camaraderie from his clients for being
so respectful. According to Lee, the tone you write in will most likely determine if a person
decides to contact you back.
Lee described a situation where he was unable to obtain a loan for one of his clients. The client
was unhappy with this outcome and expressed his anger through a letter and eventually face-toface. Lee stated complaints are a big part of his business writing; sometimes his services fail to
obtain loans or extra financial aid for a client. Although the client, who was upset, was being
rude and used profanity, Lee remained calm and respectfully wrote back. When faced with the
angry client, Lee was able to keep his composure and respectfully responded. Regardless of
how rude a client might be; they originally came to you for advice. You have to respect everyone
you come into contact with because you have an image to uphold.
Revise Your Work
Revision of business writing requires attention to detail, and can be quite time consuming says
Lee, Business writing is all about how clear [sic] you can write a message, while remaining
straightforward. Revision makes the process of writing much simpler. When writing a business
letter, Lee will stop after a paragraph and revise. The brain processes information quicker than
the hand can type it. Therefore, it is common to miss a few crucial words and can cloud a
statements meaning. To Lee, Revision clarifies and connects his thoughts. Without revision,
Lees business writing would be choppy.

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