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Shawntavia Norvell
Professor Morean
English Composition 1101.35
7 December 2014
Supporting All Cancers During Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast cancer awareness month was established to detect breast cancer at an early
stage in 1985 (Jacobsen and Jacobsen 3). Susan G. Komen started the breast cancer
foundation to bring awareness because she lost a sister who battled cancer and has experienced
breast cancer for herself (the woman who raised billions in the battle against cancer).
Awareness of breast cancer was not a privilege for Komen, due to lack of resources and
prevention information. Although, breast cancer lacks the proper awareness, breast cancer has a
lot of recognition throughout society, there are more foundations and awareness to take care of
funding and awareness.
Breast cancer awareness month has affected a lot of families, by encouraging women to
continue to fight against cancer. Spreading the word about breast cancer awareness, can
enlighten citizens to take mammograms to evaluate health and donate to charity. Giving
donations to cancer researchers goes to equipment resources to find a cure for breast cancer.
Instead of broadcasting breast cancer awareness month as media entertainment, many
citizens should go to their doctors to talk about family history and cancer preventions. Cancer is

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growing rapidly in todays society and is hard to treat because of the stages. Appreciate your
body by exercising and reading information that is given during breast cancer awareness month.

Yes, breast cancer awareness is a time to reflect that there are citizens who are battling for
survival or those who have lost the fight against cancer. Public awareness of breast cancer, is a
time to educate citizens about the effects of cancer and learn about health precautions such as
how to prevent or catch the early signs of cancer. All cancer patients should also have benefits to
be empowered and validated.
The major impact of breast cancer awareness donations, has increased due to the medias
attraction such as the NFL and other organizations that advertise the pink ribbon. Yoplait and
numerous marketing organizations also advertise the awareness throughout their faculties to
comfort patients. Even, President Obama lights up the white house with pink lights to show
support of breast cancer patients (Jarret). Many lives are affected by cancer and supporting
patients will give them hope, to feel like a part of society.
The encouragement groups for patients battling cancer to cope with their illness are
important. The American Cancer Society has provided resources for comfort such as the Hope
Lodge, to accommodate cancer patients with out-of-town medical treatments (American Cancer
Society,Inc.). We need aware of available resources for all cancer patients, instead of just
adverting the events and funding for breast cancer patient. We should acknowledge society about
all cancers so that we can bring more awareness and resources.

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Many citizens overlook the true meaning of awareness month, not finding important
information of all cancers; even the hidden underlying issues of breast cancer awareness. Men
can have breast cancer too, in the article When Men Get Breast Cancer it states that twentyfour hundred men learned that they have the have breast cancer (Parker-Pope). Celebrating the
awareness of breast cancer you tend to see awareness to empower women, while failing to
acknowledge the men who are suffering with the illness.
Breast cancer has numerous donations funds on charitable, compared to
other cancers that have the least amount of pages and donation funds. Susan G. Komen For the
cure has gained $263,673,268 for their awareness campaign (charity navigator). Opposed to
other cancer charities such as Colon cancer, Colon Cancer Alliance has gained $3,561,110
from charity (charity navigator).
If citizens are more aware about all cancers they would, encourage and donate to a cause
that is made to save lives and change the world. Many citizens of society have known or witness
someone with cancer fighting for their life to survive. If there are more awareness during the
month of October, then we can catch cancer in its early stages.
Colon and rectum cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United
States (Nation cancer institute). If there were more awareness like breast cancer to press the
issues of all cancer illness, more donates and research information will be provided. Also, four
point seven-percent of men and women will be diagnosed with colon and rectum cancer at some
point during their lifetime (Nation cancer institute).

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According to the presidential proclamation of 2014, Childhood cancer can occur

suddenly, with no early symptoms, and regular medical checkups can help detect pediatric
cancer at an early stage (The presidential proclamtation ). President Obama is paving the way,
for cancer awareness to be known and acknowledge by society. Obama is a leader, who cares
about the health of others with power comes responsibilities, to make a change and take actions
for better outcomes.

Cancer is on the verge of overtaking it as the No. 1 cause of death. (Why everyone
seems to have cancer ) Celebrating all cancers during breast cancer awareness month, benefits
organizations that wants to find a cure for cancer or researching information that society needs to
be aware of to prevent cancer.More women die of lung cancer each year than breast, ovarian
and uterine cancers combined (A battle we can win). Most citizens in todays society, would
have not known that important fact; unless you have a cancer or a special love one is affected by
cancer. This is a prime example of why society should focus on all cancers instead of breast
cancer come together
What makes breast cancer awareness month so special? The lack of awareness for cancer
will not have a good improvement rate, especially if we do not give researchers equipment for
other cancers more lives will be lost and prevention precautions will go unnoticed. The lack of
all cancer awareness, doesnt support those who need comforting the most such as patients with
childhood cancer. Many children and families are affected by childhood cancer, causing a lot of
heart break and responsibilities to pay for medical expenses.

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Many citizens lack awareness according to the article Childhood cancer states ''It's
not at all unusual for parents to forbid their children to play with a cancer patient's
(KLEMESRUD). Cancer for a child is a hard fight for children, due to the limitations of playing
and hanging out with friends. Every kid wants to be normal and grow up to live their dreams, but
instead they are living in fear. Picking one cancer over all cancers is not fair. Childhood and
other cancers, should be able to embrace their illness with equal respect of breast cancer patients.
Lacking awareness in all cancers can hurt cancer patients feelings, as though illness
doesnt matter. A child with cancer has to overcome obstacles, and deserves proper recognition
and national charity and marketing events to spread awareness, and receive donations so that
researches can find solutions to prevent cancer or finding it at early stages.
Combining all cancers during breast cancer awareness month, can bring awareness and
educate society about cancers that are taking citizens lives.The key message of supporting all
cancers, is to encourage society to think about the effects of cancer that other cancers are facing.
Dont resist the opportunity to raise awareness to credible organizations to further research to
find cures to stop cancer. Lets stop and change the logo of breast cancer awareness fight like a
girl to fight cancer and inspire the world.

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Works Cited
"A battle we can win." 21 September 2014, New york ed.: A25. 7 Decemeber 2014.
American Cancer Society,Inc. What is Hope Lodge ? 2014. 8 December 2014.
charity navigator. Colon cancer alliance. n.d. 07 decemeber 2014.
. Susan G.Komen for the cure . 2014. 07 Decmeber 2014.
Jacobsen, Grant G. and Kathryn H. Jacobsen . "health awareness campaigns and
diagnosis: evidence for national breast cancer awareness month." 2011: 5561. 7 December 2014. <>.
Jarret, valeria. the people's in the white house: honoring breast cancer awareness.
24 october 2013. 7 December 2014.
1982. 7 Decemeber 2014.
Nation cancer institute . SEER STAT FACT SHEET: Colon and Rectum Cancer. n.d. 3
December 2014. <>.
Parker-Pope, Tara. "When men get breast cancer." 24 febuary 2014. 7 Decemeber
2014. <
The presidential proclamtation . 29 August 2014. 7 December 2014.
the woman who raised billions in the battle against cancer. n.d.
< >.
Why everyone seems to have cancer . 4 Janurary 2014. 7 Decemeber 2014.

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