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My Idea
From the beginning to the actually essay, the central focused
remained on the relationship between Chris McCandless and his parents. I
was very interested in learning about the family dynamics although I
narrowed in on the growing Chris McCandless. I changed because I felt
autonomy was an interesting subject matter. The adolescent years became
my focus because I have a son who is learning to be a decision maker at 24
years of age. I always worry about my own child, and I wondered if Chriss
parents damaged in growth process by what went on ion the home.
2. My Research My research was not difficult to obtain. I knew just where I
wanted to begin. I thought about using different books, but time was limited.
I placed a lot of value on scholarly research items. I placed even more value
on my primary source. Some of my research contributed very little but
offered a wealth of knowledge. The biggest thing I need was to learn as much
as possible.
3. The Effect of my research
I found lots of information. My findings forced
me to narrow the subject area to include dysfunctional families. I stayed to
the course, I was more defined though.
4. Writing my Essay
I wanted to inform. I wanted to open with my focus
ideas and explain. I knew I had to break up the ideas in categories to create a
good flow. I chose to do this because this is the style I am more familiar with.
5. My critique group
My critique group was awesome. They were provided
positive feedback in the classroom and out. I welcomed everything the forum
critiques provided.
6. My life as a researcher.
This was the first time I have ever done this much
research. Ive been out of school for some time, but I dont recall this
process. It helped me to be more organized. I appreciate the inquiry part the

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