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Threat #1:

The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

Table of Contents

A Crippling EMP Attack------------------------------------------------------- 3

Threat #2:

Devastating Solar Storms----------------------------------------------------- 4

Threat #3:

Cyber Security Malicious Code------------------------------------------- 7

Threat #4:

Stormy Weather the Edge of Reliability-------------------------------- 10

Threat #5:

The Not-So-Smart Smart Grid----------------------------------------------- 12

Threat #6:

Informers in your Home------------------------------------------------------ 15

Threat #7:

Big Business, Big Government, Big Mess--------------------------------- 19

Threat #8:

Fuel Prices Up, Up and Away--------------------------------------------- 20

Threat #9:

Transmission Capacity On Overload--------------------------------------- 25

Threat #10:

Everyone Wants Some-------------------------------------------------------- 28

Published By: Off The Grid News


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

Threat #1:

A Crippling EMP Attack

Airplanes would literally fall from
the sky, cars and trucks would stop
working, and water, sewer, and electrical
networks would fail.
It sounds like something from an
apocalyptic Hollywood movie but the
threat is very real. That threat is EMP,
short for electromagnetic pulse as well
as HEMP, a newer term, which stands for
high-altitude electromagnetic pulse. In a
report recently released by the Heritage
Foundation, a leading U.S. think tank,
national security experts warned President
Obama about the potential EMP threat
from hostile nations or even terrorists.
A nuclear bomb detonated high above
the earths atmosphere wouldnt have its
energy converted to blast energy by the
atmosphere. So it cant destroy people
or property directly. Instead, the bombs
energy would go out as electromagnetic
energy, or an EMP. This could severely
damage, if not completely destroy the
electrical power grid. An EMP weapon
would also destroy all things electronic
airplanes, vehicles, communications
networks, computers, and more.
The report, entitled EMP Attacks

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What the U.S. Must Do Now, pulls no

punches. The consequences of an EMP
attack would be catastrophic. According
to the report, Food would rot, medical
services would collapse, and transportation
would become almost non-existent.
The resulting chaos that would
ensue if that were to happen is nearly
unimaginable. Unlike a nuclear bomb
detonated at ground level, an EMP device
would not kill the surrounding population
immediately. Instead, it would destroy the
grid, returning America to a pre-industrial
level of technology. Millions of people
would suffer slow, agonizing deaths from
starvation, lack of clean water, and lack of
medical care.
While hostile nations may have the
capability for a large-scale EMP attack,
even a smaller EMP attack by terrorists
would have catastrophic consequences.
A nuclear bomb capable of producing an
EMP can fit in a backpack and be launched
from the back of a tractor trailer or from
a shipping container on a cargo ship. An
even smaller device called an explosively
pumped flux compression generator
(EPFCG)1 could be carried by a single


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

individual. In the hands of a terrorist, this

device could release pulses in the millions
of amperes and tens of terawatts, and it
does it without a nuclear bomb.
An EPFCG set off in New York City could
conceivably create an EMP that would
stop the entire Northeast corridor cold.
A single nuclear bomb, launched from
a cargo ship in the Gulf of Mexico, could
create a large enough EMP to destroy the
electronics across over 90 percent of the
United States.
Repairs to the grid would literally take

years, if society could survive long enough

to accomplish them. The equipment
needed for these repairs isnt just sitting
in warehouses, waiting to be used. In
the meantime, with no power, cities and
suburbs would become a very dangerous
place to live. In a report put out by the
DHS, an EMP attack of this type could
ultimately cause the death of 90 percent
of the U.S. population. People who live
in the countryside, with access to arable
land, well water, and who have alternative
energy sources, would have the best
chances for survival.

Threat #2:

Devastating Solar Storms

While an EMP attack from a hostile
power is possible, theres an equally
devastating threat thats even more likely.
And it doesnt come from any earthly
Approximately every 22 years, the
sun enters a period of intense magnetic
storms typified by the appearance of
numerous sunspots. During these storms,
the sun ejects plumes of hot gas and
magnetic energy. One flare can contain the
equivalent of one-sixth of the suns total
energy. And this happens in one second.
Most flares are small. But some are

so powerful that they tear away chunks of

solar mass. These chunks become balls of
magnetized plasma, hurtling into space.
These are called coronal mass ejections
(CMEs). When they hit the Earths
atmosphere, they not only interact with
our planets magnetic field and cause the
northern lights (aurora borealis), but they
also threaten satellites and astronauts
with intense radiation bursts. In 1958, a
massive CME produced northern lights
that could be seen in Mexico.
CMEs dont just make pretty lights in
the midnight sky. Huge CMEs can knock

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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

out power. On Friday March 10, 1989,

astronomers witnessed a billion ton cloud
of solar plasma (electrically charged gas)
wrench itself from the suns corona and
head straight toward the Earth at a million
miles an hour. On Sunday, March 12, the
plasma cloud reached Earths magnetic
field, causing a geomagnetic storm. The
northern lights in stunning shades of red,
purple, and green could be seen as far
south as Florida and Cuba.
This wasnt just a pretty light show.
The magnetic disturbance created a
geomagnetic-induced current, or GIC, in
the ground beneath North America. When
an EMP occurs on the high-voltage grid,
large amounts of additional current GIC
are induced in power lines. The current
passes on to generators and transformers
down the line. Since there is so much
current in the system, transformers
can overload, overheat, and fail or
sometimes even explode.
Just past 2:44 AM on March 13, 1989,
Quebecs power grid crashed, cutting
off nearly 2,000 megawatts of power to
the northeastern U.S.2 Six million people
lost power for nine hours. Weather
temperatures in some parts of Quebec
were at a dangerous -15F.
Though the 1989 storm was serious,
Canada got off lightly. Geomagnetic field
severity is measured in nanotesla per
minute (nT/min). The 1989 storm only
reached an intensity of about 480 nT/

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min. Solar CME storms have produced

fields as large as 2000 nT/min. However,
a solar storm on May 1415 in 1921 that
disrupted telegraphs across the country
may have reached 4800 to 5000 nT/min.

Its Not a Question of If

Its a Question of When
Under direction of the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
the Metatech Corporation carried out
a study of the North American grids
vulnerabilities to geomagnetic storms.
According to the studys principle
investigator, John Kappenman, the big
reason the grid is vulnerable stems from
the need to transmit large amounts of
power over long distances cheaply. The
fact that the grid is overstretched and
overloaded makes the catastrophic multiregional impact of a magnetic storm all
the more likely.3
Current operating procedures used
on the grid were adapted in the wake of
the March 1989 event and are designed to
boost operational reserves but they still
leave us with a gaping vulnerability. They
do not prevent or reduce GIC flowing onto
the grid.
One of the chief hardware
vulnerabilities is the huge multi-ton
extra-high voltage (EHV) transformers
that dot switching yards throughout the
country. Kappenman says that these giant
pieces of vital hardware undergo well-


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

Illinois Technology
Company Introduces
Backup Generator
In an emergency, it may not be
possible to get fuel for your traditional
gasoline or diesel generator. Now
theres a generator that requires no
fuel other than sunlight. A generator
from Solutions From Science provides
instant backup power in any outage
plus it can be used on a daily basis to
reduce electric bills. There are several
models to choose from, depending on
your power needs.
 Completely silent
 No toxic fumes
 Easy set-up
 Provides an endless supply of
free electricity.

Call for a free information kit:

documented failure when surges cause
them to overheat, melt, and burn (many
are immersed in oil for coolant). Since it
is impossible to repair them in the field,
they must be replaced with a new unit.

Manufacturing lead times for these

transformers are, at a bare minimum, one
year, but three years is more the norm. The
units are not made in the United States;
theyre made in China. With over 300 EHV
transformers deployed throughout the
country and at risk during a geomagnetic
event, the threat of a geomagnetic storm
as big as the Carrington Event in 1859, or
the solar storm in 1921, borders on the

Damage could be avoided, if

Much of the damage from a solar
storm could be avoided if inexpensive,
supplemental, neutral ground resistors
were installed to harden transformers
against GIC.4
Kappenman argued in a statement
to the Department of Homeland Security
A hardening program that
expends even as much as
$1 billion to protect the U.S.
power grid against a severe
geomagnetic storm, an event
that has occurred before and
is certain to occur again, is still
far cheaper than the costs of
a widespread blackout to the
U.S. economy.
At this writing, its been more than
25 years since solar storms crashed the
Quebec grid in 1989. Since then, there
have been a series of intense solar

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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

magnetic storms between

2011 and 2013.5 We were
fortunate in that case that the
EMP from the storms missed
the Earth. Had they hit the
Earth, the National Academies
of Sciences says it would have
taken four to ten years at a
cost of $1 to $2 trillion to
restore the grid.

Within 12
months of an
EMP attack or a
massive solar
flare, between
two-thirds to 90
percent of the
U.S. population
would perish.

Congress created an EMP

commission to look into the threat. The
findings were grim. According to a report
issued by the commission, Within 12
months of an EMP attack or a massive
solar flare, between two-thirds to 90

percent of the U.S. population

would perish.

In August 2010, during an

unusual show of bipartisan
support, the House of
Representatives passed the
GRID Act by unanimous vote.
This crucial piece of legislation
government to take emergency
measures to protect some 300
giant power transformers around the
country. The bill died in the Senate.
At this writing, no further GIC
hardening program for the grid has been

Threat #3:

Cyber Security Malicious Code

Imagine that youre relaxing at home
after a long and chaotic day when suddenly,
for no apparent reason, your lights go out.
Not only do you see that all the lights in
the homes on your street are out, but you
also discover the electricity is out for as far
as you can see. About an hour later, power
comes back on and you learn from local
TV news that, while power was out in a
300-mile radius for a period of time, other
areas did not lose power.

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Twenty minutes later, your power

goes out again. An hour later, it comes on.
Again, TV news reports the same thing:
While most had their power out, a few
areas reported their power had remained
on. Twenty minutes later, your power is
out again. And the entire cycle repeats for
6 more hours throughout the night.
Something weird has happened.
As you go about your daily business,


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

reports come in from around the country.

Most regions have fluctuating power.
Phone and cell service is sporadic; radio,
cable, satellite and broadcast TV are
also touch and go. Your drive to work is
frustrating, long, and dangerous because
there are no traffic signals working. When
you get to work, you find the majority
of computers running on battery backup
only. But it doesnt matter anyway. Though
major Internet service providers are
operating, many local nodes and service
providers are offline. Stock trades are
delayed by two hours. All on-line banking,
ATMs, and credit card processors have
suspended operations.
And it doesnt stop there. Some major
power lines have reportedly melted in
places, causing large forest fires. Much
of the Northeast is without 911 service,
while parts of the Midwest and California
cant muster enough power to regulate
traffic. Las Vegas and much of Los Angeles
are without power. The Grand Coulee Dam
and Hoover Dam have shut down to avoid
overloading their power switching yards.
By mid-morning, Homeland Security
reveals that a cyber-attack on the nations
electrical grid occurred during the night
because of a software worm. As proof, it
releases NASA night-time satellite photos.
These photos show the typical night-time
glows from 14 U.S. cities turning into a
series of smiley-faces that flash on and off

in 20 minute intervals.
Think thats too farfetched? Consider
that the smart grid will expose two-thirds
of the U.S. economy to unprecedented
cyber-attack. Cyber-attacks dont just
come through a virus in an email. They are
cunningly calculated to take advantage
of vulnerabilities in system components,
telecommunication connections, and
common operating systems found in
modern energy systems.6
If you had any doubt that the threat
of cyber-attack is real, these four incidents
should convince you otherwise.

Exhibit A:
Eligible Receiver 97 was a U.S.
government exercise conducted from
June 9-13, 1997. The National Security
Agencys Red Team (playing the bad guys)
sought to penetrate U.S. Pacific Command
(U.S. PACOM) computers and servers to
test their vulnerability. The Red Team
only used widely available hacker tools
(network-scanning software, intrusion
tools, and password-breaking log-in
scripts) to enter PACOMs network. They
also gained control access to electrical
grids and 911 systems in nine U.S. cities.7
If they were able to do this with readily
available, common hacker tools, what
would a truly dedicated cyber-attack be
able to do? What would a skilled hacker,
who can go far beyond the capability of

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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

these common tools be able to do? The

risk that this exercise demonstrated is
greater than we can imagine.

official was quoted as saying, There are

intrusions, and they are growing. There
were a lot last year.

Exhibit B:

The North American Electric Reliability

Corporation (NERC) warned that the
electrical grid is not adequately protected
from cyber-attack. Between late 2008
and April 2009, the Pentagon spent $100
million repairing cyber damage.

In the spring of 2007, a sustained cyberattack hit Estonian government computer

systems over a period of weeks. While not
the biggest European country, it was the
most wired. Virtually all bank transactions
were electronic, and 82 percent of all tax
declarations were via Internet. Nearly
every school used e-learning. Internet
traffic to government websites normally
totaled 1,000 visits per day. The denial of
service attack barraged their system with
2,000 visits per second. Government web
services ceased, and three of the biggest
news organizations went offline. Financial
operations shut down almost all ATMs
and forced the largest bank, Hansabank,
to close online banking operations. In
response, Estonia closed large parts of its
network to the outside world.8

Exhibit C:
In April of 2009, the Wall Street Journal
published a story (later confirmed by the
U.S. government) that cyber spies from
China, Russia, and several other countries
had gained access to the electrical grid.
The spies also left behind programs that
had the potential to disrupt the U.S.
grid on command.9 When informed of
the pervasiveness of the breach, an
anonymous former Homeland Security

Published By: Off The Grid News

Exhibit D:
On April 8, 2010, state-owned China
Telecom computers posted network
routing instructions that diverted massive
volumes of U.S. and other foreign Internet
traffic through Chinese servers for 18
minutes. This included information traffic
to and from U.S. government and military
sites, including the Secretary of Defenses
office, and some commercial websites.
U.S. cyber-security experts warned the
network diversion hinted at data mining
and posed many possibly malicious
At first blush, it seems that only
governments would have the capability
to launch cyber-attacks. The truth is, of
course, that anyone with a computer and
the knowledge to use hacking tools and
software (all readily available online) can
learn how to infiltrate any security firewall.
The shutting down of Estonia in 2007
turned out to be a unified effort (called
hacktivism) by ethnic Estonian Russians
angry at the Estonian government for


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

removing a bronze statue of a Russian

The attack was a distributed denialof-service attack using zombie or bot
personal computers that are located all
over the world, including those hijacked
without their owners knowledge here in
the U.S.11
Its almost impossible to overstate
the potential security threats to the smart
grid. Attacks can take the form of breaches,
deliberate reconnaissance, vandalism,
network hijacking, and implantation of
malware. All require effective defenses.

Add to this the fact that these attacks

are being equally committed by foreign
governments, angry cyber-mobs, or bored
teenagers. Installing a defense that can
match the capabilities of such adversaries
could become an endless cyber-arms race.
The DOE estimates that 60 percent of
the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is
tied to the grid. That means that when the
power goes off, two-thirds of the economy
grinds to a halt, and each hour without
electricity costs millions of dollars.12 One
way or another, those lost dollars come
out of your pocket.

Threat #4:

Stormy Weather the

Edge of Reliability
It hits the ground like a runaway
freight train, eating up and spitting out
everything in its path for two and a half
miles. At 300 yards wide with 160 mph
winds, nothing can stop it.

areas, many rural parts of the country do

not. When a tornado crosses paths with
a 30-year-old high-tension line in parts of
the Midwest or west Texas, whole regions
can go dark for days.

Each year, the U.S. experiences an

average of 1,000 tornadoes, with the most
powerful storms destroying whole towns
and knotting up high-voltage transmission
towers like twist-ties. While some power
lines have backups in heavily populated

Hurricanes are less destructive

than tornadoes, but the destruction
covers a much broader area. When large
hurricanes, like Katrina and Sandy, hit
regions of the United States, they can wipe
out electrical service for the whole region.


Published By: Off The Grid News


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

Large amounts of power lines

can be torn down, requiring
months of work to rebuild.
Even power poles and towers
are subject to the possibility of

urban sprawl
has stretched
the grid out
so tautly that a
single weather
event can have
for entire
regions of the

Most storm blackouts,

however, come from far less
spectacular weather. Usually,
its just a little summer
snowstorm. People think that
lightning probably hit a tree
or a power line a few blocks
away and that the lights will be on in a few

But whats happening now with

sky-high 21st century energy demand is
that major disruptions to the power grid
happen more frequently because the grid
is stretched so thinly. In the last 30 years,
intensive urban sprawl has stretched the
grid out so tautly that a single weather
event can have catastrophic consequences
for entire regions of the country.
In December 2008, an ice storm in
New England and upstate New York left
over 100,000 people without power a
week after it hit. In January 2009, another
ice storm affecting Oklahoma, Arkansas,
Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky
caused power outages for 2 million people.
Even ordinary summer thunderstorms can


Published By: Off The Grid News

have a big impact. On August 5,

2010, a thunderstorm knocked
out power to Maryland and
northern Virginia, affecting
221,886 people for eight
hours. It happened again a
week later, affecting 101,003
people in the metropolitan
Washington, D.C. area.13

So what happens when the

really intense weather hits?
Two weeks after Hurricane Ike
hit Houston in 2008, almost
one-fourth of metropolitan
area residents were still without power.
And lets not forget Hurricane Katrina,
the costliest hurricane ever recorded,
which brought with it 30 confirmed
tornados: 11 in Mississippi, 4 in Alabama,
and 15 in Georgia. The storm initially left
an estimated 2.3 million people without
power and grew to 5 million from shortages
in the natural gas industry (which spiked
prices). Local power company repair crews
were overwhelmed by the damage. A
month later, with repairs mostly complete,
Hurricane Rita came through the Gulf
and once again cut power to a million
In 2013, the power grid received a
D+ grade on its report card from the
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
The power grid grade card rating means


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

the energy infrastructure is in poor to

fair condition and mostly below standard,
with many elements approaching the
end of their service life. It further means
a large portion of the system exhibits
significant deterioration with a strong
risk of failure.
America relies on an aging electrical
grid and pipeline distribution systems,
some of which originated in the 1880s, the

ASCE report read. Investment in power

transmission has increased since 2005,
but ongoing permitting issues, weather
events, and limited maintenance have
contributed to an increasing number of
failures and power interruptions.
Severe weather is a fact of life. In
the face of increasing demand with
limited resources, consumers need to be
prepared to be on their own for days at a
time perhaps even longer.

Threat #5:

The Not-So-Smart
Smart Grid
Ever since the beginning of electric
something like this:
service in this country, energy has been
You wake up on a fine, sunny, summer
available for one price all day long. The
morning and get yourself ready to head
smart grid eliminates that.
out to work. You listen to
In reality, electricity rates
the news as you sip your
The smart
fluctuate hourly during the
coffee and learn from the
meter, now being
day. Utilities want to pass
weather forecast that it will
rolled out in
real-time market pricing to
be extremely hot with highs
markets across the
the consumer so that they
in the upper 90s. Since your
country to millions
can warn consumers when
town is part of the smart grid
of homes, is a key
prices are high and cut their
with real-time pricing, you get
energy use.
point of entry for
on your computer to check
One day in the not-tooyour current usage and cost.
distant future, it might look
With the price hanging at 10/


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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

kWh, and knowing that your cost will go

up during the day, you decide to set your
thermostat to 80 degrees. Just before
you leave, you unplug phone chargers,
the home wireless system, dial up the
refrigerator, turn off the de-humidifier,
and reset the water heater to vacation.
At work, you find your employer is
equally aware of the days electricity
costs. Only some of the lights are on, and
air conditioning is rationed, with priority
going to servers and executives. Even the
water coolers chiller is turned off. At 11
AM, you visit the web address of your smart
meter. You find that your electricity price
has jumped to 12/kWh. You remotely set
your air conditioner higher to 82 degrees.
An hour later over lunch, you check again
and your utility has broadcast a message
offering a $2 rebate for access to your air
conditioners control cycle.
You decline, hoping the rebate will go
up to $5 like last time.
And so the day goes, with more
and more of your productive time being
sucked away to chase and tweak the realtime price changes of your electricity.
Does it sound far-fetched? Its not.
This could well be what life is like in the
fast-approaching age of the smart grid.
The Department of Energy has
described the smart grid as a suite of
technologies that will allow customers
and the utility to better manage electricity
demand, and will include self-monitoring


Published By: Off The Grid News

and automatic protection schemes to

improve the reliability of the system. The
smart grid will essentially function as both
power grid and computer network.
This is where the Smart Grids
vulnerability lies. According to an article
published on, it would take a
hacker with just $500 worth of equipment
and knowledge of electronics and software
engineering to take command and
control of the smart grids smart meter
system. The smart meter, now installed in
millions of homes across the country, is a
key point of entry for malicious hackers.


in the system, a
hacker could gain control of
thousands, even millions,
of meters and shut them
off simultaneously.
hacker also might be able
to dramatically increase or
decrease the demand for
power, disrupting the load
balance on the local power
grid and causing a blackout.
These experts said such
a localized power outage
would cascade to other parts
of the grid, expanding the
blackout. No one knows how
big it could get.14
Malware and viruses can also be
introduced into the system to shut it down.
In theory, a smart grid allows power


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

Public Utility
Field Smart Meter
In Texas, one couple filed a lawsuit
against Oncor, a transmission
and distribution service provider.
They claim that bug-riddled
software that collects and manages
the data from smart meters is
inaccurately reporting their usage.
The Public Utility Commission
of Texas is investigating.15
Customers of Central Maine
Power, along with area doctors,
are concerned that the frequency
emitted by the smart meters
is potentially harmful to
health. Maines Public Utilities
Commission is reviewing a
complaint filed by residents.16
Almost two dozen local
governments in California have
demanded a moratorium on smart
meter installation, citing health
concerns. PG&E failed to do even
a basic Environmental Impact
Report, but the California Public
Utilities Commission will not allow
individuals to opt out of smart
meter installation, even when
severe health issues are involved.17

companies to have better control over

power distribution, while consumers
would have access to their own energy
usage in real time. Utility companies
insist that real-time pricing will save
consumers up to 15 percent in energy
costs. What theyre not telling you is that
the companys costs will be shifted onto
their consumers backs.
With real-time pricing, electric prices
could spike from 10/kWh to 12.5/kWh
or more depending on demand and
fuel costs. Thats a 25 percent increase for
a period of 4 to 6 hours every day. Since
prices generally rise in the middle of the
day when most people are at work, most
consumers are not home to micromanage
their home energy use.
Smart meters have replaced the
humble meter reader in metropolitan
and rural areas, often with an investment
cost of several billion dollars. Guess whos
paying that cost?
Most state public utility commissions
allow utilities to pass on the expense of
the smart meters as another fee on the
monthly electric bill.18 Pacific Gas and
Electric of California installed 10.3 million
smart meters, with an initial budget of $1.7
billion. However, problems with supplies,
bugs in the networking technology, as well
as performance failures by the meters,
delayed the project and raised the costs.
These additional costs have of course
been passed on to consumers.19


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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

Threat #6:

Informers in your Home

The next threat on our list isnt
a threat to the grid. Its how the grid
threatens you or, more specifically, your
privacy. The smart grid will encourage the
use of smart appliances. Smart appliances
are self-monitoring and use their Internet
connection to report their status to their
owners. For instance, in a smart grid
scenario in the very near future, your
refrigerator could track its energy use
and calculate its power consumption and
operating cost for the day.
It can also take inventory of its
contents through the miniature radio
frequency (RF) transmitters on labels
that are becoming increasingly common.
Walmart pioneered the widespread use of
RF transmitters in the retail industry a few
years ago, and others have since jumped
on the bandwagon. Stores use these labels
to gather inventory information such as
how many cans of peas are in stock, or the
age of the boxes of mac-and-cheese. With
a smart refrigerator, you dont need to
open the door to see what you have and
how old it is. It can read RF labels and show
the entire contents of the refrigerator on a
display on the door.


Published By: Off The Grid News

Your refrigerator could even put

together a shopping list for you, featuring
your favorite items on sale at your local
grocery store. In a smart-grid scenario,
your appliances talk about you and your
family. Sure, it sounds convenient to have
your refrigerator tell you when its time
to buy mustard, but a lot of information
can be strung together from small pieces.
Your refrigerator could report its entire
contents to a data-collection company
for use by different food marketing
companies, including your local grocery
store. It could report when and where an
item was purchased, how often that item
was used, and how long it lasted.

Big government
snooping in your
With smart appliances, the amount
of information collected on you and your
family would be enormous. Smart TVs,
Blu-ray players, and cable boxes could
instantaneously report what you watch.
Water heaters could report energy use
and flow rates to show the number of
showers a family takes.


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

Washers could report the

amount of laundry through
water amount, soil-selection
type, and load size to identify
certain lifestyle conditions and
calculate how fast a household
uses detergent. In the course
of a year, a complete and
intimate behavior profile
could be assembled that
would be used to predict your
familys future behavior.

office could decide how much

electricity you get if any.
With the smart grid, when
peak energy demand threatens
regional grid stability, a utility
or ISO (Independent System
Operator) could theoretically
reduce or kill power demand
by directly ordering home
appliances to shut down until a
reactivate instruction is issued.
That means air conditioners,
heat pumps, refrigerators,
freezers, and TVs could all be
turned off remotely by the authorities
without the owners permission.

heat pumps,
freezers, and
TVs could all
be turned off
remotely by
the authorities
without the

This behavior profile

could be sold to anyone
interested in having highly detailed
consumer information.

It could also be used against you

by overzealous government officials who
think they know whats best for you.
In December of 2010, Michelle Obama
expressed concern about what children
are eating today, and said, We cant just
leave it up to the parents. A refrigerator
equipped with smart technology
could report if youre buying and, by
extrapolation, consuming your veggies. If
a government can force you to buy health
care insurance, they can also tell you what
you have to eat. Smart technology gives
them the ability to monitor compliance.
With a smart appliance, you risk control
being taken away from you and put into
the hands of a utility or the government.
Remote bureaucrats in an air-conditioned

Imagine this. Youve had a long day

at the office where the air conditioning
was turned off to conserve energy. Youre
hot, sticky, and irritable. When you unlock
your front door and step inside, the house
is hot and stuffy because your air home
conditioning was also turned off.
Your smart refrigerator is urgently
displaying warnings about cooling errors
and spoiled food. No worries, though
because that same smart refrigerator
is also telling you that the milk and ham
you have to replace is on sale at the local
grocery store.
While this sort of technology is being
touted as a breakthrough in consumer
convenience, we have to realize that
anything which can be used for wrong will
eventually be used for wrong. Government


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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

agencies or even corporations could

create this sort of scenario, just for the
purpose of stimulating sales, or even to
cause people to buy something that has
additional technology in it, allowing an
even greater invasion of their privacy.
Ultimately, both the government and
big business look upon the general public
as only one thing ... a source of funds.

Their goal is to see how much money they

can milk from people, in order to fund
their own activities. They really dont care
if they are helping or harming the people
they are getting the money from, as they
dont feel any sense of responsibility
towards them; after all, they are nothing
more than someplace to take money from.

Threat #7:

Big Business, Big

Government, Big Mess
Who gets a say in how energy gets
into your home? FERC, NERC, DOE, EPA,
ISOs, RTOs, and a whole host of alphabet
soup federal agencies, as well as utilities
companies across the nation. Your home
energy is smack-dab in the middle of a
tug-of-war between competing entities.
Prior to the Energy Policy Act of
2005 (EPACT05), FERC (Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission) had the power
to approve transmission projects and
establish rates. However, each proposed
transmission right-of-way (referred to
in the industry as siting) had to be
approved by each state that right-of-way
entered. It was no big deal in western
states. But projects in the Northeast often


Published By: Off The Grid News

got bogged down and delayed in state

approval procedures and red tape for
With EPACT05, Congress sought to
streamline the whole mess. They put the
grid under federal jurisdiction and gave
FERC the ability to have final authority
on state siting issues. It was a power grab
for FERC literally. The act enabled FERC
to acquire rights-of-way by use of federal
eminent domain powers to condemn
private land.20 But things still were not
as simple as intended. If a state failed to
act on a siting permit application within a
year, or even rejected it, the transmission
line developer could bypass the state
process and bring its application to FERC


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

for approval. Not so fast, said the Fourth

Circuit Court of Appeals. It muddied the
waters further when it ruled that a states
decision to reject a project could not be
appealed to FERC because the commission
does not have jurisdiction.
This has left several new transmission
line projects in limbo. These projects
are being fought by local residents. Even
though FERC officials are paid by the
taxpayer, they arent working for them,
as this situation clearly illustrates. FERC
permits transmission companies in the
midst of a project facing legal delays to
recoup their legal expenses by adding
the tab to consumers electric bills.
Thats not the only clash between
agency rules and government energy
policies. Case in point: the North American
Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
is an international regulatory authority
established by the FERC to evaluate
reliability of the bulk power system in
North America. Recently, it warned that
impending EPA regulations endangered
the production of 1,201 coal, gas, and oil
steam-generating plants (responsible for
generating about 252 gigawatts of power)
and nearly one-third of all nuclear plants
(about 60 gigawatts more).
In June of 2014, the EPA proposed new
regulations on the emissions generated by
coal-fired electric power plants. These new

regulations (not laws passed by Congress)

could also affect natural gas power plants.
About 40 percent of the nations electrical
generating capability comes from coal
power plants, with natural gas accounting
for an additional 27 percent. So, these new
regulations would have a major impact
on the price of electricity, as well as the
countrys ability to produce electrical
The new regulations were supposedly
written to attack the emissions of
greenhouse gases by these power
plants. However, for the sake of this
regulation, the EPA has determined that
carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. This
is surprising, as all plant life breathes in
carbon dioxide and breathes out oxygen,
just as animal life (including humans)
breathes in oxygen and breathes out
carbon dioxide. It appears that there is no
real reason for making this determination,
other than to attack coal-fired power
The coal-fired power plants are one of
the older parts of the grid, with 63 percent
of the plants being 40 years old or more;
almost half of the existing coal-fired plants
are over 50 years old, already having
surpassed their expected life-expectancy.
The new regulations supposedly are
intended to make the older plants more
efficient, so that they reach the emissions


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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

levels of newer plants. However, the actual

emissions levels being required from
these new regulations are based upon
experimental technology which is not
ready for installation in the power plants.
This will result in the power industry
being required to shut down and replace
most of these power plants, as retrofitting
them with the new technology is not
practical. In studies conducted by power
companies, it would cost more to retrofit
power plants, than it would cost to build
new ones.

Ultimately, the true goal of these

regulations isnt to make coal power
cleaner, but to shut down the coal power
industry, a stated goal of President Obama.
This would mean less power to go around
at a time when generation capacity is
already stretched thin, increasing the
likelihood of power shortages.
Regulations continue to be debated
and contracts haggled over, while
consumers are left, literally, to sweat it out
until things are settled.

Threat #8:

Fuel Prices Up, Up and Away

Its economics 101. When demand for
a commodity increases, the price goes up.
This is a basic truth of the market whether
that commodity is beef, soybeans, or
fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal.
Another truth is that many things can
squeeze a commoditys supply and raise
prices, including striking workers, new
environmental regulations or competing
demand from a foreign country.

Old King Coal is Still King

The two biggest fuel sources America


Published By: Off The Grid News

uses to generate electrical power are coal

and natural gas.21 Of the two, coal is the
cheapest but not for much longer.
America is the largest producer of
recoverable coal, which means that the
miners can get to the coal to mine it.
In 2009, nearly 1.075 billion tons
was dug out of the U.S. coal fields.22 Coal
is divided into four broad categories:
anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous,
and lignite. Each group burns differently;
some burn hot and clean, while others
burn poorly. Coal that burns hot and
efficiently goes to generate power in 47


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

states including Hawaii.

The price of coal fluctuates. For
example, on October 22, 2010, the
commodity price of Powder River Basin
coal was 0.7 cents/pound (yes, thats
seven-tenths of one cent).23 Because of its
low cost and good quality, Powder River
Basin coal is shipped to power plants as far
away as California, Minnesota, and Texas.
Dirt cheap coal is a victim of its
own success. Its low price drives higher
demand which drives up the price.
U.S. coal-fired power plants face
another challenge, too. They now have
serious competition for fuel. Coal exports
are high and trending higher. Meanwhile,
prices for higher-priced metallurgical coal
for export (used in the production of steel)
are also rising sharply. Why?
China, Japan (which imports every
last nugget of its coal), South Korea,
and India are burning through coal like
crazy to generate power and satisfy the
fuel-hungry demands of their growing
economies. In September 2010, the
largest coal producer in the U.S., Peabody
Energy, announced it would ramp up its
efforts to export more Powder River Basin
coal to Asia by building a terminal on the
Columbia River in Washington state.24
Even though China is the largest
producer of coal in the world, they still
cant get enough cheap coal to meet their
needs. U.S. coal prices, meanwhile, are

still a relative bargain for hungry China.

How is this possible? Since coal trades on
the international market in U.S. dollars,
and the dollar is so devalued, China
imports U.S. coal more cheaply than it
would otherwise have to spend in order
to mine its own coal. Both Japan and India
are reaping the same benefit.
In the meantime, utility companies
are between a rock and a hard place. They
must make costly efficiency improvements
to their power plants in order to satisfy
new EPA regulations. That requires taking
on enormous amounts of debt to afford
these improvements. That in turn puts
them in a precarious financial position.
But if they dont take on the debt to
make improvements, they wont stay
competitive in the energy market ... in
fact, they wont even be able to stay open.
Meanwhile, theyre risking financial ruin
when commodity prices shoot up.
But theres always natural gas, right?

Natural Gas Snafu:

All Fracked Up
Natural gas is more expensive than
coal, but it burns cleaner. Nationally, it
generates a little more than one-fourth of
the U.S. supply for electricity, especially
in Texas and the Gulf Coast where its
practically in their backyard. The price has
remained low due to low demand and
high amounts in storage. Because of the
low price, many utilities are changing over


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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

their generator fuel to natural gas. They

also believe that the price of natural gas
will remain low and may dip well below
coals price. Unfortunately, that belief may
just be so much gas.
Natural gas was known for years to
exist in the underground shale layers in
much of North America. Buried beneath
the states of Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New York
lay one of the countrys largest shale gas
fields: the Marcellus Shale. Its been called
a Super Giant Gas Field with possible
reserves running as high as 500 trillion
cubic feet (cu ft). Similar estimates showed
the Barnett Shale in Texas to hold nearly
50 trillion cu ft. Industry experts claimed
enough natural gas to supply the U.S. for
two years, have a worth of $1 trillion, and
make the U.S. a net exporter of natural
gas. The trick lay in how to get at it.


Published By: Off The Grid News

breakthrough helped drive natural
gas prices lower: horizontal drilling.
Horizontal drilling technology utilizes a
steerable drill that can turn and bore in
any direction, powered below ground
surface by hoses from hydraulic pumps.
When the drill reaches a shale gas deposit,
hydraulic fracturing chemicals and water
are pumped at high pressure. The fluid
fractures the shale (called fracking) and
pushes the natural gas into the well and
up to the surface.
In July 2008, market speculation
pushed gasoline to over $4 per gallon and
natural gas prices to $13.69 per billion
British Thermal Units (mmBTU). Electricity
rates in some southern states exploded.
Smelling huge profits, every company
with a horizontal drilling rig rushed off to
frack shale.


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

By September 2008, as the financial

enormous amounts in their first year, but
crisis killed investments and jobs, energy
dwindling rapidly to only 25-50 percent of
prices slid. By September 2009, natural
their initial amounts the following year.
gas prices dipped lower than a deflated
It is widely calculated that the actual
hot air balloon. From $13.69/
average commercial life of
The Energy
mmBtu prices sank by a whopping
a shale gas well is seven
80 percent, to only $2.409 per
years. Some last no more
mmBTU. Suddenly, there was
than four.
was forced to
so much natural gas in storage
The Energy Information
revise its shale
that ships loaded with liquefied
Administration (EIA) was
gas production
natural gas had no port to deliver
forced to revise its shale
gas production estimates,
Shale gas is
For the next several years,
discovering the volume
looking more
the price of natural gas remained
output was far less.26
and more like
relatively steady.
an over-hyped
So how do low natural gas
massive investments in
prices threaten the grid? For
expensive equipment and
starters, estimated gas reserves
mining rights in the hope
might only be hype. One industry posterthat extracting fantastic amounts of natural
child is the Kardell Gas Unit 1H, pumping
gas would recoup their investment. They
in the Haynesville Shale in San Augustine
guessed wrong. All those hundreds of
County, Texas. In October 2009, this well
trillions of cubic feet of gas, unfortunately,
achieved a continuous 24-hour flow rate
just arent there.
of 30.7 million cubic feet (Mcf) with a flow
The bottom line: higher fuel costs
pressure of 6,824 psi. Impressive to be
coal and natural gas will get passed on
sure but unique.
to you, the consumer.
Most wells are like big balloons, yielding

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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

Threat #9:

Transmission Capacity
On Overload
Ever hear about the guy who started
putting up a few Christmas lights on his
roof and used a scrawny little extension
cord? Every year, he put up more and
more lights but kept using that scrawny
little extension cord. One year, he put up
so many lights that it looked like his house
might be seen from space until he
plugged in that scrawny extension cord.
It melted and set fire to his house.
The official government report on the
Great Northeastern Blackout of 2003 said
that no utility had undertaken any major
transmission project in over a decade.
Now, more than a decade later, the same
can still be said. Rather than improving
the capability of the existing grid by
adding more transmission capability, the
electrical power industry is investing in
better control of the existing transmission
capability with the smart grid. Like the guy
with his Christmas lights and his scrawny
extension cord, utilities have been pushing
the system harder and harder.


Published By: Off The Grid News

The 2003 reports conclusion reads:

The system is being operated closer to
the edge of reliability than it was just a few
years ago.27 How much more true is that
today, than it was when it was written?
Many sections of the grid in the U.S. are
just like that scrawny extension cord. They
are analogous to a single line transmitting
huge amounts of power from city to city,
and theyre constantly monitored to
prevent overload. Many are 80 years old.
Power lines have a maximum safe load
they can carry. Beyond it, they stretch,
sag, break, or even melt. Overloaded
power lines pose a threat to commerce
and national security. The Department of
Energy (DOE) estimates the annual cost of
power outages to be $25 $180 billion.28
Transmission utilities are required to
carefully manage instances when demand
causes congestion. The power line wires
themselves do not actually get congested.
Rather, utility companies must wait to
transmit power because so few lines are
available. Picture three lanes of highway


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

traffic trying to suddenly merge into a

single remaining lane. Flow bogs down.
According to the DOE, there are four
congested areas in the U.S.: mid-state New
York southward along the Atlantic coastal
plain to northern Virginia; the urban areas
of southern California; the San Francisco
Peninsula; and the Seattle-Portland area.29
While the FERC and its ISOs do their best to
prevent abuse, it does happen, especially
where state energy regulatory laws are
overly complex.
Transmission companies can make
a killing by deliberately overbooking
the transmission schedules. Because of
complex deregulation rules in California
in 2000, the state paid congestion fees as
an incentive for power providers to solve a
congestion problem. During the California
energy crisis, energy transmission
companies profited from the rules by
routinely scheduling more transmissions
than they had capacity even though the
actual demand did not exist.
The answer to congestion problems,
of course, is to build more power lines
or build them with greater handling
capacity. Beginning in 2003, FERC offered
incentives for transmission line projects
as a shot in the arm to encourage utilities
to invest more in the grid. By 2004, utility
investment in transmission shot up from
$2 billion to $6.5 billion.30 Specifically, since

FERC sets the prices for transmission, FERC

offers incentives that guarantee a return
on equity. In plain English, transmission
utilities get to charge more and these
charges are passed on to you.
This doesnt mean they can just string
new wires. Rights-of-way must be sited
to be big enough to safely transmit high
voltage power.
For example, a power line corridor
might be the right size to handle towers
for 115,000-volt lines (115kV), but be
unsuitable for towers holding 230kV or
even 345kV lines or higher.
Some of these new rights-of-way
pass through national parks, schools,
and suburban subdivisions. Many people
in various states are fighting these,
concerned about potential dangers to the
environment, health (through electromagnetic fields) and property values.
Yet, the bigger threat is that new
transmission projects also cost billions of
dollars. Consumers ultimately foot the bill
through cost-sharing agreements among
groups of states. In population-dense
areas like the northeast, the cost is spread
out around millions of people, appearing
as just another fee on monthly usage bills.
But in recent years, the FERCs equity
incentive to the transmission industry
has gone from a shot in the arm to a


Published By: Off The Grid News


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

heavy dose of sudden-profit steroids. It

guarantees them humungous profits for
building power lines from generators, a
hundred miles away or more.
Case in point: the $2.1 billion, 275 milelong Potomac-Appalachian Transmission
Highline (PATH)31 which brings a 765kV line
across West Virginia into northwestern
Maryland. The FERC awarded a return
on equity of 14.3 percent, a 100 percent
return on construction work-in-progress,
and recovery of business startup and
administrative costs to AEP and Allegheny
Energy.32 This allows AEP and Allegheny to
recoup all their costs, $1.2 billion, by the
time PATH is completed in 2014, plus an
additional 14.3 percent, totaling about
$200 million more.33
Another example is the SusquehannaRoseland transmission line project34 that

stretches from western Pennsylvania into

Roseland, New Jersey.
Part of the debate surrounding this
project concerns why sufficient additional
generation capacity is not being developed
in New Jersey. The reason is that the
utility building the line will make money
for Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG)
while spending millions to upgrade and
license its New Jersey nuclear plants.35
Rather than building better-planned
efficient power generation and modular
transmission systems36, the once moribund
transmission industry is shooting FERCs
steroid incentives, building its business
with bigger, longer projects that earn
them billions annually in profits. And their
costs will all be added to your bill again
and again and again.

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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

Threat #10:

Everyone Wants Some

Its hard to imagine life in the 21st
century without electricity. In the past 15
years, Americas use of electrical power
has skyrocketed. We get up in the morning
to the frantic beeping of a digital alarm
clock. We scrub ourselves clean in our nice
hot showers with water from our electric
water heaters.
We gulp steaming hot coffee freshly
brewed by our digitally-programmed
coffee maker as we surf the news sites on
the web or listen to the news on our flatscreen TV. We turn on our cell phones and
bustle off to work where we sort through
megabytes of electronic information, hour
after hour.
All the while, generators are spinning,
indicator lights are flashing, and hightension wires are humming as billions of
watts of energy flood through the grid to
power us through our day at work and at
home. Demand for electricity is exploding
as the countrys population grows. In
the past 30 years, urban sprawl has
stretched the grid to power condos and
convenience stores where cornfields once
stood. As people set up their households,

they expect to own certain things: a TV, a

computer, an alarm clock, a refrigerator, a
stove, a water heater, a dishwasher, and air
conditioning. And thats just for starters.
Population growth between 2010 and
2020 is projected to be 36 million.37 Thats
36 million more consumers of electricity.
These additional 36 million consumers are
enough of a strain on the system, but add
to that the forecasts of how many people
will be moving to the sunbelt some cities
are expected to see an increase of up to
80% in their population38 and there will
be even more of a strain on the system.
Thats because in any sunbelt home, the
appliance that uses the most electricity is
air conditioning. In fact, air conditioning
typically eats two-thirds of a homes
summer monthly usage.
Do we have enough coal and natural
gas to generate electricity and enough
power lines to transmit it to support 36
million more Americans? No.
Heres why: demand for electricity
fluctuates from moment to moment.
When demand is highest, usually in the
afternoon, many power plants are working
at their highest capacity. Sometimes this


Published By: Off The Grid News


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

Enron and the

California Energy
Crisis of 2000
In 1996, California deregulated its
electricity market. This meant that the
once regulated monopoly utilities (Pacific
Gas and Electric or PG&E and Southern
California Edison) had to abandon their
transmission and distribution business
and instead concentrate on generating
power. Other businesses came to
the state and set up shop to handle
transmission and distribution.
Hot weather and delays in approving
new power plants spiked demand for
power. Wholesale prices for electricity
rose insanely. Where a megawatt had
sold for $45 in 1999, in 2000 it cost
$1400. Between April and December of
2000, the wholesale price rose 800%.
Deregulation allowed Enron (and other
companies) to manipulate the market.
Through transmission overbooking
and other schemes, Enron (and others)
cheated the state of California and its
residents out of millions of dollars.
Governor Gray Davis declared a state
of emergency on January 17, 2001 to
deal with the crisis. It would continue
until 2003. Ultimately, the state used
its power to cap rising electricity prices.
Unfortunately, this forced PG&E into
bankruptcy and Southern California
Edison came close to collapse as well.
As a result, the state suffered many large
scale black outs, the governor was ousted
from office, and the cost to Californians
came to $40 to $45 billion.


Published By: Off The Grid News

peak demand is greater than power plants

and transmission lines can handle safely
especially during the summer. This forces
ISOs to juggle their resources carefully,
often shutting down some areas of the grid
altogether. This means extra generators
and transmission lines are still needed just
to cover present peak demand.
Over the years, utility companies
have pulled and stretched the grid like a
rubber net to cover the demand of urban
sprawl. As a consequence, the grid is even
more vulnerable. On average, power plant
failures happen twenty percent of the
time and can last up to 24 hours. Weather
is also causing more and more impact.
Brown outs, black outs, and rolling black
outs occur more frequently in major cities,
are lasting longer, and now cost the nation
in lost business more than ever before.
Currently, just enough capacity has
been wrung out of the grid to maintain
reliability. New transmission lines costing
billions of dollars are being planned and
constructed. But because their routes
challenge state authority and affect

Over the years, utility

companies have pulled
and stretched the grid like
a rubber net to cover the
demand of urban sprawl.
As a consequence, the grid
is even more vulnerable.


The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid

peoples homes, these power lines are

being fought in the courts.
Preparing for the demand of 36
million more Americans in under 14 years
is already straining the entire American
energy industry. Utility companies are
taking on millions of dollars in debt to
prepare for increasing demand and
the rising costs of coal and natural gas.
International demand, as weve seen,
is driving U.S. coal prices higher. The
cheap natural gas bubble from too much
shale gas drilling will begin dissipating
by 2012, sending that price higher too.
In the end, demand will drive up fuel
costs, transmission costs, and electricity
commodity costs and those will all be
passed onto you.

Did you know

August 23, 2010, set a new record for
electricity demand. Electric Reliability
Council of Texas, Inc. (ERCOT), the
grid operator for most of the state of
Texas, reported a record demand of
65,776 megawatts (MW) between 4
and 5 p.m.

The Bottom Line

Today, you can plug a lamp or
appliance into an outlet in your wall and
get electricity on demand. Tomorrow, for
any number of reasons, you may not be
able to. Will you be ready?

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The Top 10 Threats To the Power Grid



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