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Caramelised Beef Lettuce Cups

4 tbsp brown sugar

2 tbsp warm water

1 tbsp lime juice

3 tbsp oil

400g sirloin steak cut into thin strips

1-2 tbsp grated ginger (approx 25g)

3 garlic cloves

4 tbsp fish sauce

1 stem of lemongrass (tough outer leaves removed)

For the lettuce cups:

Baby Gem lettuce

Mint leaves

Lime wedges


1 spring onion, julienned

1 red chilli, chopped

1. To make the caramel add the brown sugar and water and lime juice together and heat in a pan
until it turns into a syrup consistency.
2. Take off the heat and put to one side.
3. Next, in a pan or wok, heat the oil and fry the beef off in batches until golden brown and a
little bit crispy.
4. Add the garlic, ginger and lemongrass, and mix well.

5. Then, add the fish sauce and caramel, reduce the heat to low.
6. Add the freshly chopped coriander, chopped red chilli and spring onion and stir well.
7. Lay the baby gem out on a plate, top with a few mint leaves followed by the cooked meat and
sprinkle with spring onion, chilli and coriander.

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