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CITY GOUNGIL COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS Crry oF Cmicaco se ir Toes Dre Councit CHamaer ae Davip Moone Avoeawan, 177 Wane TeLepmone: (773) 7 an (973) 789: ‘+The Laquan McDonald case is the latest in a pattem of incidents that compromise the integrity of Public office-holders whose duties are to serve as good stewards of public resources and the public trust. (See: former Comptroller Amer Ahmad, former CPS CEO Barbara Byrd Bennett, Homan Square, etc.) ‘© Our constituents are questioning our integrity because of the city council's role, - and the Black Caucus in particular—in the 13 month delay and cover-up in this case. ‘+ The city used taxpayer funds to have city attorneys fight to keep the footage hidden, although the footage should have been made public according to open records laws in the State of ilinois. In addition to the $5 million given to the family, how much did it cost taxpayers to fight the video's release? ‘* The City Council voted to approve the settlement without having seen the dashcam footage. Many of our colleagues said they were misled by corporation counsel * 1am calling for a full subject matter hearing for City Counc in order to gain further insight into the processes that were put in play and decisions that were made by the Mayor and his surrogates regarding the Laquan McDonald case. * This subject matter hearing is necessary because as Aldermen we were elected to represent our constituents, we are their voice, we're supposed to be the stewards of their taxpayer dollars and we deserve to know what happened in the Laquan McDonald case. + Our constituents rely on us to be a conduit to City Hall. It would be irresponsible of us to not take this opportunity to get answers to the questions that we have about this case. + Lwant to emphasize that this is not about calling for Mayor Emanue''s resignation. It’s simply doing the responsible thing, which is to ensure that Mayor Emanuel answers the questions that we, the City Council have about this case. This is necessary to restore trust in our leadership. Our reputations have been compromised not just because of this case, but because of a pattem of decisions that implicate ongoing corruption in City Hall ‘+ We can either stick our heads in the sand and hope this goes away or we can do our jobs as City Council members find out if there was a deliberate delay and cover up, and do the responsible thing-which is to foster the transparency and honesty the public is demanding and the mayor and police superintendent claim they support.

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