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In the land of Westeros there rose a kingdom named Highgarden and in that
kingdom lived King Joseph and Queen Lauren with their little daughter Lucy. Not far
away from Highgarden but under the sea another kingdom stood strong, the
kingdom of Pyke. The land of the mermaids and mermen where it is ruled by King
Arthur. King Arthur has seven sons but despite him having so many children he still
took an orphan girl and treated her as his own. That girls name is Mia. Mia happens
to be Salems best friend, wherein Salem is Arthurs favorite son for he is the
Every night Queen Lauren sings to her daughter while she brushes her hair.
Prince Salem always comes to hear Laurens voice for he is infatuated with her
because of her voice.
One night Princess Lucy got sick, Lauren did everything she could but Lucys
condition is only getting worse.
So the next night, she approached Cersei, the witch octopus that was once a
mermaid, and made a deal with her.
The deal is that in three days time Lauren will turn into a mermaid and
acquire a kiss from Salem. If she succeeds, she would remain a mermaid and her
daughter would be saved. But if she fails, she would turn back into a human but her
daughters life would be taken. Lauren agreed and Cersei exclaimed that no one
can revoke this curse
As soon as Lauren was turned into a mermaid she swam headed for Pyke.
One her way she encountered Mia, Mia offered to escort her. During their journey
Lauren found out that Mia is deeply in love with her best friend Salem.
When they arrived at Pyke, Salem recognized her thru her voice. Then Mia
realized that the lady truly is Queen Lauren and looking back, she told her
everything she feels about Salem. When she knew that Salem likes Lauren all this
Salem wasted no time and asked Lauren to marry him on the forth night.

Cersei was furious that everything that is happening is favoring Lauren. She
wanted Lauren to fail. She wanted Lauren lose her child. So she thought of a way to
On the day of the wedding, when Lauren was preparing. Cersei took Lauren
voice from her and locked Lauren in her closet.
Cersei, dressed as the bride, went to Salem and hypnotized him to make him
think that she is Lauren thru the stolen voice.
Mia was surprised. She knew that the girl dressed as the bride is not Lauren.
Quickly, She went to Laurens room to find her.
She heard Laurens distressed call from the closet. She unlocked the door and
Lauren was free. Lauren was surprised that Mia helped her. And asked why did you
help me? I took Salem from you. Mia answered and said Yes you did. But he likes
you not me. Now lets go, an Imposters taking your place. Suddenly Lauren felt
guilty of what shes doing
They arrived just in time before the kiss, Lauren pushed Cersei and took her
voice back. Everyone was shocked and asked who the imposter is.
King Arthur spoke who are you? And what are you doing here? and before
Cersei vanished she Replied I am Cersei, the witch exiled from Pyke, why am I
here? Why not ask your Lauren for the answer
Salem freed from the spell was confused. He asked Lauren what Cersei was
saying. Lauren, told the truth, everything about the deal for the guilt I s eating her.
She told Salem that she is only doing this for her sick daughter and she had no
other choice.
Salem had nothing to say and swam out. Mia followed him.
Salem asked why did she have to do that? Mia answered,Maybe because
thats what mothers do, they do anything for their child

But doesnt she realize that even if she succeeds, shell never be with her
child again.
She knew that from the start
What? I dont understand
She knows that she and her child will never be together, but if she doesnt
do this, her child will die. she had to make the choice. And she chose to save her
daughter because she loves her too much
How do you know that?
Because all my life I have been wondering why my mother left me here. I
keep thinking of a reason why. And the only answer that I got is that maybe leaving
me here is the sacrifice she had to take. That If my mother truly loves me, then
maybe that is the only reason there is. That maybe she had to make a choice like
this, to live together in pain or to let one live happily.
Salem understood.
So on the next day, King Arthur and Salem agreed to cure Lucy and turn
Lauren back into a human. They told Lauren that this should never happen again.
Lauren agreed.
King Arthur, Salem, Mia and Lauren went to the shore. That afternoon Lucy
was cured and Lauren was united with her daughter. But when the sun set Cersei
And exclaimed you think you can get away from the deal, No you cant! you
will lose your daughter Lauren asked why do want to take my daughter from me
so much?
Because 15 years ago the people of your kingdom took mine from me. My
daughter is dead because of you humans, now I want you to experience what I felt
What? We never killed anyone. Yes there was a fisherman 15 years ago that
took a baby mermaid. The fisherman what punished for what he did. And the baby
mermaid we returned her to the sea.
Why should I believe you
King Arthur spoke up Because the baby was given to me. I dont know who
her mother is so I took her as my own.
what? Shes alive exclaimed Cersei

Mia is your Daughter. Now stop this

Cersei was shocked all this time she thought her daughter Is dead and now
her daughter is there right in front of her. She thought of stopping what she is doing
for there is no point
I cant stop Cersei said, the deal cant be broken unless the one who
created it dies
Mia burst into tears and said no you cant do this, you cant leave me again.
but there is no other choice, I have to. This is all my fault
but how about me?
youll be fine without this shameful mother of yours
youre not shameful. you just did what any mother would do. I will never
forget that I have a loving mother like you.
Thank you. And cersei was gone.
After the incident things happened, the kingdom Highgarden and Pyke established
allegiance, Salem fell inlove with Mia and they got married and 6 years later
they had a child, a daughter, and they named her Cersei. And they lived happily
ever after THE END.

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