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1. How old are you?

2. Are you employed?

3. How much free time do you have?
4. How much money do you earn?
5. What is your favourite leisure activity?
6.are you religous?
7. Are you a social person?
8. What is the last movie you watched?
9. Do you have a smartphone?
10. What social media do you use?
11. What sector do you work in?
12. Are you content with your job?
13. How much time is dedicated to streaming services like Netflix and Spotify?
14. How much time is spent on traditional media services like TV and Radio?
15. Do you wish you had more free time?
3 texts task
X men is read by young 20s to late 40s men, they are more often than not
single and live alone. They are in a high middle class to a low high class, in order
to afford the comic working in the computer or technology industry. They will
most probably be white and atheist living in an urban environment, theyre selfimage could potentially unkempt and smelly focusing less on looks than others, a
lot of Americans read this magazine and are often highly educated in their field,
they have a tendency to not vote viewing themselves as superior to the system.
The Financial Times
The Financial times is read by high earning and high class men, it is read by early
30s to late 50s. They may have a family however can often be aspiring and
more job focused, regardless they do not have much free time. There is a high
chance they will be white and atheist living in a central city area, they will spend
a lot of time focusing on how they look and being born British. They will be highly
educated and be top of their class in everything they will be highly competitive
and will almost certainly vote conservative in order to protect their wealth.
Loose Women
Loose women is watched by 40 year old women, they will often have a big family
and will be unemployed choosing to be a stay at home mum giving them the
afternoon time to watch the show. Their nationality can be varied but will most
probably be white and deeply Christian living is the country side or in the
suburban fringes on the edge of a city or large town. They will focus on looking

pretty often wanting to impress their husband or host dinner parties. They will be
British natives however they could also have immigrated, they will be averagely
educated and vote labour.

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