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Evaluation Criteria for the Electoral College

Level 1; Student takes a stand on the issue, but does not provide any persuasive
reasoning for their stance. An example of this would be a student simply stating if
they agree or disagree and writing no reasoning behind it.
Level 2; Student takes a stand on the issue and answers why they support that
side. Student provides 1-2 persuasive reasons to support their argument with little
to no elaboration of those reasons. An example of this would be a student stating
their side and why and giving 1-2 reasons why, but those examples arent
elaborated on.
Level 3; Student take a stand on the issue and answers why they support that side.
Student provides 2 or more persuasive reasons to support their argument with a
brief or general elaboration of those reasons. They have no factual errors and there
are no highly opinionated responses.
Level 4; Student takes a stand on the issue and answers why they support that
side. Student provides 2 or more persuasive reasons to support their side with a
detailed elaboration on all of their reasons. They have no factual errors and there
are no highly opinionated responses.

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