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Miss Shannon Clark

Grade Level/Subject Area: 5th grade/ Mathematics
Lesson Title: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
Time: 60 minutes
Standards Addressed: Operations & Algebraic Thinking

OAT.1: Use parentheses, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions,

and evaluate expressions with these symbols.

Objective: Given a pencil, worksheet, construction paper, and markers,

students will use the operations of parenthesis, exponents, multiply, divide,
add, and subtract from left to right to solve the problem.
Required Materials: paper, pencil, construction paper, class copies of
worksheets, markers, PowerPoint presentation.
Anticipatory Set: When class begins students will get into groups of four, and each
group will have a large piece of construction paper. The students will divide their piece of
construction paper into four blocks. The students will think of an everyday activity that
they do (for example: washing your hands, there are many different steps to washing and
drying your hands.) They will draw the steps of their everyday activity in four different
steps, this will then lead into my Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Lesson. I will ask
just one of the groups to go to front of the classroom that will present their activity step
by step (10 minutes)
Instruction: I will start the class PowerPoint for the PEMDAS lesson. (Slide 1)
I will start by introducing the phrase Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.
I will ask the students if they have ever heard of this phrase before, asking for
students to raise their hands if yes and leave their hands down on the desk or table
if no. (Slide 2)
Then I tell them that is a phrase that represents the acronym PEMDAS.
Ask the class what they think PEMDAS stands for? (Slide 3)
I will then explain what PEMDAS stands for writing it out for the children on the
I will tell students that they are really encouraged to come up with their own
saying to help them remember the order of operations.

We will then move on to the set of rules for the order of operations. (Slide 4)
Handout the PEMDAS Rules handout for the students to reference while working
on examples in the future. (Slide 5)
Emphasize and Repeat to the class that learning and remembering this phrase of
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is very helpful to remember the order of
operations. (Slide 6)
Then we will do example 1 as a class, starting with adding the 3+2=5 in the
parentheses, then divide 15 by 3 and the answer you get is 5. (Slide 7).
Then do example 2-4 together as a class as well. (Slide 8-10)
Ask students if they have any questions about any of the material, if they do go
over it together as a class on the board.
Then moving on to the independent activity WORKSHEET (Slide 11)
Go over the questions one by one on the worksheet and then have student
volunteers come up to the board and work out the problems.
Have all the students turn in their worksheets, and class will be over!

Independent Practice: Have the paper passer hand out the PEMDAS worksheet. The
students are to work on the worksheet alone. They are to use the handout of the PEMDAS
rules that I had provided for the students at the beginning of class. They are then to
complete each problem using the PEMDAS rules, and solve each problem. Circulate
through the classroom to make sure that the students are understanding and answer any
questions they may have. Give the students 10-15 minutes and then have the students turn
in the worksheets to be checked. Students who finish early can choose from Brain
Breaks jar from the back table in the classroom. They have to complete this brain break
independently and quietly.
Closure: Tell the students that we talked about the PEMDAS Rules today, and inform
them that they need to make sure that they need to turn all of their worksheets in so that I
can grade them and return them to each student tomorrow in class. Also ask the students
if they have any questions about any of the material that we covered in class today. Then
follow with informing the students that we will be adding on a more complicated process
to the order of operations PEMDAS method for tomorrows class lesson.

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