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Aram Garabedian
English 115
Professor Lawson
Rough Draft
02 December 2015
Word Count: 1026
Rough Draft: Cultures That Have Impacted Me
A person is shaped by his surroundings. Whom someone associates with, where they live,
what they do, and how they were raised carve the personality and identity of a person. Every
person in this world has a unique identity that no other person can mimic. Any event, culture, or
group someone associates with shapes and molds someones identity in an impactful way. I, for
example, consider myself the product of numerous cultures merged into one person. The way I
talk, the sports I enjoy, the food I eat, and numerous more minute details about what make me,
me, are all influenced by the cultures I am involved in. Although some cultures may have a small
impression on me and others may completely transform my identity, each one of my cultures and
subcultures have made me who I am today.
I like to think of myself a die-hard basketball fan, and more specifically, a Los Angeles
Lakers fan. Around my family, the best sport in the world is considered soccer, so it was a bit odd
that I never really liked it. As a kid, my dad tried pushing me to play soccer and signed me up on
numerous teams, and I played, but with no enjoyment. Im sure my dad could tell, because he
eventually stopped pushing me to it. One day, my uncle got a few free box seat tickets to a

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Lakers game and decided to take me and my cousins to the game with him. That was all it took. I
was hooked instantly. Basketball became my favorite sport and I couldnt watch or play enough
of it. I quickly learned my history and just became a basketball head. Over the years, many
friendships have been created just due to the fact that I was a Lakers fan, and I loved to play
basketball. I started talking to more fans and spent time with them more. Eventually, the majority
of my friends were either Lakers fans or just basketball fans in general. For example, I met my
friend at a local summer basketball league in the summer of 2003. To this day, we remain best
friends and our love of basketball just brings us closer together. Not many people can say they
found a lifelong friend by simply being part of a community and thats what makes this culture
great. Basketball has greatly shaped my life and has turned me into who I am today. I went from
an introvert when I was a kid, to a very social person who can spark up a conversation out of
nothing. Furthermore, besides watching the Lakers, playing basketball has influenced me in
numerous ways. For example, I have traveled to many different cities and even a few countries
with my basketball team, opening a world of adventure for me. I have met people from all
around the country and bonded with them. I have also developed many life skills from playing.
Basketball taught me responsibility, to always own up to your actions, and an internal fire,
motivated to always strive for greatness. Overall, I see basketball as one of the single most
important cultures that I am a part of that has shaped my identity.
Another culture that deeply affects my identity and connects with me is my race. I am
Armenian. Many people havent heard of us because Armenia is a small country in the Caucus
region of western Asia. I was born here in America, but my family always made me remember
where I came from and to respect my nationality. I live in Glendale, a city with a very large
Armenian population. In fact, the cities of Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena, and Hollywood

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combined have the second most population of Armenians outside of Armenia itself. It would be
foolish to say that I didnt come in contact with at least 10 different Armenians on any given day.
Although a vast number of us are here, we are still a relatively small community. We as a culture
are very patriotic people and have the worlds amount of pride for our culture. Throughout my
life, every path that I have crossed, has been heavily influenced by my nationality and my
community. If I werent Armenian, theres not much else I would be. Not many cultures are
lucky enough to have contact with people of their own kind, but we are very lucky and we know
it and cherish the opportunity. Being part of this culture has impacted my life in more ways than
I could imagine. Being Armenian chose my religion, chose what primary schools I would go to,
chose where I would live, chose what I would eat, and much, much more. Im not saying that
everything I do is, on a certain level, caused by what nationality I am, but it sure has a large
impact. For example, being Armenian has influenced me to join Armenian groups and
communities, with members of my culture around me. This tight knit community does not shape
me in any physical or cultural way, but more of a mental way. Being Armenian makes me who I
Being a part of many cultures, big and small, affect your personality, how you act, how
you speak, and affects you overall. Each different culture is responsible for shaping me into this
unique human being. Everyone is a part of a culture one way or another, and has been affected by
that. If none of us had been impacted by a culture or subculture we are a part of, we would all
just be the same boring human being, with no differences in likes, dislikes, and more. Instead, we
are able to be our own unique self and express our differences because of the communities we
are a part of that mold us and tailors us all individually. In conclusion, without being a part of the

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cultures I am involved in, I would not be who I am and would just be an average Joe, without
any distinctive features.

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