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Monty Rutheford

Mrs. Hensel
English IV
September 24
Annotated Bibliography
What is it like to be homeless in south Carolina?
Argos, Greg. "WMBF Special Report: Homeless Bound." -, Myrtle Beach/Florence
SC, Weather. N.p., 3 July 2009. Web. 21 Sept. 2015.
There is a estimated 1500 homeless people in horry county. The author of this article, Greg Argos, hit
the streets for two days to see what homeless is like. He tried to find food,shelter, and a job. Argos arrived by
bus with no money and started to find food. After I searching and walking a man told him where a food kitchen
was called Helping Hands. At the soup kitchen, other homeless people tell him where he can work. After lunch
he hangs around Chapin Park, the next day he goes to some labor centers but they dont have any jobs for him
that day. He wondered around all day and goes to sleep on a beach access. The next day he goes to the labor
center again but they have no jobs again.

Chakraborty, Barnini. "South Carolina City Makes Being Homeless Illegal."Fox News. FOX
News Network, 28 Aug. 2013. Web. 22 Sept. 2015.
Columbia south Carolinas citys council approved a plan to make it illege to be homeless.
Anybody sleeping outdoors in the city would be taken to a shelter or brought to jail. The shelters is
15 miles from downtown Columbia, the city council believes that it will cut down on homeless. The
council called the plan Emergency Homeless Response to protect the downtown businesses. Some
people dont agree with the plan because it does not address the problem by giving a place for the
homeless. It is estimated that housing cost 16 to 18 thousand a year. Keeping homless people at a
shelter costs 22 thousand a year,
Leblanc, Clif. Woman to become first participant in South Carolinas first homeless Court, a new front
on aiding those chronically without homes. State, The (Columbia, SC 26 Jan. 2015: Points of View Reference
Center: Web, 23 Sept. 2015.
Columbia is starting to do a pilot program, it is going to reduce the arrests of homeless people. The
program is patterned after one in San Diego, California. Each homeless participant must demonstrate what
they have done to stay on track toward stable lives, including drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs or
mental health treatment and other paths to stability. Completing the program charges will be dismissed. They
are trying to get funding.

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