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InTASC 10 standard

During my time as a student teacher, I was given the opportunity to write my

own CFA. This particular CFA can be found below and is from our unit on Elections
and Campaigns for my government class. What I did was take a look at a district
CFA, this one was a quiz, and shaped it in a way that covered more of what we had
talked about in class. I made a few changes: in question 1, I took out a term we
hadnt gone over yet and added in Lobbying. I made question two from scratch in
order to relate to the information I had covered. I threw out the originally question 3
and replaced it with the new one. I also completely created the level 4 question for
the students. This left a good mix of new questions with old questions.
Once I was done I sent this to my mentor teacher and he told me it looked
good. After a few days we administered the assessment. After grading some of the
quizzes, I asked my mentor teacher a question about my grading. I had him reread
a question and read a students answer; he informed me that I had been grading
too hard for how the question was written. This was specifically question 3. The lack
of questioning students for detail was the problem; so as long as students answered
questions as written. Somehow, the next Data team meeting we had was about
writing good level 3 questions for assessments.
During the meeting, I brought in my CFA and we talked about that question
specifically. We discussed the pros and the cons and, as a team, we worked on ways
to make that question better for the future. We discussed how it really didnt belong
in the level 3 category as written, but if it had more detail or was written differently,
it would satisfy for a level 3 question. Level 3 questioning shows an A grade level
standard. The importance of the question got lost in the lack of detail needed. As a
team, we made sure to work together to improve not only this level 3 question, but
the level 3 questions of other teachers assessments. This was probably one of the
most successful days for our data team.

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