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AMORC Ro si crucian Brothernoodi


In addressing our students at this time and bringing before them the
first and elementary principles of Cosmogony, our students must feel,
as we do, the overwhelming impression of the deepness, the profundi
ty, of the subject.
Probably there is no other subject, no other
study, embodying so many scientific principles, fraught with so many
scientific proofs and yet so difficult to master completely, as is
this subject.
Yet it is fundamental; it is elementary; it is basic.
Even the subject of God's laws, yea, even the study of God, is not as
difficult to present as the very world we live in, and, truly, we
cannot study G o d of God's works without a thorough comprehension of
the Universe.
But before we can properly take up this subject or any other impor
tant scientific subject we must unde rst an d how the knowledge we seek
m ay be conveyed to us.
We must analyze and properly value the vari
ous methods of arriving at facts and of substituting theories when
facts are not available or known.
Theories have their place in the
construction of comprehensible teachings on any subject, but state
ments made as part of a theoretical explanation should be clearly
labeled as THEORETICAL and not permi tte d to pass as facts.
This is
the great error in our present-day system of education, and the more
profound, because arcane, the subject, the more likely are we to
have theories given to us in the garb of facts.
When facts are NOT
known and the true facts cannot be easily found or proven, theories
are easily substituted without fear of contradiction, and for years,
even centuries, the theories may remain in the teachings as facts
and.never appear in their true light because the light of truth has
not been cast up o n them.
If all this is true of any subject, it is most certainly true of our
system of Cosmogony as taught during the past hund re d years or more
and being taught even now in the most advanced universities and
college classes of the world.
Copernicus was
the man, his was the mind, that tried to give us a
system whereby we might u n d er sta nd the universe as it is that is,
that part of it which he considered
as being
of interest to us.Cer
tain facts were known to him and to others.
The phases of the moon
were seen constantly and accordance with some law regulating
the changes so accurately that future changes could be easily p re
dicted although the law causing the changes was not known.
and sunset were other observable facts not unders to od. Man wished
to know what caused these phenomena, and in his desire for an ex
planation various theories were conceived, and some adopted.
Copernicus evolved & complete theoretical explanation of all the
phenomena, an explanation which was so satisfying, accounting for
nearly every mysterious Cosmic and earthly occurrence, that mankind
seized upon it, taught it to his children, and now his great - greatgreat-grand-children are still studying the same explanation and
accepting it as LAW and FACT.
You may ask:

"Have not more advanced scientists,

equipped with tele-

AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.




scopes and modern devices, added to, modified or altered the explan
ation of Copernicus?
Bo we not
teach our children now what science
has discovered since the time of Copernicus?
We may answer yes, to
the second question, and even yes, with some modification or quali
fication, to the first question.
B u t and here lies the danger in
all the present-day schools of science each and every investigation
and test on the part of science and scientists, since the day of Co
pernicus, has been primarily for the purpose of PROVING the theory
of Copernicus to be true, and all facts and suggestions seeming to
contradict the theory of Copernicus have been either rejected or
held in doubt.
Therefore practically all of the ideas and theories of Copernious
are embodied in our present-day teachings regarding the universe and
the earth, except that they have been enlarged, exaggerated and
otherwise added to. The great struggle in this subject today, on
the part of those engaged in such research work, is to make the
great mass of newly discovered facts fit into the theory first out
That this is true and not an opinion, you will discover be
fore this subject is half-way completed in this course of lectures.
The mass of evidence fo un d and revealed by science and scientists,
which they have rejected or ignored because it does not prove, coin
cide with, cr substantiate the old worn-out Copernican theory, will
be used by us, with much other matter not knownto them, as proof cf
che truth regarding the universe and the earth on which we live.
Bear in mind that Copernicus did not intend to give the world a
It was not -his intention to deceive, but to help us under
stand our universe by giving us an explanation which would satisfy
our desire to work out the unknown problems.
Theories, false and
true alike, often help to solve a problem only to show us later
that the false theory served a mute and ignorant purpose, false
though it was.
Copernicus wa rne d the readers of his theory by stat
ing in his manuscript that he was submitting only a working hypothe
sis, and that if pr oofs actual, tangible proofs were demanded of
the correctness of his theories, or if in the future science demanded
iacts to substantiate his system or explanation, there were no
proofs, no facts ! It is this system, questioned and doubted even
oy its originator, given with qualifica.tion and apology by its spon
sor, that we are still using, and, what is more pitiful, the childr e n o f our schools, the adults of our Colleges, are not told, when
taking up this study of the Copernican theory:
"Beware, for this
is only theory and the man who first outlined it died centuries ago
and apologized for it then and we have not learned the truth to
give you." No, the students are taught the subject as LAV/ and TRUTH.
All this explanation is made to you so that you ma y be prepared for
tne truth^that is to be told to you in these lectures:
some day,
a.' ter taking half of this course, you will not rest without putting
f-ome pretty hard questions to some of your learned friends who have
ooen made believers of the Copernican ideas, and they may put some
questions to you regarding Copernicus, so it is well for you to know


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


all that has Leen said in the above words, and, further, to look in
any large encyclopaedia or in the new Eleventh Edition of the En
cyclopaedia Britannica (at home or in any Public Library) under the
heading of COPERNICUS and read of his life and his ideas.
This will
prepare you to a.rgue many points, but, most important, it will help
you to understand how we came to have the Cosmogony now taught and
why we point to it as a complete
N o w let us seo what is the essential difference between a THEORY and
regarding any phenomenon.
This will be interesting, we
feel sure.
Let us suppose that we, assembled in our College Hall,
have a gceat scientific discovery.
Someone has brought into
this hall a little thing which we call a MATCH.
But suppose that we did not know it as a MATCH, did not have any
name for it, did not know what it was, and we looked at the little
piece of wood with its strange, colored, hard end, and began to
It was evidently made for some purpose.
We weighed it
and found it we ig hed seven grains . We rolled it between our hands
and nothing seemed to happen.
We did many things with
it until one
of our "scientific11 members (supposing now we axe a group of learned
scientists making famous "discoveries" for school children and adult
minds to ponder over and marvel at) one of these "scientists"
accidentally rubbed the end of the match against a piece of marble
on the laboratory table.
My, oh my! There was fire at once and a
flame I Fire I Fire ! Can you nc-t hear that word being repeated by
each one in the assembly?
Then someone, who is very learned and
very careful in his wide assertions and opinions, says:
"Let us
find another miraculous or strange thing like that I" And then the
man who brought the match says, "I have some more.
Here are seven."
And then, we try another and rub it very carefully "scientifically11
on the same piece of m a r b l e , and 1 o, again there is a flame and
In silence and AWE we do the same thing with a third and in
stantly we have the same result.
Then we hastily get out our "dis
covery" note books and write down that "the results are uniform".
That is our first scientific notation.
Then another scientist sug
gests that we rub the next match on wood.
Doubt is expressed as to
the result and w e fear to throw away one of the little things in a
possible failure.
But we try it, and lo 1 we have
fire and flame
Then up speaks one of the "scientists',' who says:
"I am dis
appointed, gentlemen; I would rather have had it fail that time be
cause I had an idea well established in my mind that I had discovered
the SOJRCE and ORIGIN of all the fire in the Universe, and I was pre
paring my mind to write a learned book on how fire is produced
through the coming into very close proximity
of a certain unknown
hardness to the known hardness of marble, white in color, lying flat
in the day light with the sun shining upon it at an angle to be de
termined. by the sun's rays after careful measurement with instruments
of precision.
But now I find that common wood, over here out of the
sunlight, and not white in color, also assists in producing fire,
and I am at a loss; in fact, I am dumbfounded I cannot advance my
theory and explanation of fire if this last experiment becomes known

AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.




to the public.
May we not carefully conceal this last test of the
little thing?
it was not truly scientifically done any \va.y.
there were three demonstrations of the contact with the marble and
only one with the wood, so the preponderance of scientific evidence
favors the idea I wish to advance that fire is caused SOLELY by
bringing that unknown mineral element against the smooth surface of
the marble, in the rays of the sunshine, etc, etc, etc."
But some of the other "scientists" object.
They, too, have an idea
in mind.
They wish to have fame and glory as discovery announcers
and they insist that the next little piece of wo o d the fifth piece
be struck or rubbed against a piece of VERY ROUGH, unpolished
stone, Lo i again there is fire and flame, and the man with the marble
stands aghast.
Science in its wild hunt for truth is defaming
him and his ideas.
He will leave our institution and seek a more
conservative o n e . Then someone suggests that the piece of wo o d be
rubbed against a piece of metal.
let us try common iron, rusty
and unclean, and over in the darkest room, far away from the sun
Lo I again a fire and flame, but the light of the fire seemed
brighter, it even illuminated the beclouded countenances of the
The seeming brighter light of the flame (because of the
darkness of the room) was mistaken and another notation was placed
in the "discovery" note books; "darkness as well as sunlight assist
in making fire." A n d now the last little piece of wo o d is to be
tried, for the eighth piece must be saved for the great museum of
scientific discoveries, and never used.
It was suggested that we
rub this one on cloth; that would be a wonderful test, for cloth is
softer than any of the other substances used.
And, lo ! again the
fire came as the match was rubbed on the sleeve of the coat of the
directing professor.
N ow what was to be said?
Ah, we must at once
retire individually to our studies, our sanctums, and devote at
least a month to deep thought.
We must find the LAW; yes, the Law,
the great
Law that underlies the almost supernatural phenomenon we
have witnessed FIRE PRODUCED.
Fire produced wher e there was no fire. Not by flint and
steel, not
by the methods known then, but
by some unknown method.
But we can
not announce our discovery to the world without be ing prepared with
a very learned explanation of the law. Yes, yes, let us
have a law.
(They might just as well say "any law").

End of Lesson Number One.

Concluded in Lesson Number




- i _________


R E G I S T E R E D U. S. P A T E N T O F F I C E

NOTE: The m atter contained herein is officially issued th rou gh the Suprem e C ouncil of the
A . M. 0 . R. C. under the above emblem, which w as registered in the U n ited States
1'atent Office for the purpose of protecting a ll the printed, engraved, typewritten
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studies, diagram s,

illu stration s and charts, as used by the Im p e ra to r o f A . M. O. R. C.

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AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


Continuation of Lesson Number One.

LESSON NUMBER ONE-AMonths later we read in the most advanced scientific papers the
following startling announcement:
The Phvsio-genesis of Spontaneous F i r e .
Professors Sulphur-Head and Birds-Eye, Dean and Chief Instructor, re
spectively, of the Theoretical University of Fabricated Science, an
nounce at last the startling discovery which has occupied the daily
attention of the entire class in neo-cheinistry and pseudo physics at
Luna Park during the last session of the Convention of Profiteering
Text-Book Writers.
It appears from the learned explanations offered
very guardedly by those who can be induced to speak regarding this
revolutionary, or revolutionizing, discovery, that one of their n um
ber has been at w o r k for eighty-nine years on the problem of spontan
eous generation of combustible minerals hypothetically approximated
in their proximity to conditions energizing the latent causticity,
the acrimony and ebullition and effervescence of which is made to
splutter and. forthwith manifest a most excitable condition of ambi
tion after its lethargy in the close confines of a mineral combina
tion which adheres to the far-away end of a slender piece of wood of
the species r ah ra hw ah kob is .
The necessary manifestation is caused by what may be termed agita
tion; however, it more closely resembles persuasion in its applica
tion; for the hybrid end of the piece of wood was firmly, though
quite scientifically, stimulated or awakened, as it were, to use lan
guage which the unlearned lay mind may quite comprehend, by rubbing
it on a foreign substance unassociated with it in any perceptible
chemical manner.
As mediums for such stimulation the following arti
cles were used;
Lohogystro, known commonly as marble, rahrahwaftome
or another specie of wood, hard-water, known as glass, pig-metalis,
known as common iron, and cementutus, known as stone, and lastly,
fas hi on - st uf f- us , known as cloth.
The unanimous finding of the learned scientists who participated in
the experiments and processes is that all the fire in the world is
caused by "friction".
This includes the sunlight, all heat and
flames and all light, including the light of the mysterious firefly,
whose secret process science is now about to steal and use in other
ways than amusing children at night.
The name "friction" is given to
the gentle process of rubbing the aforesaid unknown mineral element
on the
various specified elements.
The word is derived from the
name of Professor Frick, who was the first scientist to discover
what agitation really is by announcing to the world, as he did some
time ago, that there was no man in the moon and that lovers must
look to Venus for their star-gazing invocations.
It is intended by the University to demonstrate that all fire must
be generated through the use of this device plus the assistance of


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


friction. "Without such friction this strange mineral will not pro
duce fire and we have tested every other method of causing the miner
al to explode into fame without result,"
said Professor Shortsight
ed, in an interview last night.
"Friction on just the few elements
we mention is the only method of producing a flame or fire at the
end of the piece of wood.
This is the great LAW we sought for and
now that we have found it our latest text books on fire and heat will
contain this law and it will mean a great commerical boost for the
sale of pieces of marble, pieces of dark wood, pieces of iron with
rust, pieces of rough stone, and certain kinds of coat sleeves in or
der that every housewife and every factory and institution may have
fire from these things plus the mineral and the agitation called

Here, friends and students, we have an excellent

example of how
theories are made, manufactured and sold sold in text books as LAWS
for you and me and others to study.
Someday someone will hold one of
chose mysterious matches near a hot stove and the little mineral end
of the match will explode and produce flame without any friction,
without marble or wood or stone or iron or cloth--without contact
with any thing and then, ah J then the professors will invent a new
theory and publish the "very latest text book on the production of
fire" or, if that is not PROFITABLE, they will keep in darkness the
fact that their theory is wrong and vie shall have to go on without
knowing the truth.
But we have made the point clear.
Theories are invented to explain
what is not known.
Theories cover a multitude of sinful omissions
in the study of facts.
A theory is usually the most plausible ex
planation of a condition or manifestation which requires some sort
of explanation. A good theory saves much time in hunting for truth.
Now we will apply all this to our study of the theories and laws
and principles of COSMOGONY.
We will be able to see the theories
now that we know them by their method of manufacture.
No w let us be very serious for a few minutes and look with true rev
erence upon the subject to which we are to give our entire thoughts
for a while.
During the various lectures on this subject we will use a process of
impressing our minds and memories with the thoughts which should re
main uppermost.
This process will have as its basis the psycholog
ical phenomenon known as "visualizing".
Therefore, whenever in the
lecture you are told to "visualize" what has been described or is b e
ing described, you are to stop reading for a few minutes at that
point in the lecture, close your eyes and mentally picture the scene,
idea or conception given to you in the words.
This will permit the
picture, and with it the thought, to pass into your deeper conscious
ness for future use.


AMORC--Rosicrucian Brotherhood.

N ow if it were possible for us to lift ourselves into space, far

away from and above the surface of this earth, and view this earth
as though we were mid-way between the earth and the mo on what do
you suppose we should see? As once we think of the ideas given to us
by our school books and by the pictures therein.
Let us review what
we have been told:
The picture we would see would be that of a
round body, a huge ball, floating in space, covered by land and
it wou ld appear to be revolving and at the same time slowly
moving through the space all around us.
Off in the distance we would
oee a greater ball of fire which we call the sun, and in different
places in the space we would also see smaller spheres, or balls,
while back of us is the white sphere we call the moon.
But in every
direction we w o u l d see in the space hundreds of smaller spheres, or
bodies, with more or less brightness, and these we are told are
other planets and stars, etc.
And as we look around us and peer into
the distance we notice that as far as we can see there is space and
nothing but the little dots or points of illumination representing
distant planets or stars.
There seems to be no end to the space, no
end to the universe, no end to the planets in it, and THE LITTLE
only one of the many planets and it is not even the largest of the
Now close your eyes and visualize that picture for a moment.

Such is the picture we have been told to keep of our universe and the
relation of our earth to the other elements of the universe.
ing, then, of ourselves, of each of us individually, as a simgle human^bei ng on one of the many planets in that great endless space, we
begin to wonder if, after all, the individual destiny of a human life
ca.n be of any considerable concern to the scheme of the universe and
Pondering over this thought of the individ
ual relation of man to the whole universe causes us to slowly feel
and realize that man is an insignificant element, a mere grain of
sand, a hardly necessary element or part so far as one individual
is concerned.
A n d this idea belittles our place in the world and
makes us feel
that we cannot truly have any specific attunernent, any
deep or ponderous connection with God and the universe and that,
therefore, Gods and nature's concern in and for us is very, very small
J-f at- all.

This is, essentially, the greatest error, the greatest Bin, the
greatest obstacle against our advancement, our comprehension of God,
and our
relation to God and to other humans on this earth.
It is
this mistaken
idea that must be removed
our intellect before we
a proper understanding
of even the first elements
of Cosmology and Cosmogony.
In the first place, let us consider or name the conception of the
^ ^ - ^ erse as ^ was just pictured to you, as the COPERNICAN CONCEP
TION, for reasons which will be apparent very soon.
Whenever, in
future lectures, we refer to the Copernican Conception, you will know

AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.




that me mean the picture of the universe with its limitless space and
millions of planets just referred to.
Now this conception of endless
creation, endless space, continous nothingness, beginning nowhere,
ending nowhwere, formless, conforming to nothing, following no rule
as to form (for endless space cannot have form or be according to
any scheme or plan) all this, mi n d you, is the ONLY SIMILAR CONDI
ONLY EXCEPTION to Nature's p l a n s and methods in the whole world of
Perhaps you have heard of the terms MACROCOSM and MICROCOSM?
haps you have heard of the phrase:
As above b o below? Perhaps you
have heard of the term:
The Infra World?
Each of these terms and
phrases will mean much to you very shortly, but if you try to fit
them with the picture of the Copernican Conception you will fail
utterly to see any sense in them.
And so, preparatory to our next
lecture and during the time that elapses, if you can find it con
venient to look up these terms and words in the dictionary or any
encyclopaedia, it will repay you.
Incidentally we will introduce
here our first symbol to be used in our study of creation: the symcol of the triangle a triangle with three equal sides, with its
point upward, so to speak.
This is one of the most ancient of sym
bols and it has always represented creation and it will help us to
understand one of the fundamental laws of God and all nature:
law is:
"The progression of creation moves in a cycle of evolution
and devolution, the apex of evolution being the beginning
of devolution and the last point of devolution being the
first point of evolution again.
And midway between the
point of the beginning and the apex of evolution, and m i d
way between the point of the beginning of devolution and
the last point of devolution there are lines which separate
the great wo rl d of manifestation from the lesser world of
The Infra Wo rl d is the lesser world of manif estation. 11
Speculate upon this.
See what you can find in this regard in any
book and keep these thoughts in your mi nd every hour until our next
This ends the first lecture of this Term.



G RADE___________________________ NO __________

R E G I S T E R E D U. S . P A T E N T O F F I C E

N O T E : The m atter contained herein is officially issued through the Suprem e C ouncil o f the
A . M. O. R. C. under the above emblem, which w as registered in the U n ite d States
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illu stratio n s and charts, as used by the Im p e ra to r o f A . M. O. It. C.

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herein are to be used fo r the purpose intended, and fo r no other, and a ll righ ts and
privileges are retained by the Im perator.
A . M. O. R. C. is the only R osicru ciau organ ization authorized to use the above Registered
name and sym bols, and the Im p e ra to r has the sole rig h t to gran t the use of the above
1o other allied organizations or movements.


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



In our last lecture a law was given to you which most naturally form
ed itself into a symbol having a triangle as its basis.
That we may
have this symbol clearly established in our minds, and at the same
time definitely pictured in our lessons, we shall draw it and retain
the symbol in our notes.
Undoubtedly it is best to evolve this symbol
and show how it comes to be so significant.
First we will make the triangle in this manner, referring to illus
tration No.l:

W e see that if the one side of the triangle, approaching the apex,
is the side representing evolution, and if the other side represents
devolution, we must divide the triangle in two parts.
This we do by
drawing a straight line from the apex down to the base, as shown in
Illustration No. 2.
The apex of the triangle the very tip of it
is the point where the evolution ends and devolution begins.
On the
base line of the triangle, where the straight line touches it (as in
dicated by the letter A in Illustration No. 2 ), we have the point
where devolution ends and evolution begins.
Thus we have two points
of ending and begin nin g at A and B in illustration No. 2.
N o w our law, given in the last lecture, and which we will call CRE
ATIVE LAW NO. ONE, says that midway between the beginning of evolution
and the ending of evolution there is a line which divides the lesser
w o r l d of creation from the greater world of evolution.
So we will
put a point on our triangle on the evolution side half way between A
and B.
This gives another point which we will call _C (in Illustra
tion No. 3).
And the law also
says that midway between the beginn
ing of devolution and the end of devolution there is a line which di
vides the greater world of devolution from the lesser world of devo
So we make another point on the DEVOLUTION side of the tri
angle, half way between B and A> and rnaxk this point with the letter
D. (in illustration No. 3.)
N ow if we connect the points _C and D
w i t h a line we have the symbol show in illustration No. 4.




AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.







In the symbol shown in Illustration Ho. 5 we have the great creative

laws well symbolised.
Here we see that the upper half of the triangle
represents the UPP ER WORLD of manifestation and the lower half rep
resents the LOW ER WORLD, or, in other words, the Infra World.
W e also
see that one side cf the triangle represents the progress of EVOLU
TION and the other side the progress of DEVOLUTION.
Before we go any further let us analyze these terms and be sure that
we have clear definitions of them.
EVOLUTION is the process, operating according to definite laws,
whereby the c o n structive forces of nature work harmoniously to
buil d up, improve and. refine all of nature's manifestations,
evolving and developing them in specie and function to the
highest manifestation or naiure possible.
DEVOLUTION is the opposite process, also operating according to defi
nite laws, whereby the seemingly destructive process of forces
of nature work harmoniously to tear down, break into lesser and
smaller or primitive elements, all of nature's manifestations
which have already h a d full and complete perfect expression, and
thus supply trie primitive elements for evolution to begin vfith
again and aga>.n.
THE INFRA WORLD or LESSER WOP.LD is that domain or world of nature's
manifestations where alul that is and has existence or expression
in it is of microscopic?,! or minute form, too small to be seen


AMORC Rosicruciau Brotherhood.



by the na k e d eye, too elementary to have complete or independent

existence, or too primitive to have specie and function.
It con
tains all the el'ements produced by devolution in its process of
breaking up, and all of evolution's elements in the first stages
of being built up and revitalized.
The UPPER WORLD contains all of nature's highest manifestations on
the earth plane.
It contains the elements of evolution which
are still being developed to reach to perfection in specie or
function, and also all of the elements in process of evolution
which are in perfect manifestation and have reached the last
point of evolution (the apex of the triangle).
It also contains
all the elements of devolution which have ended their evolution
and are now being disintegrated and separated preparatory to be
coming the very lowest and most primitive elements
in the
lower world.
DISINTEGRATION is a process whereby matter of a complex form or na
ture becomes separated into the elements composing it.
In this
way minerals br ea k down into molecules, atoms and electrons.
The trunks of trees, for instance, pass through what is common
ly called "rotting" and become simple elements "of the dust of
the ground".
All plant life, all mineral life, and all animal
life finally disintegrate and form thousands of primitive ele
ments which find their way into the earth and there, after a
certain p e r i o d of complete rest and separation from the form in
which they m a n i fes te d before, are slowly re-united by nature's
forces and begin evolution again in a new form.
Eefore we can have any proper and comprehensive understanding of
nature*s manifestations in the UPPER WORLD we must know what is fund
amental in the Infra World.
W e are safe in saying that the greatest
mistake made in studying the phenom ena of the upper world which in
cludes the study of Sciences generally, such as C o s m o g o n y , Cosmology,
Man, and all that is on or above the earth is in studying these
things first and from them trying to glimpse some conception of the
Infr a world or of both worlds united.
A great scientist once said that he could spend a lifetime in the
study of the Infra Wo rld as he found it on the point of a needle. He
meant by this that enough of the Infra World's manifestations could
be placed on the point of a needle so that, under a powerful mic ro
scope, it would afford a lifetime of study.
That is true, if the in
tention of such study w o u l d be to discover some of nature's secrets
as revealed on the point of a n e ed le for even a lifetime would not
reveal nature's secrets b y such mere examination of the manifesta
A drop of water which we can plainly see by the n a k e d eye has evolved
to the size and manifestation of something which is properly one of
the manifestations belonging to the UPPER WORLD.
But by placing


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



that drop of water under a powerful microscope many things unseen by

the naked eye are revealed and we find we have opened another world
of manifestation the IMTRA WORLD, the world contained within the
drop of water.
7'e could see, if our microscope was powerful enough,
the manifestation of the cells, the elements composing the water, and
in those cells we could see the elements composing even them; and in
these also could be seen other elements from the lower world the
smallest cells in existence the primitive, first form, of nature's
A drop of blood belongs to the upper world it is an
evolved thing reaching a high state of perfection when it is in nor
mal condition and healthy but under the microscope that drop of blood
reveals another world inside of it, the chemical world of the earl
iest manifestation, and we could see cells of many forms and tints of
color and each-of these cells would contain other cells or elements
those which enter into the composition of blood minerals of many
kinds, magnetic points of vitality.
To make the matter picturesque, we may compare the upper and lower
worlds in this manner.
At that moment and minute of time that the
baby chick breaks through the shell of the egg and steps out into the
outer world, it, as a manifestation of nature, passes the line on the
TRIANGLE at the place marked C in illustration No. 5, and passes from
the Infra or Lower world into the upper world.
When the seed con
taining the germ of life is vitalized in the egg, that egg and all
its elements are in the Infra World, the Lower World, somewhere along
the path of evolution from the point A on the triangle toward C. Up
to the point G the egg is evolving in the Infra W o r l d but after it
crosses that point in the process of evolution it enters the Upper
wo rl d and continues to evolve in the Upper World until it reaches per
fection at.the point B.
It is not our purpose to touch upon the creation of life or to study
cell life and the various steps of evolution at just this time in our
work and thought on the principles of Cosmogony.
But what you should
have in mind, as have we who have carefully examined all the laws and
principles, is that the statement, previously referred to, "as above
o below" is so true in principle that we must take it into consider
if you look again at the triangle diagram on the preceding
p age you will see that there is a very great similarity in the two
halves of the triangle representing the
Lower and Upper Worlds, just
as identical in action as the two halves representing Evolution and

The great lesson learned from a study of both of these two worlds is
that the same fundamental laws and principles applying in one apply
in the other.
Can you imagine, for instance, that the great laws
which cause Evolution to carry on its great work in the Lower World
would^ ce different or reversed in the Upper world?
Or to put the
question in another form, can you imagine that any of the great con
structive principles involved in the process of building up and perpr nation of the world have any exceptions and operate
differently in regard to the perfection of some parts of the universe?


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



What, then, are the great fundamental laws of creation which operate
so universally, so generally, and so wonderfully that man's m i n d must
he almost infinite in its thinking to fully appreciate them?
is what we must begin with at once.
We must have those laws defi
nitely stated and clearly comprehended and at once the greatest m ys
teries of the Universe begin to reveal themselves in their true na
ture and finally the MYSTERIES DISAPPEAR.
So our next lecture will begin with a new presentation of these laws.
W e shall take them, one by one, and note the consistency of them.
Here in the vicinity of our College Halls and Campus we have
This is the only place in Ame ric a where cypress trees are to
be found.
(The cypress trees referred to were on the College grounds
in California.)
Ferhaps they can be found in no other place than
here and in the Orient.
But as soon as those who are familiar with
tree life, vegetable life and botany hear of the cypress trees here
in this Valley of Amorc, they say: "There is a particular ki n d of
soil there; otherwise cypress trees wou ld not grow there.
There must
be a certain atmospheric condition exactly like that in the Orient,
else the cypress trees could not live there".
And examination shows
that there is this peculiar soil and this wonderful climate necessary
for cypress trees.
So exact is the law of nature, so precise her
rules and regulations, that though America has many, many trees and
has many degrees and natures of climate in her various sections, on
ly where a certain soil combined with a certain climate exists can
the Cypress trees live.
The cypress trees could not exist at the
North Pole, with its coldness, or in the southern section of Florida,
with its warm climate.
All of which, leading to speculation and meditation, makes us real
ize that when someone offers us an explanation or a theory or a pic
ture or a statement regarding our Universe, or regarding nature's
manifestations, which includes man y reversals of nature's fundamen
tal laws and belies the universal precision of God's plans of crea
tion, we should reject the offer and cast it aside as unworthy, false
and misleading.
For additional reading during the time between this and the next lec
ture, our students should read the various definitions in some good
dictionary or encyclopaedia of the words:
Devolution, Evolution,
Disintegration, and any of the other terms u sed in this lecture.

End of Lecture Number Two.



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In our last lecture reference was made to the fact that all of n a
ture's laws, all of God's laws operate without ever manifesting an
exception to the fundamental principles upon which those laws are
In the course of study that we are now pursuing it is necessary that
we make specific reference to the fundamental laws of the PRINCIPLE
Nowhere do we notice the great COSMIC MIND, the Divine Mind, manifes
ting itself so plainly as in the process of elementary creation.
We may marvel at the wonderful intelligence revealed in the process
whereby atoms are u n i t e d to form molecules of matter and in uniting
always adhere to some peculiar form of symbol.
We may marvel at the
intelligence displayed in the action of one element upon or toward
another in the processes of chemistry.
Our course of study in Ar
cane Chemistry and Physics may cause the m in d of man to sense the
great Divinity of God's ways and laws an principle after principle is
explained and demonstrated by the student.
But nothing is so marve
lous, so wonderful and truly mystifying as the fundamental principles
which we shall study in these lessons and which reveal themselves
in the most minute forms of creation.
The very first principle ^hat we note in the fundamental law of crea.tion is that

By this is meant that the power or energy that not only assists in
the creation, or building up of creation, but animates all creation,
is dual in nature.
It has two dualities, or two conditions, each
r.ccessary to the other, each having an action or_ the other.
The old ph i}o s o n h e r s . the ancient scientists, looked for the power
or energy that animated all creation without realizing that it was a
dual power, and even today modern science attempts to discover the
source of ail life by seeking some energy which is single in nature.
Therefore, the scientists of today, like the men of old, find but the
tae element, the one part, the one half of the dual energy, and with
that separated part they try to make such experiments as will dupli
cate the creative action of the true dual
The reason for this is that this wonderful dual
energy u s e d by naall creation is half earth energy and the ether half rs COS
We might say, just at this time for the sake of clearness,
earth energy is a NEGATIVE ENERGY and the Cosmic a POSITIVE
ri'i2RGY. The two combined make a complete unit
of creative energy;
separated, neither one Till create or even manifest.
cw the earth plane,

or material,

earthly world,

in which we live and


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



in which we find so much power, is overcharged with the NEGATIVE

It is easily discovered, uti l i z e d and even measured "by accu
rate instruments of precision, and for this reason those who are not
familiar with the true nature of creative energy find nothing but
this negative energy of the earth and with it try to duplicate n a
ture's activities.
They do not knew of the existence of a separate
COSMIC ENERGY and therefore do not apply it or even attempt to unite
it with the earth's negative energy therefore their attempts to
stimulate nature's creation fail utterly.
It is not our purpose tc study this great creative force at just this
time, for there are many lectures pertaining to this later on in the
course, when such knowledge will he more fitting.
But we are to
study at this time some ci the manifestations of that power and the
first principle of such manifestation is the next great principle of
It is this:
One may read or hear the above law without realizing its wonderful
significance, but finally it will make the proper impression, and we
will come to see h o w important this revelation is.
To make it more plain at this time,
It is this:

let us take the next great prin

Now let us
review these two principles together.
The creative en
ergy is dual in nature:
Positive and Negative.
In the process of
creation these two Qualities or :onditions of the creative energy
separate so that they may unite in the form into which creation will
manifest itself.
Even a casual examination of the workings of an electric bell, an
floctric light, 01 any c J her electric manifestation. irTi..l show us
oh at it is necessary for a no si tire and negatjLve. cone it ion or quality
v.o come together to give us any
manifesta.tion of the power of elec
For this reason TV?0 wires are connected with each bell,
each, light, and each pie'e of mechanism operated by c? cctric current;
ior an electric current *s also dual in nature. having two qualities
or conditions, and these two must come together to make a. manifesta
Neither one of them alone, like neith"r one c the wires,
will make a manifestation.
By studying the Infra Wo r l d and examining closely into the process
nature as revoaTied in the smallest elements of creation at the
point of the trieugl wheie evolution begins ,see iliusoration N o . 5

AMORC Rosicrucian. Brotherhood.




in our last lecture) we f ind that the very first element or form of
living matter is a cell the minute cell that must be examined under
the microscope to be seen.
little cell we may call protoplasm
or just a cell of LIVING MATTER, but the point we wish to note is
that it is in the shape of a perfectly formed sphere, like a perfect
ly round drop of water.
This is the form of all cell life, though
under the microscope, because of pressure, some cells may flatten
out and appear not
to be perfectly round.
No w a chemical and analytical study of these cells reveals n a t u r e s
laws as truly as would a study of the universe or any other manifes
tation of a great size, and, according to the law that "as above so
below", we may very profitably study the Infra W o r l d and note how
nature begins her creations.
In a cell of protoplasm we have a minature world.
All that exists
in nature is represented in the small cell of protoplasm.
A mystic
who was a great scientist once said:
"In the cells of life I can
find all nature, all the Universe, the Divine Mind, the force that
rules the world, and, even G o d . " This is so true J
So let us examine the cell from just a casual point of view.
In our
courses in chemistry and botany, cell life is more completely treat
ed, but here we shall seek fox just casual facts.
Therefore the following facts are taken from various standard books
on the subject of Cells.
These facts are acknowledged by every
scientific authority and are NOT our theories or statements,

All plants and animals consist of cells and their derivatives.

In resolving any structure into its smallest division, or com
ponent elements, it is found that the smallest possible subdivision
compatible with life is the cell.
The Cell is,
of structure.


considered as the histological element

All cells have certain special functions, some of which are (a)
to nourish themselves and grow; (b) to move and have motion; (c) to
produce other cells.
L o w these facts m a y not seem important except as they relate to a
minute study of cell life, but the point to be noticed is that the
facts reveal a universal law, one of the fundamental laws of life
There is the point.
In dealing with cell life we are
dealing with CREATION, and if the cells reveal a fundamental law of
creation, we have no right
to assume, as Histology, Geology and As
tronomy assume, that these laws of creation REFER ONLY TO Animal
and Plant life.
A fundamental law of creation must be fundamental to all creation.


AHORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



The principles involved in the creation of the smallest form of liv

ing matter E7JST ALSO OPERATE in the creation of the largest forms of
living matter.
And we can eleminate the term "LIVINO HATTER" for, as we shall pce,
all matter is LIVING HATTER.
The term has always meant a kind of
matter that was passing through its constructive p eri od and had^ some
form of consciousness.
Dead Matter meant matter that was decaying or
By refering to the diagram in lecture No.Two we
see that the process of disintegration, or of DEVOLUTION, is only a
phase of the same law that causes EVOLUTION, and that as matter com
pletes the entire circle from creation, through evolution, then _
through devolution hack to creation again, matter is ALUAYS ALIVE^
At no time is matter dead.
It is the life activity, the action of
life in matter, that causes it to disintegrate and seemingly decay,
just as life causes it to come together again and evolve into nevrer
forms of matter.
So the fundamental law of creation of matter is easily observed in
cell life and we f in d the cell formation the fundamental form of
On the other hand, we f in d similar evidence, indisputable, in even
a casual examination of the law underlying the creation of elementary
The very first principles set forth in all text books on matter and
its composition are those which are proven by demonstration and which
are not the result of theories.
They are as follows:
Ist. Hatter is composed of divisible elements.
2nd. The elements of matter can be divided again into units compos
ing the elements,
3rd. Those units are atoms,

and the atoms are composed of electrons.

4th. Electrons and atoms, the two primary forms of elements entering
into the composition of matter, are cells in form.
oth. In the process of electrons uni ti ng to form an atom, and of
various atoms forming together to make a molecule, the law of
the triangle, square and circle manifests itself.
N o w the important points here are that electrons and atoms, the
smallest and primary units of matter, are cells in form and shape.
Each is cell shape, like the cells in living matter, and each adds
itssli to other similar cells, just like the cells of matter, until
gross matter is itself made of cells, like the flesh and tissue of
the human body is composed of cells of living matter.
There is another point, however,

which brings us to a subject which


A1I0RC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



we will have to deal with more completely in our next lecture, but,
briefly, it is this:
Both the cells of living matter (as found in flesh and in plant life)
and the cells of gross matter, such as atoms, have similar natures,
similar structures, and similar functions.
Both have an outer wall,
b o t h have a centre point or place of energy, both have certain rates
AS L I F E .
Furthermore, both kinds of cells
send forth their vibrations, both
revolve in motion, both contain within them a small universe of
energy and power, and both have their great energy radiating from
the centre out toward the wall of the cell.
Reviewing the above statements we find that cell life offers a won
derful study of creative laws, and these laws reveal certain funda
mental principles of creation which are
universal, absolute, posi
tive, never changing.
Ill the foregoing facts are known as facts because we can observe
these things under the microscope.
They are facts belonging to the
Facts which hundreds have observed and are observing
every day in laboratories, in schools and colleges, and which no one
n e e d hesitate to accept.
So with these facts we will begin our
studies in the next lecture.




End of Lecture Number Three.






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AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



'ow we approach the very fundamentals of our newer understanding of

Cosmology 'and no doubt our students will be surprised at the state
ments made and demand much proof and enter into muc h argument.
We will
not deal with theories, however, but with
facts and we will
facts, turn them around and look at them from every side, and
in every possible way permit them to reveal to us their true m e a n
ing in preference to a favored meaning we may wish to take from them.
So let us begin with the first statement of fact and then examine it.
that exists in the Universe, and that has
to maintain life, is in the form of a cell."

life and the power


"The Universe itself is a cell, the counterpart of the smallest
cell, and the smallest cell is a counterpart of the universe."
Now our students will hardly challenge the statement of facts con
tained in the first law, and if any do so challenge we will take up
that issue very shortly.
But most of our students will challenge
the facts contained in the statement of the second law, not so much
because of the astounding nature of the facts, or because they con
tradict what has been taught about the universe heretofore, but be
cause it seems so logical, true, and reasonable that further facts
and proof are wanted.
So we will spend our time just now in a review of the facts con
tained in the second law.
That means, then, one of you will say, that the earth we live on is
the only planet in the universe, or, in other words, that there is
no other planet; that the universe consists of only one planet.
This is absolutely true and correct, as you will soon discover from
even casual inquiry and investigation.

It also means that instead of there being one great central Sun,
around which our sun and other suns travel, and that around each Sun
many, many planets are also travelling, there is only ONE sun and
cu only one planet. S i t means that there is NO ENDLESS SPACE, as we
have been taught,^ no endless Cosmic realm filled with stars and
planets and moons and suns and comets and clusters of something or
other, as modern astronomy tries to
tell us in order to explain
a iy the things they cannot explain.

It means that the Universe is one great ball, if you wish to think
it that way, one great cell like the small cell of protoplasm,


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



and that within this cell exists ALL THERE IS OF THIS GREAT UNIVERSE.
As one closes one's eyes and contemplates such a universe, the first
great impression that comes is that of SIMPLICITY and HARMONY.
then as 'one considers further one realizes how all the laws of God
and nature w o u l d and could the better manifest and cooperate in such
a universe, and how utterly absurd and inconsistent was the old
scheme that has been f obteied upon us for so long.
It is fitting, therefore, to anticipate some questions that will
arise in your m i n d and thereby prevent undue concern regarding points
which wiUbe cornered in detail later, and to prepare you for the next
steps in our study, that we outline here a few of the facts which
most naturally result from the one fundamental fact that the universe
is a cell.

| 2nd.


We, as inhabitants of the universe, inhabit the inside of the

cell and live on the inside, and not the outside.
The sun, the moon and all the so-called planets and stars are
within the universe; in other words, on the INSIDE of the cell.
All cosmic space is inside the universe, within the definite
confines of the universe, and we know of no space or anything
else w h i c h MAY or MAY NOT be on the outside of the cell, if there
is an outside.
In other words, we do not SPECULATE regarding
what we cannot investigate.


All space, all time, and all distance must be measured and con
sidered as within the limits of this one h u g e cell.
We know
the circumference of this planet we live in and we know its
These measurements constitute the greatest measurement
of space possible in this universe.


All forces, all energies, all powers, are within this cell and
cannot be out of it.
This means conservation, greater force,
harmony, consistency.


God and the Cosmic Mind, the all-directing intelligence, is

also within the Universe, filling it, pervading it, guiding it,
manifesting everywhere within it, and nothing within
the uni
verse can
escape contact with God and the Cosmic Mind.


Therefore all life, all consciousness, is part of the great

life force and consciousness which is within the great cell;
and this means that all life and all consciousness is attuned,
in touch with and in sympathy with all other life, mind and
nature existing in the Universe.


Here we have a mass of facts that are not only startling, but which
explain so many things and make clear so much that has been h ar d to
understand, that we see we must begin our studies of life and the


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



universe all over again.

To the chemist, with the problems of n a
t u r e s manifesting forces, and to the idealist who seeks to find the
law of harmony of minds and nature to these alike will these facts
appeal as offering the first solution of the combined mysteries of
the universe.
But we muet now take each one of the facts,
discover, and analyze them carefully.
Let us take the first important fact:

and any others we may

The earth is a cell.

This means that the universe consists of a hollow sphere.

It means
that the earth we live on or in is all there is to the universe, and
that it is a huge cell consisting of a sphere with a thick crust or
Inside of this ball, on the inside of the shell of the ball,
are the continents, the oceans, the mountains, the lakes and the
plains and we, as human beings, wit h all other animal life, live
INSIDE of this ball, on this shell.
So far this does not upset a single claim of the old schools regard
ing our relation to the earth and the shape of the earth, except
that we live on the inside and that the earth is a hollow sphere.
The old school told us that the earth is ROUND.
So say we.
have said that the earth is nearly a perfect sphere.
So say we.
They say we live on the surface of its crust.
So say we.
But we say
that we live on the inside surface instead of on the outside surface.
Let us examine the evidence that the other schools give us regarding
their claim that the earth is round and that we live on the outside
They say the earth is round because we have been able to
around it in one continuous direction and return to where we started
This you will fin d in nearly all school geographies to be the
principal evidence given to support the statement that the earth is
But we can grant this, too. Itis good evidence.
But it
applies equally as well if we are living on the INSIDE of the sphere.
It is just as possible to travel in ope continuous direction on the
INSIDE of a ball as "it is on the outside of its shell.
There is just one other point made by the old school:
It is that we
live on the OUTSIDE of this sphere, a n d the proof offered for this
statement is this:
When we watch a ship sail out into the ocean we
notice that as it reaches what is called the horizon it appears to
sink below the horizon as though it were going down hill; that the
horizon itself is due to the curvature of the earth, and the sky and
water seem to meet only b e c au se we are living on the outside of the
Such is the evidence that is given us to prove that we live on the
outside of the earth.
It is as reliable evidence as taking you stu-


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



dents out into a level stretch of country and saying:

"Now we will prove that all rail road tracks eventually meet at a
point and are not the same distance apart continuously. 11 And then
you are told to look at a long stretch of rail road track and note
that in the distance the tracks appear to come to a point and meet.
If you did not know better, such evidence might be accepted.
one of you might say:
your evidence consists of an occular illusion
and at best your evidence is only a testimony of sight and we have
learned that sight cannot always be depended upon.
N o w if we ask the other schools for better evidence that the earth
is round and that we live on the OUTSIDE of the earth, we find a
great mass of facts given to us which do not prove anything one way
or another.
The eclipse of the sun b y the moon, the eclipse of the
m o o n by the earth, and various
other celestial phenomena are pointed
to us as proof that we live on the outside of the earth.
these explanations were invented years and years ago when astronomy
and cosmology w e r e first outlined in theory; and the same eclipse
can be explained today b y our facts that we live on the INSIDE of
the earth, and w i t h much more reason and understanding.
Then we have those who will arise and say:
How can the sun be mil
lions of miles away if it is enclosed within this earth which is not
even one m i l l i o n miles in diameter?
At first this seems to b e a
difficult questi on to answer until we ask the scientists how they
know that the sun is so many miles away.
They answer by saying that
the distance is m easured by a mathematical process, the formula for
which begins w i t h the assumption that we live on the OUTSIDE of the
If the assumption is changed to the one that we live on the
INSIDE of the earth, and the same exact formula used, properly re
versed, we will f in d that the s u n s distance agrees with the assump
tion that we liv e on the INSIDE of the earth.
Such figures, then,
that can be chan ge d according to what assumption you begin with, are
worthless as evidence.
So the
s u n s distance cannot be brought into
the argument at this time.
But if you ask:
"Have you any evidence for your statments that is
better than the other schools give for their claims?" we can say:
"Yes, we have evidence that the other schools ignore because it does
not fit in with what they claim and yet to us it is the most impor
tant evidence that one -could ask for."
Next week we w i l l take up the study of our new
Arcane Cosmology,
b a s e d upon n u m e r o u s facts that will be Interest in gly presented.


Concluded in Lesson No. Four-A.




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nam e and symbols, and the Im p e ra to r has the sole rig h t to gra n t the use of the above
to other allied organizations o r movements.


AMORC Rosiorucian Brotherhood.


And so we begin our new Cosmology,

n e w facts:


the Arcane Cosmology, with these

This planet which we have been calling the earth is the only
planet in the Universe.
It is, in fact, THE universe.
It is a hollow sphere with a curious crust,
miles in thickness.

or shell, many

On the inside of this crust are mountains and plains and
lakes and rivers and continents and oceans, just as we have been
taught existed on the outside of the shell or crust.
We and all animal life live on the inside of this sphere and
travel around on the inside just as waare supposed to live and travel
on the outside.
In the very centre of this sphere in the centre of its
great hollow space is a point or place that the nucleus of all
power radiates from, and this centre point gives us what we n o w know
as the SUN.
The Moon and the so-called planets are within this great
space, as also are the "heavens", the clouds and all that exists
above the surface of the earth.
The great sphere, or cell, or the shell of this sphere, re
volves on an axis just as we have been told the earth revolves, m a k
ing a complete revolution every 24 hours.
One half of the surface inside of this shell is in darkness,
called Night, and the other half in light, called Bay; and the re
volving of the shell causes day to change into night and night into
The so-called poles and magnetic points are points of p o
larity on the surface of the shell; and the warm belts and cold poles
of the earth's surface exist on account of magnetic -conditions which
we will study later on.
From the centre, where the power and force of the universe
radiates through the S u n s rays, comes all the energy that is u s e d by
nature for creation.
This energy manifests in all chemicals and all
animal life because of its rates of vibrations.
The so-called force
of gravitation is NOT a pull toward the earth, but instead a centri
fugal force resulting from the revolution of the shell or cell, caus
ing everything inside of the shell to be pushed from the centre of
the shell toward its inner surface.
Therefore gravitation, as we see
it manifested, is NOT
a pull, but a PUSH.
This means, then, that
all such laws and principles as
are based upon gravitation be i n g a
pull are false, and the laws of speoific gravity and weight are false
and therefore the chemical standard of nature's manifestations cannot


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



b e properly judged by such a thing as specific gravity.

Neither can
the nature of any of God's manifestations be judged unless all the
old theories be revolutionized.
The emanations from the centre of this cell, or universe,
are in the form of a great VITAL FORCE travelling toward the shell
in many forms of undulations and rates of vibrations, and according
to the rates of vibrations do we have all forms of matter and life
on this earth.
The space between the centre point and the shell is
f i lle d with these vibrations and this space is the great COSMIC
SPACE and it is charged with COSMIC MIND or the consciousness of God.
The emanatations from the centre are of a POSITIVE NATURE
and the shell has become charged with a negative polarity, therefore,
the universe, or
great cell, IN which we live is a huge magnetic
ball or sphere and all that exists is a result of this magnetism.
Wi t h these TWELVE FACTS, which really contain many more facts, we
can see at once how much like the smallest cells of protoplasm the
universe really is. We can see now what the ancients meant when they
"As above so below."
We can see now why it was well to u n d e r
stand something of what cells are and how they look under the m icr o
scope, and why we warned that there are no exceptions to n a t u r e s
laws; for all nature is in the form of a ceil, cells within cells,
the universe be i n g the biggest cell, the little cell of protoplasm,
that being the life of an animal, being but a minature of the big
cell, the universe.
In our future lectures we must take u p each one of these facts and
elaborate up o n them, even to the minute analysis of the nature of
the energy that radiates from the centre and creates all living
things as well as all gross matter.
But in this First Term of our studies we shall continue with the more
or less abstract principles and facts because they will help us to
better und er sta nd each step as we progress.
A n d so to those of us who in the past have read or heard of the COS
M I C MIND and COSMIC SPACE, there opens up before us a new vista and
a new philosophy.
We can see a n d realize now how such a Cosmic Space
can be charged with intelligence or a perfect condition of attunement, because that space is NOT AN ENDLESS and LIMITLESS space, as
we have been told heretofore, but a limited space, an enclosed space.
We know that the space within a room or even a. large hall can be so
charged with subtle vibrations of one kind or another that persons
entering the room feel those vibrations and sense them in a manner
that is unmistakable.
It has always been difficult for the student
of occult philosophy to u n d e r s t a n d ho w the great Cosmic Space, beginnign nowhere and ending nowhere, limitless and endless, could be
charged with vibrations and a Cosmic Mind which would not be chang
ing or ever pas sin g away.


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



So in our next lecture we will study this philosophical aspect of our

Cosmogony and learn that the great LOGOS is the LIGHT of GOD in the
centre of our Universe and that the DIVINE Mind is the intelligence
that radiates into space with the great LIGHT and fills the Cosmic
w i t h that Mind, -thereby making the great COSMIC MIND.
We shall see
h o w the universe was created from this LOGOS and, as we go along
step by step, not only will the great material laws and principles
of this universe reveal themselves to us in a manner more easily u n
derstood than the old schools have ever been able to present them,
but we shall also discover the TRUE God and realize the great DIVIN
ITY that pervades the Universe and is, in truth, in every cell of
our, in every breath we take, and in every part of our m in d
and thinking.

In lecture No. 2 of this course there is a statement regarding the

Cypress trees to be found in California.
One of our students h a d
written to us correcting a statement made therein by casting the
light of truth on an unknown fact and we are very pleased to add
this . fact to what is said in Lecture No. 2. He writes us:
parts of Louisana there WER E large areas covered wi t h Cypress.
Cypress also grew in parts of East Texas and more or less in Ange
lina County, Texas.
These mammoth trees have nearly all disappeared
during the past ten to twenty years."
Our student who writes thus
is a Consulting Civil Engineer and his profession has brought him
into contact with these sections where the Cypress once grew.

5ur students will find it very interesting to hunt up some modern

school geographies or text books on the simple FUNDAMENTAL principles
of geography and astronomy and read what is said about the shape of
the earth and how we are supposed to know that we live on the out
side of it.
Our students are also advised NOT to talk about this
phase of our studies to strangers, for it will arouse antagonism of
ten and you have not yet sufficient proof to argue or prove
point, and our teachings should be kept from those who have not h a d
all necessary preparation for them.

End of Lecture Number Four-A.



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to other allied organ ization s or movements.


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



We must now complete our brief outline of the Universe as it really

is, and completely lay aside all our previous beliefs and false
knowledge about it.
W e must discern in our picture of the Universe the great principles
and laws which prevail throughout the world and come to a simple
comprehension of the order, system and simpleness of the Divine Plan.
Let us look at this Divine Plan as we would look at some map, some
more material scheme of things.
We must bear in mi n d that to look
at it all in its minute details would mean a life time of analyti
cal study.
We can only take glimpses here and there at those de
tails which are of the utmost importance to us, our existence and
our welfare here on earth.
First we have the great sphere, the universe, as a huge ball.
It is
no t solid, but formed of a thick wall, like a great rubber ball,
and undoubtedly as flexible as a rubber ball.
What there may be
outside of this ball, if there is anything at all, is impossible to
We cannot today conceive of endless space, space going on
and on indefinitely.
Yet that is what astronomy asks u 6 to conceive
in its present-day teachings about the heavens.
It is much easier to believe and conceive of there being no
side, no anything, outside of the sphere than to believe that space,
filled with stars and planets, is indefinite, and that the universe
consists of endless planets, endless stars, endless suns and endless
And, what is more important, it is NOT NECESSARY for us to
try to conceive or fathom the mystery of what is OUTSIDE of the
great sphere in order to have a perfect understanding of the u n i
verse as we know it.
In present-day astronomy you cannot hope to have even a meagre u n
derstanding of the universe as they teach it, unless you study and
b e c ome familiar with the great UNKNOWN SPACE that reaches in all
directions without end.
very great student of astronomy
reaches a point where he can go no further except through specula
tion and guess work.
Unless he is willing to take for granted the
guessed-at theories and facts about the endless space, he is soon
through with his study of the universe.
The expert professor of
astronomy must be able to talk as glibly about the planets SUPPOSED
to exist in the endless space as he is able to talk about Jupiter
or Mars, which he can see, or thinks he sees, when he looks
through the telescope.
If an astronomer was to admit that all he
knew of astronomy pertained to just our earth, our sun and the
planets and stars he could see through the telescope, he would be
considered as only one-third
educated in astronomy.
iB u t in our study of the universe we do not have to go b eyo nd that
w h i c h is right at hand.
Whether there is space, atmosphere, clouds,
indefinite, endless space outside of the sphere or not does not in
terest us, for we KNQW_that there are no planets, no stars, no


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



things in existence outside of this great sphere, so why give time

and thought to unprofitable speculation.
The fact probaoly is that
there is no space, no atmosphere, nothing outside of the sphere, but
this is so hard to comprehend and so useless
we do not try to under
stand it.
So we shall direct our attention and study exclusively to the uni
verse, the Great Sphere, and what is within it.
So far as the wall
or CRUST of this sphere is concerned we can easily accept all that
science has to say on the subject of geology and the strata of the
Science has explored the layers of soil, stone, minerals,
oils, water and vegetation that comprise the earth.
The only differ
ence between their statements and OUR statements is this:
they b e
lieve that they can keep on going deeper into the earth until they
reach toward the centre of the earth, and that there is a great heat
in the centre.
They believe they are on the OUTSIDE of a solid ball,
we believe we are on the INSIDE of a hollow sphere.
this sphere is not solid the crust can only be a few miles in thick
The exact number of miles is not important to us, just now,
but is probably not over fifty miles in thickness.
That would mean
that the crust is, comparatively, as thick as the skin on an average
What is true of the crust is that as it comes nearer to the
outside it is in molten heat, like lava, and probably if we could
see the outside from distance the way we look at the moon we would
see that it is a mass of fire, or fire-metal, burning and scintilating, like the sun when seen through glasses.
The fire and lava
which comes to the inner surface through volcanos is probably from
near the the outer surface of the crust.
But, as has just been
said, no far as the crust concerns us on the
inside, we can take as fact all that science has discovered regarding
the layers of stone, earth, oils and minerals and vegetation, as
published in various textbooks.
Only one point n eed concern us right now a point to be taken up la
ter on.
The earth's crust is composed of matter that has a negative
electrical nature.
In fact, the whole crust of the earth is a nega
tive electrical mass and that is why we find radio-active, magnetic
in the earth.
Even the water upon the surface of the earth
is negative in electrical nature.
How and why this is we will study
Now in the^ centre of this GREAT SPHERE, in what we call the atmos
phere, or heavens, there is a central point.
This point is where the
thing and condition we call the SUN exists.
We must warn you at
once not to think
of the sun as a great ball of fire.
That is what
we have been taught; that is what we have always believed.
But we
are to learn that
the sun is not a great ball of fire at all.
We are
told th,t it is a
huge ball, much bigger than the earth itself, and
of course if this is true the sun could not be INSIDE our earth.
In order to thoroughly u nd erstand the structure of this sphere, we


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



will take some actual figures and dimensions.

First, the circumference of the earth is about 24,900 miles.
f, means that the measurement inside of the sphere, on the surface, is
about 24,900 miles.
This also means, therefore, that the whole uni verse, the C-REAT SPHERE of the universe, is not quite 25,000 miles
around the inside.
Second, the distance across this sphere, the diameter of the inside
of the universe, is about 7,915 miles.
In other words, from one
\ side of the sphere to the other side is less than 8,000 miles.
w o u l d mean that from the surface of the earth to the CENTRE of the
SFHERE, where the sun-point is, would be about 3,957 miles.
3. means that we on this earth cannot be farther away from the sunv point at any time than about 3,957 miles.
Yet astronomy tells us
that the sun is millions of miles away from the earth almost
93,000,000 miles.
Science tells us that experts have measured the distance of the sun
from the earth a n d that therefore their figures cannot be wrong.
But we must take into consideration how that distance was measured.
Naturally it was not measured in a way that we can easily demonstrate
to anyone on a m o m e n t Ts notice.
It was measured by a long process
of mathematical configuration, but there is nothing wrong with the
mathematical processes involved.
All such processes must begin with
a premise, a fundamental statement or condition, and the rest is
on that foundation.
If the foundation is wrong, if the funda
mental statement is an error, there will be an error in the result.
Science proceeds with the assumption that we are on the OUTSIDE of
the earth, and that the sun is also on the outside of the earth.
Then these mathematical experts draw a circle on paper and call that
the earth.
Then they draw a straight line on one part of the circle,
a n d calling that a tangent, they p r o c e e d to draw a triangle upon
that straight line, which will represent the lines pointing toward
the sun.
U s i n g the same process, if the straight line, the very
first step in the formula, was drawn on the INSIDE of the circle in
stead of on the outside, the whole result of the figuring would be
Therefore, if they start
with a straight line inside
the circle and use
the same figures from fact as they now use, they
will find that the distance to the sun will be less than 4,000 miles,
instead of over 93,000,000 miles.
It is all a matter of beginning
the figuring with the right premise, the right fundamental fact.
But we will have more of this later on.
We will go back again to the centre point of the universe, the centre
The whole of the sphere is filled with a vibra
ting energy.
Even if we accept the common, though partically in
correct, theory of the sun, we must realize that if the great sun was
in the centre of a closed, sealed sphere, that sphere would be filled
w i t h great energy or vibrating force.
Let us suppose for the moment
that the sun is not a great ball, but nevertheless is something that
exists in the centre, and that all around it, filling the whole


AUORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



sphere, is this wonderful vibrating energy that we know comes from

the sun.
We can easily understand that the whole sphere, then,
w o u l d be charged with a mighty power or energy of some kind.
At this point we begin to realize the practical importance of the in
troduction of the Rosicrucian Cosmology.
We begin to see that there
are as many facts substantiating our statements as those substantia
ting the early theory of Copernicus that has become so popular toLay. We will continue next week with this same lecture, explaining
Lbout this energy that fills all space inside the sphere, that we
lave been speaking about.
In the meantime it will be well for you
30 look up in the Public Library or in some good Encyclopedia the
subjects of Cosmology and Astronomy not deeply but just enough to
get an idea of the popular conception of the subjects to-day so you
will have a fair understanding of the two statements; the one we are
introducing to you and the one that is so generally understood.

End of Lecture Number Five-4fc.





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N O T E : The m atter contained herein is officially issued through the Suprem e C ouncil of the
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illu stration s and charts, as used by the Im p erato r of A . M. O. E . C.

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privileges are retained by the Im perator.
A . M. 0 . It. C. is the only Rosicrucian organization authorized to use the above Registered
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to other allied organizations or movements.

* I

AliCRC Rosicrucian brotherhood.



Nov this great energy that fills all the space inside of the sphere
wo u l d have to have seme central point where its vibrations, its power,
w o u l d be focalized, centralized, condensed.
It would-not make a ball,
if would not make a material thing of any kind, but it would create
in the centre a very definite point or condition of power which
woul d be intense stronger than the power would be anywhere else in
~he spnere.
In all demonstrations of magnetic power we find that where magnetic
or electrical energy is confined in a closed space there is sure to
be sooner or later a central point where the power is strongest.
cause the universe is a sphere it is natural that the central point
of power would soon become an exact point that is because it would
be eop.;i-distant from all parts of the surface of the earth of the
Now that is pr ecisely what the sun really is.
It is NOT a ball, not
a thing, but a condition.
You must bear in mind that we do not SEE
the son when we think we do.
Science is beginning to realize now
that when ws look at planets and stars we may not be seeing what we
third' we see, because of the refraction of light.
But when vie look
toward the sun and see in the sky a ball, we are seeing a projection
of the sun upon the strata of air in the sky, and not the sun itself
at all.
.Then we see the sun setting in the ocean we think it is the
ball of the sun we see, yet science found long ago that the sun is
s.t such times far below the possible sight of m a n s eyes and that he
sees only o projection of the sun.
To make this clear, we will use
a diagram and illustrate it.



I L L U 3 I R A I I C i:

N 0.6

AUORC R o si crucian Br oth erhoo d .




In this diagram we have the large outer sphere rerjreseating the

earth's surface, and within that a. smaller sphere representing the
dense atmosphere, a sphere of magnetic vibrations and energy.
outer edge of the atmospheric sphere is called the atmospheric plane.
It is like the canopy of the heavens above us when we look toward
the sky, and we cannot see through it.
Onto this plane the sun is
projected into a disk, and we see the disk of the sun on that edge
of the atmospheric plane, just as we see the picture of the sun p r o
jected into a moving picture screen.
From the centre of the sphere
the energy and light waives which spread out and make that
\ projection of the sun-disk.
Because the sun is projected so closely
v to the
earth's surface it makes the sun-disk look very large.

The sun-disk remains more or less stationery, but the earth's sur
face, the GREAT SPHERE, continually revolves and of course this
causes the sun-disk to appear at all parts of the earth's surface
. every
twenty-four hours, because the outer GREAT SPHERE revolves
completely in twenty-four hours.
'.Ve will have more about the sun and the sphere's movement in another
The only point we wish to make clear just now is that the
great sun, which science says is larger than the earth on or in
whi ch we live, really can be inside the sphere.


Of course Diagram Ho. S leaves much unexplained and arouses many

Ii03t of these will be answered very shortly.
It is im\ v /possible to put into one simple diagram all the points of the Cos*'mogony and we cannot take up all the points at once.
> \ "S.
\ Our next consideration is regarding the great atmospheric sphere in\ s i d e the GREAT SPHERE.
You will note that the inner sphere, that

iwhich is composed of atmosphere (and other elements which we will

' 4 study later on) is a separate sphere, not coming very close to the
earth's surface.

/ Science tells us
it has found that even ten miles above the surface
7 of the earth the atmosphere is so changed it cannot support life.
This is a fact, because science has made the tests and proven it
so, but when science attempts to explain V7HY this is so it goes in
strange theories and cannot demonstrate the theories.
in its latest findings, also says that it believes that atmosphere
or AIR exists one hundred miles above the surface of the earth, or
perhaps five hundred miles, but that is only a puess for, of course,
no one has been into the air that far above the surface of the

There would be no need for guessing if science really knew what com
poses AIR and what there is in the air that causes and maintains
Or, if science knew the source and origin of the vital force
that is in the air, it would not need to guess how far above the
surface of the earth man would find that vital force in the air.


AM OB C Ro s i cru c i an Brotherhood.


There is where we ha^/e an advantage.

We need not go into the air a
hun dre d miles or even ten miles to know what exists there, for it
is so evident from many other experiments that the law is made too
J e do not have to go to the bottom of the ocean twenty or
a hundred miles down to know whether there is water there just as
there is near the surface, for our reasoning from facts we now have
tells us what the water is like at the bottom of the ocean.
But between the ea r t h s surface and the inner sphere of atmosphere
there is a space filled with the air and winds which we live upon.
The -winds are caused by the movement of the air, and the air is set
into motion because the outer sphere is moving so fast.
Think of
it 1 The outer sphere completely revolves in twenty-four hours.
That means that any point of the surface, like the city of San Fr a n
cisco, for instance, moves around the whole circle of the sphere, a
distance of over 2 4 , 0 0 0 miles, in twenty-four hours.
That is over
1,000 miles an hour I Wo u l d not such a fast movement of the earth's
surface create winds?
It not only creates the great winds on the
surface of the earth, but it causes many other things which we will
study later.
But the point is, that in the space between the sur
face of the earth and the inside atmospheric sphere
there are cur
rents of wind circulating caused by the earth's movement, snd of
course these currents of air would be stronger nearer the surface
of the earth and become weaker the higher from the surface we test
ed them.
See if you cannot think of many things you have read or
hear d that easily explained to you now, by just knowing this.
Between this lecture end the next think over these facts and' see
h o w many problems they solve for you.

End of Lecture Number Five A.



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AMORC Ro s i c r u c i a n


B ro ttie rh o o d



To speculate upon a thing and imagine what may he in regard to any

condition not easily examined often leads to very false conclusions.
Whe n the first attempts to fly in the air were made by men, specula
tion was rife among all men as to what one would find when high in
the air and h o w the earth would appear to the eyes so far above its
The speculations then remind us of the present-day specula
tion as to what we should find if we succeeded in sending a person
on a projectile to the planet Mars.
It is easy to recall what men of science said when the first ques
tions were asked about flying into space.
It was
said that when
man rose high into space and looked down on the eaxth he would see
the great earthly ball floating in space beneath him and that he
w o u l d be able to look far into space above the earth in all direc
Another statement made by scientists was that if the flyer
went one mile or a mile and a half into the air above the surface
of the earth he might be able to stand still for a while and see
the earth move from under him.
Another statement was that if the
flyer wou ld fly in the opposite direction from whic h the earth was
turning under him he wo u l d be able to go around the earth in a few
But now that flying and h ig h flying is an accomplished nhing, what
do we learn f rom it.
For years we speculated upon what the flyer
SEE and FEEL while high above the surface of the eaxth; now
w e can get into a machine and see for ourselves.
What do we see?
What do we f e e l ?
N o t h i n g at all as science said we would J
fact and experience axe diffexent things.

Speculation is one thing,

Fixst of all, it is recorded in the official reports of the Avia

tion Department of our Government, and in every record book of
every man or woman who has gone a mile or two into the air, that
as soon as one looks down toward the earth the sight- is not what
science said it would be.
Instead of looking down onto a huge
ball floating in space, one looks down into a huge ball or b o w l .
"The earth looks bowl- sha ped I" is the statement of every avia
tor who has
gone one, two or three miles into the air.
Secondly, those who have tried to figure out why this is say
that as they look off into space sideways, not down toward the
earth, it seems as though the horizon is on a level with their
No matter whether one mile, two miles, three miles or
four miles above the e a r t h s surface, instead of being able to
look off into space, the horizon is still on a level with their
eyes, just as when standing on the shore and looking off to where
sky and water meet.
N o w such statements as these should cause scientists considerable
It should make them look into the subject of the earth's
form very closely.
It should make them reason like this:
"If from
m y belief that the eaxth was a ball cn which we lived I figured


AMORC Ro si crucian Brotherhood.




that the earth should look like a ball and now it looks like a bowl
instead, I must have been wrong in my first belief that the earth
was a ball.
I must therefore begin again with a new idea of the
shape of the earth. 11 But they do not reason that way.
Instead they
simply say:
The bowl appearance is a mystery to us, perhaps account
able by refraction
or something we do not understand, so we
pass it by !"
And there you have the scientific attitude and we re
m a i n in ignorance of facts w e
should know.
N o w let us examine the things which these aviators see. If our con
ception of the universe is right and we actually live on the inside
of the earth, then when a balloon rises into the air and the person
in the basket of the balloon looks out into space, he should be look
ing toward the surface of the earth in all directions . In other
words, his view woul d b e like that illustrated b e l o w in the diagram
(illustration No. 7.).
W e know that the human eye is limited in the distance it can see be
cause it cannot see through the various planes or strata of air
whic h surround the inner surface of the earth.
W he n we look out
over the hills
and valleys at any time we notice that the more dis
tant the hills
the more tinted with a light gray-blue they will
This is because of the condition of the atmosphere.
We have
noticed, too, that we can see more clearly in the distance after a
rain because then the air is clarified.
But air is not completely
or entirely transparent, so we cannot see through it for many miles.
Therefore, when a person is in a balloon and looks out in all di
rections he can see only a few miles into space.
But even that
short space is sufficient for aviators to see that the earth beneath
them curves u p w a r d on all sides and is bowl shaped.


' S U R F A C E


NO. 7.



ALIORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood



In this illustration the balloon is high enough from the surface of

the earth to be enveloped in the dense part of the atmosphere.
m a n in the basket beneath the balloon can look out to the sides and
down toward the earth.
The dotted lines to the right and left of
the basket indicate how he will see the surface of the earth on a
level with his eyes and the earth, still curved bowl shape, beneath
In this bowl he will see mountain peaks rising up toward him
and if he rises far enough into the dense atmosphere he will not be
able to see the earth beneath him or the earth on either side of
him and he will appear to be alone in space, with no earth or planet
in. sight.
Another one of the beliefs given to us through the speculations of
science was that man could not live if he ventured more than one or
possibly two miles in the air.
It was said that the blood pressure
within his body wo ul d be greater than the pressure of the air out
side of his body and therefore his heart would explode and blood
w o u l d issue from various parts of the head and body.
He would not
b e able to breathe properly a n d he could not, therefore, live if he
went very high into the atmosphere above the surface of the earth.
Du ring the recent great world war among many of the achievements
w h i c h men accomplished, in spite of the dictates of science, was that
of high altitude flying.
Higher and higher went the daxing men,
each finding that they had not reached that limit which science said
they were
sure to find within two miles from the earth's surface.
The greatest altitude attained, perhaps, was that reached by Major
R. I . Schroeder.
He flew to a height of exactly 36,030 feet.
says that he made this flight to SEVEN MILES ABOVE THE EARTH'S SUR
FACE to obtain some scientific facts and those which he gives out,
in ordinary, non-technical language,
makes the scientists turn in
every direction to explain why he did not explode into pieces in the
air, and why he returned to earth alive
and is living today pre
p a rin g for a flight of eight miles above the earth's surface.
Schroeder's own words he says:
"When I landed I found frost over my eyeballs and the fluid of the
eyes was congealed.
My heart was swollen somewhat while in the air.
Wh e n I raised my heavy goggles while in the air a blinding shock
rocked my head and my sight was g o n e . "
One scientist, commenting on what Schroeder had done and his ex
periences while in the air, gave out the following statement to news
"Major Schroeder should have b le d at every pore and from his mouth, and nose.
I cannot understand why his heart did not explode
and every cell of his body puff up and burst.
When he was at his
maximum height he was three-quarters through the earth's air belt."
In other words, Major Schroeder upset some of the pet ideas of
science and rather than change any of their ideas they simply say,


AUORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



"We cannot understand how he did what he did do."

Tie are not interested in aviation, but when one is studying what
exists above the surface of the earth the very best way to know the
facts is to get into space and learn first-hand.
In another lecture
we will take a peep into the surface of the earth itself and see if
what science has to say about the e a r t h s crust is also true.
But the greatest
fact that Schroeder received was that when he was
seven miles above the surface of the earth he found that above him
was absolute darkness no light at all, even though the sun 'was
shining on the earth.
Not until he came nearer to the earth was
there light above him as well as below him.
While seven miles above
the earth there was around him just enough light for him to see
things in his machine but overhead there was nothing but blank dark
ness, to use his own words, and in that darkness there were no
stars, no moon, no clouds, nothing at all.
This is something impor
It should make everyone think deeply.
Schroeder's simple
statement should have sent the scientific world thinking as deeply
as did Newton's simple experiment w ith the dropping apple.
there will be no revolutionary thinking on the part of science this
time, for science is too greatly entangled in the web and meshes
of its own theories and flase ideas.

End of Lecture Number Six.



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A few very important questions have been asked by our students and
it is well to answer these at once.
The first question was this:
If the Sun is not a ball of fire, or a sphere, but a projection of
light in disk form, please explain UPON WHAT does the sun project
the disk?
A steropticen lantern has its white sheet for the projec
tions and the moving picture machine has the white screen upon which
projections are
What does the sun use?
This question leads us at once to a consideration of how all light,
especially sunlight, makes itself visible to us.
Before taking up
that interesting subject, however, it is well to continue for a m o m
ent our study of the earth again, particularly its spherical revolu
The ea.rth, as a sphere, revolves.

It turns completely around in

twenty-four hours just as our books
on astronomy tell us. We can
accept the idea that the earth

revolves as though it Yrere on

an axis, like the largo
globes w e have seen in the
classrooms ox schools.
Such rapid movement of
the sphere must be kept
in mind.
It means that
at the
equator the
e a r t h s surface travels
24,902 miles (approx
imately) in twenty-four
This also means
that every point on the
earth's surface near
the equator travels at
a rate of over 1,000
miles an hour.
ContemA I ^ - ~ . I N iiiOTI0Ii./Oj/ /
plate that rate of movement !
' V
Have you ever Y/atched a fast
moving train?
Have you noticed
the suction caused by a rate of
only fifty miles an hour?
then, the disturbance of the air v/ithin the earth near its surface when the
earth moves at a rate of over 1,000 miles an hour.
The above illustration s h o w s the b a n d or bolt of air being excited
or pulled around with the earth's movement.
It extends for a number
oi miles above the earth's surface but in the centre of the earth or
sphere there is no excited air.
Then another condition is created
b y this air in motion.
Such air is f illed with earth d u s t .
particles of the e a r t h s dirt and material composition are kept in
the air and in motion by the movement of the air.
It is this DUST
that enables us to see sunlight.
At that point where the undist ur bed in the centre of the sphere


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


PAGE T770.

(marked A on the diagram opposite)

ends and the disturbed air is
in motion by the earth's m ove
ment, there is a plane, or sur
face, like the projection
screen, and upon this plane or
surface the sun is projected
the dust of the earth in
the air really forming a
screen for the light.
B is
the sun's disk p rojected on
this screen of dust from
the central point marked C.
Perhaps it will be well to
refer to the old school or
college experiment with a
beam of light.
It was shown
that if a beam of light was
p e r mit te d to enter a d^rk box
through a small hole the beam
w o u l d be made visible by the small
particles of dust in the black paint
ed box.
But if, after that, the box was
well dusted (all the dust drawn out with a vacuum suction tube) and
then closed up, by looking through a small piece of glass like a
wwndo w no beam of light could be seen in the box BECAUSE ALL THE
As children we n oticed that when the carpets were swept at home and
a beam of sunlight passed through the room the rising dust from the
carpets made the beam of light very visible and we could plainly see
the particles of dust playing in the light.
As the dust settled
the beam of light lost its distinctiveness.
But we must not think
that only large particles
of dust, such as the sweeping of carpets
causes to float in the air, are the kinds of particles of dust which
fill all air.
The carpet dust, like the dust that blows in the
streets at times, is a heavy dust, composed of larger particles than
those always existing in the air
near the earth.
The air we con
stantly breathe is filled with a fine dust, the particles of which
we cannot sec like we can the larger particles from the carpet or
dirty street.
All of us have noticed how, after a heavy rain at
night, the air is clearer and we can see the distance
because the rain has clarified the air of mu c h of its dust, which
soon rises again when the ground has become dry.
It was just said that the air we breathe is filled with particles of
Nature shows us how she recognizes this fact, for after many
cycles of evolving animal life to a more perfect state of living on
the earth's surface in such air, nature has provided eyelashes and
eyebrows to catch the dust that falls and comes near the eyes; she
has lined the passages of the ears with fine hairs so that dust is
collected on them and not permitted to enter the chambers loading to


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



the ear drum, and the wax that comes from the ear collects the dust
and removes it; the nose is lined with fine hairs, also,.to filrcr
the air we "breathe, and the nasal passages are kept moist or made
moist at times to gather the dust from the hairs and wash it down
from the passages*
(Man was intended to breathe air through his
nose, not through his mouth, else the mouth and throat wou ld be
lined with fine hairs also; but man has not learned hew to breathe
corr ec tly ).
Thus, without dust there would be no light visible to us.
The next
question naturally asked is:
What is light composed of?
Light is
composed of vibrations.
These vibrations are no different in nature
than sound vibrations, or cold or heat vibrations, and the light vi
brations would be invisible to us if it were not for the fact that
whe n they strike against some object they are translated into SIGHT
vibrations, just as when sound vibrations strike against an ear
drum they arc translated into SOUND vibrations.
There is an old
question asked of psychologists for deep thinking; it is this:
a tree fell in a forest and fell crashing against other trees and
rocks, and there was no person present to hoar the crash, would there
be any sound at all?"
The answer is no.
The falling tree and its
crashing against other things would disturb certain vibrations in
the ether or air, but there can be no sound unless there is an car
drum or some similar means of receiving and translating those vibra
The phonograph r ecording device receives vibrations and re
cords them, but there is no sound until m a n s (or an a n i m a l s) oar
receives them and translates them into SOUND CONSCIOUSNESS, through
nerve centers in the brain.
Light vibrations and SIGHT vibrations arc not the same thing.
particles of dust in the air break up the light vibrations and causo
a different condition of vibrations to reach the eye and these then
reach the nerves of the retina of the oyc, then the brain, and arc
W i t h a central point in the precise centre of the sphere which has
a positive polarity of power, its radiations would bo attracted to
w a r d the earth's surface at the point where the earth h ad its nega
tive polarity strongest.
Remember what has been said about every
sphere having a point or place which is polarized negatively, and
another which is polarized positively so far as magnetic conditions
are concerned.
The negative polarity of the e a r t h s surface would attract the posi
tive vibrations of the central point of the earth or universe, which
point is polarized positively.
This wo u l d cause the vibrations from
the centre point to widen out as they approached the surface of the
Therefore, although the vibrations when leaving the centre
are coming from a small point, as they approach the earth's surface
they widen into a very wide stream
just like a be a m of.light from
a spot-light widens as it loaves the small opening of the arc light
and becomes br oad when it reaches the point of contact.
Next week wc will take into consideration another condition.
End of Lecture Numbor Seven.







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AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.




N o w we will take into consideration this other condition.

great moving pictures we see, many feet wide, sometimes^forty feet
wide, come from a small lens or opening in the lens, which is only
one inch, or less, wide. The nearer the moving picture screen is to
the projecting lens, the smaller will he the picture.
The nearer
the wall is to the lens of the round spotlight, the smaller will he
the spot of light cast on the wall.
This is well illustrated hy
the following diagram.

_____ - - - *

___ B



r s


Q . .

No. 8.

The spotlight at A sends forth its lines of

various distances are p l a c e d screens m arked
the circular spot of light cast on each one
distances of the screens increased, because
gence or spreading of the lines of B and B.

light m arked B and B. At

1, 3, 3. l e see that
would, h e larger as the
of the continued diver

In this diagram the lines of light, or the emanations from the spot
A, are straight lines.
But we must also keep in m i n d that there ARE
All lines are curved.
So called horizontal lines, even in architecture (as any architect
will tell you) are curved.
Only recently has science noticed this
in regard to Light and we have the recent Einstein/theory explain
ing s c i en ce s discovery about the-"curved lines pf^light from the
sun and stars, etc." You will find, before we/are through with our
Cosmogony, that all lines must he'cu rve d to, Conform to the harmony
rules of the Universe, and therefore t h e ^ i n s t e i n "discovery" was
nothing new to us at all.
This lower- diagram shows how the lines of
light from the spot light really^ctirve, except that the curve is
greatly exaggerated for this^ cliagram.



AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



Here we have another diagram illustrating how the sun

casts its projection.


D I A G R A M '

No. 9

In Diagram No. 9 we see the radiations or emana'

tions from the centre point A and the emanations
have curved lines, B and B y reaching the ea rt h1s
crust at C and C.
But the atmospheric dust at the
line E and E intercepts the emanations of the lines B arid B and
there the sun appears as a disk.
It is as though the dusty atmos
phere was a
screen upon which the light waves from A are project
ed, like in diagram No. 8.
In Diagram No. 10 on the next page we have another point illustrat
Here we see the same lines of the emanations from A going toward
the earth's crust.
They are m a r k e d B and B as in the diagram ahove.
A n d we see the sun's disk p r oj ect ed on the atmospheric plane at S.
But here the sun disk sends forth its OWN RAYS and they curve out
wider because of the large disk.
These sun rays are marked L and L
on the diagram, for they represent the LIGHT WAVES from the sun
di sk.
We will notice that becau se the emanations of the sun's disk curve
outward to a wide angle, the s u n s rays of light cover nearly half o.>
the e a r t h s inner surface.
This is shown on Diagram No. 11 on the
following page.


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.




AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



Hefe we see that the large circle, E, is the e a r t h s crust.

point A is the positive centre of the universe.
The smaller
m a rke d D, is the atmospheric plane.
The disk S is the s un s
tion on the atmospheric plane which we see when we look into
heavens and think we see a hall of fire.

p rojec

Coming from this SUN DISK are the curved rays of light, m a rk ed L*
These rays are SUNLIGHT and we see that they spread out to cover al
most onehalf of the e a r t h s surface.
This gives us the DAY and the
opposite side of the sphere is in darkness NIGHT.
W hen the rays of the sun disk end and are weak in light, we have sun
rise and sunset and dawn and eventide.
In both cases the rays appear
to us as slightly red, orange and then brilliant red.
This will be
explained later on.
Because the earth revolves around the centre point, the s u n s rays
constantly illuminate a different section of the sphere and there
fore we have what appears as sunrise and senset a n d we also have the
gradual change from day to night and night to day.
We have not yet
studied the movement of the e a r t h s revolution, and that will be
taken up in the next lecture in detail.
Nor have we come to the
study of the e a r t h s so-called "Poles11 and magnetic poles.
This will
b e explained in the next
By carefully going over this
lecture, however, the greatest mysteries of astronomy are more easily
revealed than by the astronomy and Cosmogony wc have been studying.
Then there arc the so-called planets and the m oon a nd the stars and
other things in the centre of the universe to be explained, but
these, too, will be explained soon.
Of course not m u c h proof has been given to the student as yet and we
must have proof for the new laws and principles given in this study.
But wo have the proof, more wonderful, interesting and understandable
proof than astronomy has to offer.
And some of the proof consists of
demonstrations that each student can make.
Again we refer to the
fact that our principles are always demonstrable. But perhaps tho
best proof of all is the logical appeal to our reason that THIS Cos
mogony makes compared to what we have had in days gone by.
An d inner
appreciation and conviction are always more dependable than any form
of objective proof.

End of Lecture Number Sevcn-A.




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NO__ _____

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PAGE o h :

Mow we shall take up the matter of the Sun's movement in the heavens,
I an quite sure, in fact we must all h o sure, ttat the movement of
the Sun within the sphere is not difficult to explain.
At first we
had the important question to contend with:
"If the Sun is in the
centre of the sphere, why is not the whole of the sphere lighted
w ith daylight ail the tine?"
But since we find that the Sun pro
jects its disk in one place only, tov/o.rd one direction only, it is
apparent that only one-half, in fact slightly less than half, would
he lighted.
In other words, only half of the sphere could 03 illum
inated as cxolained in Diagram Mo. 10 in the last lecture.
It was stated in the last lecture that the sphere rotated on its
axis, just as wo have always been taught was the rotation' of the
earth on its axis.
So now wo will s t u d y t h e diagram below and u n d e r
stand from that just how the Sun seems to move through the heavens.
D I A G R A 1!
Mo. 11.


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



In this
Diagram the letters have the foll ow ing -m ean ing s: The Long
line A to A is the Axis on which the sphere rotates.
B is the Equa
tor encircling tnd sphere.
C is the path of the S u n s apparent move
ment in the heavens.
E is the line of the atmospheric plane upon
which the sun projects its disk.
S is the sun disk.
As the sphere revolves or rotates on its axis the sun disk remains
The sphere revolves from West to East, or in the direc
tion of from your left han d toward your right hand as you look at
diagram No. 11 on the first page of this lecture. That movement of
the sphere causes the sun disk to SEEM to move from East to West,
or in the opposite direction.
Now the question arises:
"What makes
the oath of the sun's journey at a different angle than the lines of
the Tquntor?"
In other words, with the sphere traveling on its axis,
turning round and round, the path of the sun's disk should coincide
wi t h the path of the Equator, instead of slightly crossing it.
Therefore we must consult another diagram, No. 13, on the next page.
These diagrams will help us to visualize, and therefore memorise,
the laws and facts we are studying.
On this Eiagram, No. 13, the letters N.M.P. represent the NORTH MAG
NETIC POLE, and the letters S.M.P. represent the SOUTH MAGNETIC POLE.
A is the Axis, S the Sun disk.
In Diagram No. 1.3 we have illustrated the location of the two M A G
NETIC POLES, as science calls them; one at the North and one at the
It will he noted that the Magnetic Poles are not identical
with the poles of the axis of the earth.
The axis of the earth or
sphere is not a true perpendicular line, whereas a. line drawn from
one iiAGNETIC POLS to the' other would he a true perpendicular line
crossing the path of the Sun's Disk at right angles, hut not cross
ing the Equator at right angles.
We find from a study of this Diagram that the path of the S u n s Disk
lies midway he tween these two Magnetic Poles and 'at right angles to
a line drawn from the Magnetic Folcs.
The question to have answered now is this:
"What are the MAGNETIC
You will rememher that in earlier lectures it was stated
that a magnetic sphere, such as this universe is, has a central point
of magnetic polarity which is POSITIVE in polarity.
This central
point is the point from which the sun's rays emanate to project into
disk.^ But e v n y magnetic sphere has a negative polarity also, for,
w m l 3 tiic centre of the sphere is POSITIVE in magnetism, the out:..r
shell or, or the inside lining of a hollow sphere, is NEGA
TIVE in polarity.
Therefore the inside crust of the sphere of the universe is charged
wi t h the negative magnetism.
This negative magnetism would natural
ly radiate toward the centre POSITIVE magnetism, for like is
ed by unlike and both w o u l d go forward to meet each other.
fore, from the two opposite sides which are farthest away from the

AM OR C a o si cruci an Brotherhood.



SUN'S PROJECTIONS the earth's crust would send forward its negative
Around the equator belt of the sphere the Sun's disk is
closer to the earth's surface and this would tend to neutralise the
earth's negative magnetism, for when negative and positive magnetism
meet and blend they neutralize into a force and warmth that is
neither negative nor positive but both combined.
This combined force
near the centre of the earth's sphere is what keeps the Sun's rays
projected into that one circle marked C on Diagram No. 11.
N M .P



A y




I n other words, the Negative emanations from the surface of the

earth are strongest in Negative quality at those places farthest
away from the Sun's Disk (not the Sun's centre point, for that is


AUO.-tC Rosi crucian Brotherhood.


equidistant from all parts of the surface of the sphere) . So from

these two points of the surface of the earth _;o forward the nega
tive vibrations and the two points are called the North end South
Magnetic Foies.
As the vibrations of negative magnetism go toward
each other in the centre of the sphere they are neutralised by two
factors, well known in physics; (a) they repulse each other because
they are like each other end therefore become weaker in their
strength because of their mutual repulsion in the centre of the
sphere: (b) they are absorbed and neutralized by the POSITIVE vibra
tions from the centre polarity.
These two factors create in the
centre of the sphere p. BELT or GAP around which the SUN'S DISK
travels and m a n i f e s t o , for the sun's projections from the centre
point, being positive, use the negative emanations from the two
sides of the earth to make the Disk of the sun alive with heat and
force and L I F E .
Vi s will not

stop here to discuss the effect of the two magnetic

poles upon the mariner's compass, nor to discuss the fact that the
effect of that magnetism varies at certain parts of the equator. A
little reasoning would explain to our students, as it will not ex
plain to the students of any other Cosmogony or astronomy, tnat
whenever the sun is closer to a point at the equator than at other
times, the positive vibrations of the Sun, being dominant, would
effect the negative pull upon the mariner's compass and make the de
flections in that magnetic needle which so greatly puzzle those who
have worked at the problem for many, many years.
In our next lecture we will take up the consideration of the moon.

End of Lecture Number Sight.






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AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



N o w we come to the consideration of the MOON.

Perhaps our most
difficult problem here will he to use terms and phrases that have a
common understanding for us all, and another problem will be for us
to blot out from our minds the term PLANET.
We must no longer look
up o n the Moon as a planet because of the very definite meaning
attached to that word.
Science has made a careful study of the
physical nature of the Moon and tells us that there is no idication
that there ever was life on the Moon and adds that there is no indi
cation that .there is the proper atmospheric conditions surrounding
it to maintain animal or plant life on its su face.
In other words,
all that science can tell us of the Moon is what is seen through
the telescope and what it deduces or speculates in regard to the
Moon's monthly phases, eclipses, etc.


No. 13.


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood



"What is the Moon?" is a question as old as human life and observa

Being so close to the earth's surface, so picturesque in its
phases, so attractive at night, so mysterious in its periodicity of
motion, the M oo n interests even the child mind and has always been
a subject of speculation and research.
But, aside from a closer or
more enlarged view of the Moo n through more powerful telescopes, it
is safe to say that science knows no more about the Moon today than
it did many hundreds of years ago.


No. 14.

This much, however, our Cosmogony tells us.

This much we can
scientifically and truthfully state.
The Moon is a POLARITY body,


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



a material body floating in space, close to the surface of the

earth, and charged with the opposite magnetic polarity of the Sun's
All tests show that the Moon has a strong negative polarity.
Its substance is a material created from the electrons and material
emanations which form the crust of the surface of the earth.
have not yet taken up the study of how the earth's crust came to be
formed, or its chemical nature, and therefore it is difficult to
explain at this point how the Moon came to be formed.
But it is
lifeless and never had any life on it for it is not a planet, was
not created to be a planet, and has no other
pu rpo se than to fo
calize the earth's NEGATIVE radiations in space.
The Moon is very close to the earth's surface.
It is not thousands of miles away nor hundreds of miles away.
me a n distance is from 124 to 144 miles from the surface of the earth.
It travels in a fixed orbit which is illustrated on the above dia
gram b y the various positions of the Moon moving on a dotted line
m ar ked M.
B y referring to Diagram No. 13 we will see that the Moon is located
in that section of the sphere which is opposite to the Sun's Disk.
Diagram No. 14 shows the path which the Moon takes in its movement.
This path is nearly circular, but in making the drawing upon a
spherical plane it is necessary to draw it partially as an oval.
The light which the moon receives IS NOT DIRECT from the Sun's Disk
but is reflected from the surface of the earth illuminated by the
Sun Disk.
In other words, the daylight half of the sphere reflects
its light into the heavens and causes the light blue sky which we
see at night, and also illuminates the Moon (and other heavenly
bodies, as we shall see later on).
Diagram No. 14 shows some of
the positions the Moon occupies during its monthly journey in the
heavens and also how its one side is illuminated.
Now, according to our position on the surface of the sphere, we
look at the moon at various angles and sometimes we see half of its
illuminated surface and half of its dark surface; at other times
we are able to see the whole of its illuminated surface, and at
other times only the dark side of it.
This accounts for our obser
vations on the Moon's phases.
The path of the Sun, as illustrated in Diagrams No. 11 and 12, is
horizontal, ane the orbit of the Moon is almost parallel with the
axis of the sphere; therefore there are times, when the Moon and
Sun are in certain relationship to each other, that cause us to see
the Moon and Sun at the same time in the daytime.
This relationship
of the Sun and Moon, plus our position o n the surface of the sphere,
causes us to see at certain times an eclipse of the Sun and Moon.
All this is dry and perhpas uninteresting matter to the average
student of this course, and it is not our purpose to go into the


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



geometry of the Sphere, nor to go into the minute details of the

M o o n s movement, its rotation
on its own axis, and similar sub
jects; all these can be easily worked out, from what we have al
ready said, b y those students who delight in astronomy and have the
time to take our few fundamental principles and enlarge upon them.
This course is preparatory to the greater laws and principles und er
lying the formation and function of the universe and m a n s relation
it, and we must keep steadily on in our study of the most fun
damental and important elements so that proper progress will be
But it should be added here that the S u n s projection toward one
half of the sphere creates a positive polarity in the atmosphere
there and the e a r t h s magnetism, which surrounds the inner side of
the surface of the sphere, causes the Moon to remain a,t the opposite
side of the sphere from where the Sun projects.
The earths revolu
tion does not move the Moo n away from its orbit on the opposite side
of the sphere, but simply brings the various countries, from hour to
hour, around to the night-side of the heavens where the moon is.
In our next lecture we will take up the subject of tides and gravi

E n d of Lecture Number Eight-A.


' t\



r e g is t e r e d

NO. /

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N O T E : The m atter contained herein is officially issued through the Suprem e C ouncil of the
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and photographic copies of official, prescribed and copyrighted lectures, dissertations,



discourses and

academ ic studies,

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to other allied organizations o r movements.


AMORC Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



At this point in our studies it is nebessary to examine carefully

such proofs as we have regarding the facts already submitted in
our lessons.
Perhaps we will do well to look at -the proofs which
are given to us by the Copernican school of cosmology and see how
well our proofs compare with them.
In fact, if our cosmology is
correct, we will have to explain away the proofs that are given to.
us by the other cosmology.
That are the proofs which a r e submitted
to support that cosmology?
What manifestations or facts are present
ed to prove that we live on the O UTSIDE of the earth an d that our
earth revolves around a great sun along with other planets? We will
enumerate them:
We know that the earth is round, because we can sail around
it and return to the same point.
2. We know that the earth is not flat or square because we
have found no edge or end to its surface.
3. We know that we live on the OUTSIDE of this round earth
because of what we see when a vessel sails out to sea and disappears
hull first from our sight.
4. We know what the curvature of the earth is for we have
found what the curcumference of this round earth is.
Since we can see the Sun in the sky, and we live on the
outside of the earth, the Sun must be distant from the earth.
obtain the distance in miles b y a mathematical formula which uses a
premise as its first law - not a fact.
6. We have further oocular proof of the roundness of the earth
in the shadow cast u p o n the moo n and in the eclipse.
N o w the foregoing statements are, in simple form, the essential proof
of the Copernican theory of cosmology.
Many other points are often
given, such as the revolution of the earth every twenty-four hours,
bringing day and night in successive turns, but this does not prove
that we live on the INSIDE or OUT SID E of the earth.
So we will now
examine these points as stated abo-sre- and compare the strength cf their
arguments with what other proof w e can easily fi n d in n at ure's own
laws and principles.
The first thing to be no te d is that, excepting N o . 3, not one of the
statements given above prove that we live on the OUTSIDE.
I n other
words, the statements wo u l d equally prove that we live on the INSIDE.
Of course, they do prove that the earth is ROUND, but that is not
the issue.
The point is, do they prove that we live on the OUTSIDE
or the INSIDE?
It is just as easy to sail or travel around the In
side of a sphere as on the outside - more easy in fact, as w e shall
The circumference of the earth, the curvature a n d the diameter,
are facts which remain unch ang ed b y our cosmology - and they have no
bearing upon the point whether we live on the OUTSIDE or INSIDE of


Al'IORC - R o s i c rue ian 3r o th erh o o d .



the earth.
Even the fact that the Moon is illuminated on one side,
or appears to he eclipsed at times, has no direct bearing upon the
subject of our present discussion.
So we have nothing left to seriously consider at present but the one
proof - that when a ship sails out to see. it disappears by losing its
hull to our sight first.
This sight of the disappearing hull is
pointed cut to us to prove that the ship is sailing downward and
therefore must be on the outside of a curved surface, etc.,etc.
The very first thing to note about this piece of evidence is that it
consists solely of an OPTICAL demonstration.
If we examine the
evidence we find that the hull of the ship begins to disappear from
our sight only at a certain point in the distance - at that point
where the horizon is seen - or in other words where the sky and earth
are SEEN to meet.
Now, upon the same evidence, and with the same
reasoning, why can we not say that at the same point where the hull <
of the ship starts to disappear, the sky does ACTUALLY touch the
Wa can have the very same OCCULAE and OPTICAL evidence to
prove both statements, yet we accept the one about the hull of the
fh ip and reject the other about the sky and water.
our knowledge of optics has shown us that what we see is an OPTICAL
ILLUSION and that the wafer and sky do not meet anywhere on the
earth's surface.
A child in the lower grades of school might easily and logically
ask this question: "If the one sight we see at the horizon is an
optical illusion and explained by the principles of optics, might
not the other be also?
Can optics explain why the hull of the ship
disappear s first?"
Bear in mind, it is not our intention to simply cast doubt up o n the
proofs that our schools have given about the Copernican cosmology,
cat also to give other proofs about our correct cosmology which the
other schools cannot remove.
But it is proper to understand the
other school's proofs and "remove them., if possible, before we* take
up new ones.
So let us see what the principles of optics will reveal to us re
garding some fundamental laws of nature.
It is surprising that we
have not had these things explained to us before.
Is it because
science does not know these things about optics?
Certainly not. But
it is mere satisfactory and agreeable to keep them unexplained, for
the child mind might ask too many questions - questions like the
one above, for instance.
However, let us examine a few of the principles concerned in the
funcoioning ox the eye.
"Seeing is believing" we are told, b u t be^o r e ..,I;e Relieve what v:e SEE we should
know ECU we see and then real
ize wnAT it is xre see when we look at a thing.
We need not study the eye minutely to

discover that,

just as with


AMORC-Rosi crucian Brotherhood.



the camera, there are certain definite LIMITATIONS as to wnat can b e

cast upon a screen of vision, and certain effects produced because
of limitations.
One of tho fi r s t effects we note is that when we view a thing close
at hand it appears larger than a thing in the distance.
In fact, t he
onl y w a y we judge distance is by the effect of smallness and INUISn
This fact is taken advantage of by painters who paint
the objects of distance smaller than those close at hand, and w h e n
they w is h to convey the impression of great distance in a picture
they not only make the objects smaller, but less distinct, or hazy.
If we take a number of picture frames, empty, having no pictures i n
them, a nd stand them on a table sc that they are about twelve inches
apart and then look through the first one toward the end one, it wil l
seem that the frames form a series of smaller squares.
The first
frame will be larger than the rest, and so on.
If we take a r o w of
electric lights hanging in a store, for instance, we will observe
that the distant one is very much smaller than the one at our side.
Our eyes make allowance for this -and we know that the lamp is NOT
actually smaller, but, so far as the picture in the eye is concerned,
the distant lamp IS SMALLER in the eye-picture.
Ue can prove this
b y holding an ordinary magnifying glass up before a sheet of paper
and permitting the glass to act like a lens
in a camera, casting a
picture of the electric lamps on the paper.
The picture will be
upside down, but wo will soon note that the lamps range in various
sizes in the picture according to their distance from the magnifying
If the ro w of lamps continued far enough into the distance,
the last ones would be invisible, or merely pin-points of light.
As we stand and look down or up a long street, we will note that the
buildings, telegraph poles and trees all become smaller in the dis
If the street was long enough and straight enough there
would be a point in the distance w h e r e the poles and trees and hous
es and stones of the street would become too small and too INDIS
TINCT to be seen clearly.
That point where vision in the distance fades out, becomes too hazy
to be seen, etc., is called the VA2TISHINQ..POINT. If there was no
such vanishing point we would be able to see Without limit, and we
would have no perspective in sight at all.
But to better illustrate what actually happens in regard to the
vanishing point and the lines of sight, we will take one concrete,
common example - the sight we see when we stand in the centre of a
long, straight rail road track.
The track must be a long one, on a
perfectly level stretch of ground.
If there are curves or hills, we
cannot see these points so well.
But practically all of us have
seen a long stretch of railroad track, and so this common example is

AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.




If we look at the diagram n umb er ed Figure 5, we will have the view

of the tracks explained.
We will suppose that the eye of the spec
tator is located at a place in the center between the two tracks shown
b y the large eyeball at the left of the diagram.
We note that along
side of the tracks are telegraph poles numbered 1,2,3, and 4.
the dotted line marked x,x,x, is the center between the two tracks
and is the neutral view point of the eight of the eye; that is, it is


AMORC-Ro si crucian Brotherhood.



the neutral or middle line of sight.

The lines marked A,A
are the
angles of sight of the eye.
As we stand and look down the center of
the tracks we can see in the eye, on the curved retina marked R
the eyeball, the first two telegraph poles marked 0,0.
But from
these poles our sight begins to narrow down or CONVERGE, following
the lines m arked S,S.
These converging lines pull all the vision
with them and meet in the point mark ed E.
At this point E
converging sight lines join the middle, neutral line.
This produces
the effect that all the telegraph poles m ark ed 2,3, and 4 follow the
lines S,S,S
and therefore the tracks also.
Hence, to our eye the
two rails of the track seem to meet at E, and the two telegraph
poles 4 and 4 are also close together and not far apart, as are the
first two num bered 1 and 1.
Now, if we turn th&se tracks on their sides - that is, if we place
the one rail above the other instead of along side of it, and make
what would be a fence without the supporting posts, we have what is
shown in diagram Figure 5.
Let u s suppose that we put a few small
posts with balls on top of them in the ground, so p l ace d that the
balls come midway between the ground and the upper part of the fence
or upper rail.
If the eyeball of the spectator is also in the center
between the ground and the upper rail, then the middle line of sight,
or neutral line, will be the line marked x,x,x.
We see again that
the angle of sight spreads out to take in the first post marke
A n d from that point on the lines of sight CONVERGE, as marked by the
lines S,S,S.
They meet, these converging, lines, at the point marked
E, and we notice that, as the lines converge, the lower one rises
so that it seems as though the earth i ises slightly toward the
point E.
Because of this each succeeding post
after the first one
appears shorter in height.
Thus we see that post No. 2 is shorter
than No. 1, and No. 3 is shorter than No. 2. Post No. 4 appears to
be nothing but a ball, and only the top surface of the ball is clear
ly in sight.
N o w this diagram, Figure 6, shows us that as we look into the dis
tance at objects, the lower part of them is cut off by the lower con
verging line of sight.
The upper converging line does not cut off any
thing, because the upper line is not a material surface like the
ground or water.
N o w if we apply these same principles to the ship at sea_, we will see
at once why the hull of the ship disappears from sight as it goes
away to sea.
Figure 7 has the eye of the spectator looking toward
the distant ship.
The line level with the eye is the neutral or
middle sight l-ine and is ma rked X,X,X on the diagram.
The sight lines converge as before, and are marked S!,S,S.
We will
call the real surface of the water the line marked W,W.
But that sur
face constitutes one of the sight lines and rises gradually until it
appears to be like the botto m line of S,S,S.
Now at point E, where
the S ,S,S line and the neutral line E meet, there the lower part of
the boat is cut off as is shown b y the large picture of the ship


AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


ma r k e d C.
But at E we see the ship as it appears to us with the
neutral line cutting off the lower part, the part which we cannot
That makes it appear as though the lower part of the ship was
BELOW THE SURFACE of the water, whereas it is only below the middle
or neutral sight line.
All this may seem like theory, but it has been proven beyond all
question to be true.
These laws and principles of optics have been
investigated by the Geodetic Survey Department of our Government and
they were given the most severe test b y the Goedetic Survey Depart*
ment of the French Government, and their reports and findings we
will examine in our next lecture, where the most surprising facts
will be revealed - facts which science refuses to answer and facts
which made the survey experts stop their work, for their discover
ies were leading them into propositions and revelations which they
knew would revolutionize science, and that did not -seem to be a safe
and proper thing to do.
Recently more facts have been discovered so now we will lose no time
in completing our evidence and going on with the important facts of
our cosmology.
E n d of Lecture Number Nine






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AMORC-Rosi crucian Brotherhood.



Nov; we will consider some of the proofs of the facts given in the
preceding lectures and this lecture will end the first Term of the
Course and permit us to pass on to more practical and useful facts in
the Second Term.
Professor James, the eminent psychologist, once said that "It takes
but the presence of one UHITE crow to prove that ALL crows are not
black. !l And it is also true that it takes but a few FACTS (not theo
ries) to prove a law or a set of laws.
And we will submit here
several facts, each of them complexe, authentic, scientific and in
disputable, which will prove TUG THINGS: First, that the popular
C o p e m i c a n theory of the earth and our living on the outside of it
is wrong;
second that our Arcane Cosmology, or something almost like
it, must be true.
N o w let us look at the first fact. According to all our present day
ideas of the earth, we live on the outside of it and gravitation is
the force which holds us and all material things fast to the outside
of it, despite the fact that the earth is revolving at a rate of over
a thousand miles an hour.
To prove that gravitation is a fact the
o l d and familiar demonstration is given of the falling apple.
Nov; it
is true that when a n apple or a ball is thrown into the air it comes
promptly back to earth.
A child might ask - who pushed it back to
the earth? - and the scientist would answer- why do you say pushed?
Can't you see it was nu lled back, not -pushed? And the child mind
might logically say that the fact of the apple returning say that
the fact of the apple returning to earth does not prove that it was
either pushed or pulled, while the scientist claims that it can
prove only one thing - the thing he was told.However, we will settle
that point later - the ONLY fact in the whole matter is tnat the
apple or ball does return to the earth.
There is no question about
that. Now they also tell us that when a thing drops of returns to
earth it follows a straight line which, if continued, would reach
to the mathematical centre of the sphere on which we live.
lines are what are called PLULIB lines.
By these lines buildings are
erected, poles are erected a/nd m any measurements taken.
The idea is
that all lines of gravitation or attraction point to the centre of
the earth.
N o w if you will close your e/es and visualize two enorm
ous poles, say a mile high, erected in some park and made -perfectly
plumb, you will see that, according to this idea, the tops of the
two poles would be farther apart than the bottoms in the ground.
course this divergence of lines would not be noticable on short poles,
but in Copernican theory it wo uld be true on poles 2,000 to 5,000
feet in length.
Since these converging plumb lines tend to come to
gether in the crust of earth UNDER our feet, the FACT would prove that
ws do live on the outside of the earth.
It is a very important factif true, as Mark Twain once said about the report of his third m ar
riage - important indeed if t r u e l
Nov; it is not possible to errect two plumb poles of 4,000 to 5,000
feet, so no one tested the law of the plumb lines and the theory of
the divergence of lines stood unchallenged.
But soon after the
French Government made some tests in its Geodic Survey Department and


AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


found that some of the laws of the Copernican Cosmology were not
true, the strange FACTS were communicated to the Geodic Survey Depart
ment of this country.
Noth in g officially was done for a time, hut one
of the official Surveyors of that Department was engaged in some work
near Calumet, Michigan, in 1901 and he called upon the Chief Engineer
of the Tamarack Mines there.
In a discussion the engineer was re
quested to make a test of two plumb lines in two of the deepest mines.
Two mi ne s were selected having a depth of over 4,250 feet, for the
plumb lines suspended in each mine were exactly 4,250 feet long.
bobs at the ends of the lines weighed sixty pounds each and the^r hung
in vessels of oil at the bottom of the mines so that the magnetism of
the earth could not affect the bobs.
The wires suspending the bobs,
or in other words the plumb lines, were N o . 24 piano wires. After hav
ing been suspended for exactly 24 hours, so that all movement from
putting them in place had ceased, measurements were begun.
The mea- surements completed, they naturally expected to find that the distance
between the two bobs - the two ends of the lines - was less than at
the top, but what they did find was that the two BOBS WERE (FARTHER
X P A R T . It was just the op ,osite and indicated that the centre of
attraction in such lines was ABOVE the surface of the earth, where
the two lines w o u l d meet, and NOT below the surface of the earth.
Puzzled and perplexed, the Chief Engineer sent for Professor McNair
of the Michigan College of Mines.
He further tested the lines and
the measurements and found the above facts true.
Then he offered the
suggestion that the metal of the bobs be changed to overcome any
possible magnetic attraction or repulsion, and when this was done the
same figures resulted, fo r if there was any attraction or repulsion
it would be slightly different with different metals.
Then he sugges
ted that air currents going down the mines probably affected the
trueness of the plumb lines.
The shafts were closed at the top and
the figures of the distance between the two lines remained the same.
Professor McNair tried many ways to disprove the evident facts end
gave up the matter in absolute bewilderment.
Concerning this test,
the news leaked out and the Milwaukee Sentinel publi she d this state
ment : "At another shaft the same phenomena were noticed, and with
very little change.
Several explanations have been offered for the
fact that the wires were supposed to hang parallel to each other, but
were farther apart below the surface than they were at the surface,
and no one has suggested anything that seems to cover the q u e s t i o n . "
Professor McNair finally issued a statement that he h a d proven that
magnetic attraction from the earth or the sides of the shaft. .DID
NOT cause the strange divergence - but he has never said anything
Did he issue a scientific treatise about this VERY IMPORTANT
Did he cause scientists to investigate?
D id he call the
attention of all schools and authorities to the fact that what they
were teaching about GRAVITATION and PLUMB lines was false?
No, he
did nothing like this.
A n d so the matter would have remained in dark
Professor Hallock of Columbia University took up the subject whe n he
he ar d of it through a Professor at the Michigan College,
This ..New
York Professor claimed that attraction upon the plumb lines and bobs


AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


would explain the whole matter, and in a very learned letter he told
h o w easily the matter would he settled by substituting phosphorbronz
wires for the piano wires and lead bobs for iron bobs.
These changes
were made - and the results did not prove his contention, for the
law was the same - the bobs were clLggeixc\ogytrhorat the place under the
earth than were the tops of the wires at the earth's surface.
Professor at Columbia,upon learning this, had nothing more to say.
D i d he call attention to this discovery? Did he make Columbia Univer
sity famous by issuing these startling facts from the University
where Professors vie with each other in sending forth other SO-CALLED
FACTS? Not at all.
Then a second series of experiments were conduct
ed at Calumet.
Two shafts, elevator shafts, numbered 2 and 5 were
used, for they were 3,250 apart and the engineer planned to open up
the 29th level below surface so that the two shafts would be connected
by a horizontal tunnel.
The shafts were also 4,250 deep, as were the
first shafts.
After measuring the distance between the two plumb
lines by a horizontal line in the tunnel, it was found that the two
plumbs or bobs were exactly 8.22 inches closer together than were
the lines at the top of the-shaft, and this figure exactly represents
ivhat the divergence would be if the point of attraction was in the '
center of a hollow sphere the size of our earth,
Did science say
anything of this?
And did the expert of the American Goedic Survey
Department, who was so interested, say anything?
No, for he dared not
speak officially and provately he must keep newly-discovered facts to
himself until his superiors speak - and they have never spoken, though
they went ahead and for two years made more experiments, getting into
deeper scientific water all the time, until - the matter was suddenly
dropped, just as the French Government dropped it, saying: "If we do
give these startling facts to the world it will not help them live
any better and the facts have no bearing upon practical problems of
Later, when some men of the Geodic Survey Department measured the
surface of a long lake in Florida, other startling facts were learned.
They a r g u e d :"Water is known to conform to the true curvature of the
earth's surface regardless of how the land may be. It'always makes
a true level - level with the true curve of the earth."
This is true,
and when they m e a s u r e d the long lake's surface they found that the
water curved uphill in each direction instead of downhill - and that
settled all further experiments.
Many instances can be given of other demonstrations, and these will be
referred to in various places where they have bearing upon some
particular point of the Course, and so we will now consider some other
points of interest.
In the first two pages of this lecture we intimated that the force
called gravitation may be a PUSH instead of a pull.
It must be evident
to anyone that if a thing thrown into the air and coming back to earth
again may be affected by EITHER push or pull, then its action in
coming to earth as a fact does not prove either push or pull.
thing more than the mere action itself must be used to prove either


AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


Several years ago an assembly of scientists in Chicago were startled

by one scientist, making a speech in which he d e c l a x ed that some of
his experiments in physics indicated that gravitation may be a PUSH
instead of a PULL.
He had no theory, no explanation, but simply
offered some unimportant facts, the scientists thought, which tended
to show that when things move toward the earth's surface they are
being PUSHED toward the earth and not PULLED.
The newspapers made
many comments on this speech and that ended it.
But it was a VERY
Did you ever stop to realize how many things in
this world depend upon gravitation - not upon the theory, but upon
the FORCE, whether it is PULL or PUSH.
Then stop and think of the
many things that have been tried in connection with gravitation by
those who BELIEVE it is a PULL.
Nearly all such experiments havefailed, because the scientists have tried to overcome or neutralize
gravitation WHILE BELIEVING it was a PULL.
Now suppose that they
knew it was a PUSH.
Would that not change their methods of over
coming it or neutralizing it? For instance, all attempts at inventing
'or operating PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES are based upon the THEORY
that gravitation PULLS downward,
When the machine is tried the thing
does not work although the theory is fine.
But it is based upon a
wrong principle.
If the right theory is used, PUSH instead of PULL,
they would know how to change their plans and soon see whether such
a machine would work.
Think of placing magnets UNDER things that
are NOT to be affected by gravitation - and it fails.
They never
try putting magnets OVER it to neutralise the effect of a push.
as human beings, as animals, as things upon the surface, stay here
because we are being PUSHED against the surface,not pulled.
What is the push?
What is the force?
It is centrifugal force,
exerted from the center of the sphere toward its surface because of
the rapid revolution of the earth.
Ever swing a pail, of water around
in the air on a string?
What keeps the water in the pail?
exerted toward the inside of the pail, not a pull from the bottom of
the pail.
Will magnetism affect that force?
That is another point
for a future lecture.
The important point to remember here is that
Gravitation is NOT what it seems, so in a few words we have found
plumb lines, gravitation, earth's curvature, sight lines, push and
pull, and all these things to be different from what we have been
We are turned toosy-turvey in our thinking.
We are ready
now for new thoughts, for FACTS and to learn the GREAT TRUTHS.
-o End of Lecture Ten ooooooo

r.R a d f.

sr , .

n o ___



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AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


Introduction:This Alden manuscript is a continuation of the now famous Nodin Manu

script, as introduced into the teachings of AMORC in the month of June,
1916, to the first Fourth Grade class to study in the AMORC Temple at
# 7 0 West 87th Street,
New York City, the class being personally taught
b y the Imperator, H.Spencer Lewis, into whose hands the Nodin Manu
script was placed in the month of May, 1916.
It will be recalled that the Nodin Manuscript has a foreword stating
that it was translated by Jean, or Jehan, de Mandeville, from the
original written b y the unknown Nodin; also that the original bears
the official number "T.876 par Nodin".
Either the original, or the
translation (it being not clear)
was dated by a Secretary "Sun in
Capricorn 9 degrees, Lux R.C. 2703, in the city of Lyons, France."
The year Lux R.C. is equivalent to 1352 A.D..
The present manuscript, while continuing the subject, the discussion
a n d the laws of the Nodin Manuscript - which does not complete its
argument or its presentation of the presentation of the principles
involved - is dated "3029 R.C." The first date is equivalent to 1675,
so that it would appear that this Alden Manuscript has been prepared
or edited by two persons at times 113 years apart.
Furthermore, it
was revised and made modern in its terms and findings by additions,
annotations and corrections in the years 1906, after a series of ex
periments and complete chemical tests of the principles involved.
Therefore, at the time the Nodin Manuscript was first introduced into
our teachings in America the present Alden Manuscript was practically
complete in its present form and the only changes n ow made in it con
sist of the addition of such findings on the part of recent scientific
investigators as throw considerable light upon the accuracy of the laws
stated therein, and modern illustrations and examples, as well as
drawings of newer devices or instruments for making the experiments
Perhaps one other point in regard to the present manuscript should be
Wherever it has be e n fo und necessary to use illustrations
of such biological or physiological factors or features of living
matter as make clear the principle being explained, such illustrations
have been accurately taken from such standard medical or scientific
books as:
Text-book of Histology, by Frederick R. Bailey (Fourth
Edition): Human Anatomy, by George A. P iersol; Text-book of P h y s i o l o g y <
b y William H. Howell; and the American Illustrated Medical Dictionary
(Eight Edition).
Of course, many of the illustrations, schematic plans,etc., are origin
al and constitute the essential value of the new and astounding state
ments made in this manuscript.
B y using the drawings and microscopic illustration (so carefully and
accurately prepared by the foregoing medical and scientific authorities'
to prove the contentions stated in this manuscript and to make clear


AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


that which they did not find, with all their power to observe and
facilities to examine, we cannot be accused of using biased illustra
tions nor can it be said that the facts revealed here have not been
plain and discernible to those WHO WOULD SEE.
Profundis Thirteenth, Imperator.
Section One.

The Argument.

The principal statements set forth in the Nodin Manuscript which

must be at once carried to their conclusion, if we are to have a most
perfect and complete understanding of the workings of God and Nature
in the creation and maintenance of life on the Earth Plane, are as
NODIN LAW, l and 1-A: Nous, as a binary divinity, essential to
the perfect and complete manifestation of matter, must be present in
all matter as a Unit in order to compose and manifest matter.
Nous, as a binary divinity, has two qualities: (A) Finite, Def
inite, Limited, therefore Negative; (B) Infinite, Indefinite, Unlimit
ed, therefore Positive.
'All which exists is dual in nature and tribunal in manifestation.
Each manifestation of nature manifests (A)' the negative element,
(B) the positive element, and these two natures manifesting together
give a third (C) the unit as we objectively comprehend it.
4. Nous manifests in all animate and inanimate matter.
The two qualities manifesting in all matter, negative and positive,
are two polarities of the same force, Nous.
Experiments in the domain of "Radar" (now known as magnetism)show
that centers of force, or P o l a r i t i e s , are opposite in nature of

The polarization of Nous is always in the farm of a cell.

These cells adhere to the rule of a sphere.
In the center of
cell we find the polarity, the center of the c e l l s power.


Nous, in its positive quality, is from the positive polarity of
the Sun, which is a polarized cell,* and in its negative quality from
the Earth, which is another polarized cell.
10. Through breath, "air", the positive element enters all living
matter; and through material contact and material elements the neg
ative quality enters all living matter.
From these points, and upon the argument presented therein, are based
all that follows in. this manuscript.


AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



From the foregoing statements we learn that the great vitalizing

force in nature, or rather throughout nature, is Nous; and that this
force is a dual energy or power, having two qualities; a negative and
a positive quality.
Furthermore, this energy, wi t h two such quali
ties, can manifest itself only when the two qualities properly combine
or unify.
Not only do the phenomena of electricity supply us with many excellent
examples of the working of such principles, and thereby illustrate
what is contended in the above paragraph, but electricity itself may
be another form of manifestation of that very energy or power which
is called Nous in this manuscript.
We have also another physical phenomenon, allied to those of elec
tricity, which we call magnetism, and which, one will notice, was
called "Radar" in the Nodin Manuscript.
Magnetism supplies us with
man y illustrations of the principles connected with the operation or
manifestation of the condition called polarity; a n d since magnetism,
aa a condition, can be instituted or created through the use of elec
tricity or electrical energy, we may, so far as the present manuscript
is concerned, consider magnetism as a simple manifestation of elec
tricity (if not a part of all electrical phenomena).
Therefore, for the sake of simplicity we will not admit in this manusctipt that there is a clinical line drawn between the physical man
ifestations of magnetism and those of electricity, as there is between
physics and chemistry.
We will assume, with absolutely no fear of
successful contradiction, tha.t all magnetic conditions are a result of
electrical activity, or that magnetism results from the proximity of
some electrical manifestation.
Our very next consideration is to look into the nature of electricity
and determine either its remote cause
and, if not that, its immedi
ate cause
in all its manifestations.
At the very first step of our
investigations we find that since all electrical phenomena manifests
to us through the medium of undulations or vibratory waves, and since
electricity is active as an energy only in a vibratory manner, it
must be a vibratory energy akin to, or resulting from, the vibratory
energy that prevades all space.
It must be a phase or manifestation
of Nous.
Our next step of investigation would lead us to make the discovery
that, likely, all the natural forces or energies in the universe are
vibratory; and as our further investigations prove this to be so, we
make the next discovery that all the natural energies in the universe
are electrica.l.
N o w in^the foregoing statement there are two words which require ex
planation, since they are used as terms. The term "energies" suggests
that there is more than ore natural force in the universe.
The fact iSj
there is more than one.
T he power which is called Gravitation by


AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


science is generally considered as an entity, a thing apart from any

other power, such as that which causes wj,nd, revolves the earth, or
affects the 'tides on this planet.
Then there is the power or

energy that affects the compass needle. While bo t h gravitation and

the attraction that influences the compass needle may be magnetic,
in the understanding of the lay mind, still they are generally con
sidered as separate powers having only a remote cause or relation.
The term electrical is us e d to denote a form or kind of energy wit h
w h i c h we are all familiar.
Furthermore, the word electricity is de
ri v e d from an ol d root which means eun or sun-power; and by tracing
its origin back to the Sanskrit, and then to the Zend-Avesta languages
we see that the \7ise man who first outlined symbols and words to ex
press their thoughts were familiar with the nature of the forces in
the universe.
However, even if the term electrical did not have so
correct an origin, its use here would be necessary to make plain the
k i n d of energy referred to.

To be continued in Lecture Number Eleven A,

- 0 O0-






N O T E : The m atter contained herein is officially issued through the Suprem e C ouncil o f the
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studies, diagram s,

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The contents

herein are to be used fo r the purpose intended, and fo r no other, a n d a ll righ ts and
privileges are retained by the Im perator.
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name and symbols, and the Im p erato r has the sole righ t to g ra n t the use of the above
to other allied organizations or movements.


AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


The principal contention in the Nodin Manuscript is that, o f t h e

two qualities or natures of the dual energy called Nous, the positive
quality or positive element radiates from the Sun, and the negative
radiates from the Earth. Since this will be proven to be a fact and
methods given whereby the fact may be revealed and demonstrated eas
ily, it seems quite necessary at this time to make plain certain
LANS in regard to manifestations and activities of such a dual energy,
and to give some very comprehensible definitions of the terms Negative
and Positive.
In fact, it may be well to discuss the definitions and
terms, that the Laws may be better understood.
N E G A T I V E : Usually a negative condition is a minus condition.
fact, the dictionaries tell us that a thing that is negative is that
which is marked by absence of what is appropriate or expected. Now
while this is essentially correct it is not completely so, nor does
it do justice to things whic h have a Negative nature.
One is apt to
feel, to actually believe, from the foregoing definition, that a neg
ative thing is not only minus but of less importance than that which
is positive.
Both negative and positive are terms of relativity.
The negative condition is always as necessary as the positive; in
fact, the positive is only positive because of the existence of the
The negative, on the other hand, is essential because it
supplies that which is absent or missing in the positive.
The neg
ative is, therefore, the open, absent, absorbing, needed, desired
element f o r the positive t o use. It is like the vessel that holds the
Empty, the pitcher is a mere thing, so far as its relation to
a pitcher of water is concerned.
Into the pitcher m ay be p oured the
water - then we have the pitcher of w a t e r .
In the science of electricity, as it is taught and dealt with in
schools and even laboratories, the negative wire and the negative
element in any manifestation or attempted manifestation of electrical
phenomena are considered as minus, nothing, n i l . It is minus something
into which the positive will pass and exist.
To the electrical
science it is a mistake to speak of a negative current or a negative
e n e r g y . There is no such thing.
To them,if there is any current at
all, it is a. positive current. But this, in our science, is an error,
And while we cannot say, correctly, that there is a negative current
or negative energy, we can say that there is a negative condition, a
negative element, as much a part of any energy or power as is the
positive element or rjositive condition.
P O S I T I V E : On the other h a n d we cannot say, either, that there is a
p ositive current or a positive energy, as some authorities on electri
city say.
If v/e liken the water in the pitcher to the positive ele
ment we have but half of the whole thing; the whole thing being the
pitcher of w a t e r . In speaking of a pitcher of water we m ean the
pitcher as much as the water.
Both are necessary to complete the
thing. However, in practically all cases the positive element or the
positive condition is aiways the most important in the process of
causing a manifestation,
It is the positive which seeks out the
It is the positive which enters the negative.
It is the


AMORC-Ro s i c ruci an Brotherhood.




positive which makes the first move toward its other and complement
ary element.
It is the positive which is ever reaching
out trying to
infuse, control and actuate the non-active
The positive
penetrates, while the negative simply absorbs.
The negative becomes
inspired, enlivened, actuated, moved, by the positive.
P O L A R i T V : To understand precisely what is meant by the term polarity
as u se d throughout this manuscript, one must first discard any under
standing of it derived from electrical science or study, and then
carefully note the principles involved in the laws of magnetism as
given here.
In electrical science the term polarity is defined as:
"Indicating that (a thing) has two poles or parts at which certain
properties are the opposite to one another. "Like the definition for
n e g a t i v e . this is essentially true, but not wholly complete.
A mag
net has two poles, the north and south poles, and therefore we might
properly say that a magnet or m agn etised thing has certain p ola r i t y .
But this is not clear enough nor satisfactory for the very definite
purposes necessary in this manuscript.
The word polarity is derived from the Latin oolaris and p ol us, mean
ing pole; and the term polarity may be limited by some, as in elec
trical science, to cam that a thing has a pole or poles of a magnetic
quality or nature,
In that science a polarised cell is a cell that
has both north and south poles, or, as we may sa.y, negative and pos
itive qualities.
It is correct, then, to say that things having a
negative and positive electrical quality a,re p o l a r i z e d , but the pol
arity of such a thing: is a matter to be determined.
In fact, everything having an electrical or magnetic nature must
have a polarity that is- either negative or p o s i t i v e . In using the
term in this way one sees at once what we mean by the word polarity.
It is the predominating quality of a polarized thing.
N o w since all things in the universe, either animate or inanimate,
are the result of vibratory action pr oduced by the radiations of Nous;
an d since all such things must contain the dual qualities of Nous,
they have both negative and positive qualities, or are polarized. But
nothing that exists has an equal amount or equal strength of negative
and positive qualities.
There is always either more of the negative
or of the positive.
A n d it is this difference which determines the
Therefore, everything has either a Negative Polarity or a Positive
Polarity, according to whether there is more of the negative or more
of the positive element in its nature.
With^these few terms understood, we will consider the few laws which
obtain in the field of electricity.
These laws as given here are
similar to those recognized in the science of electricity, with slight

The unity of both a negative and positive condition or element is


AKORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


necessary in order to have an electrical manifestation of any kind.

At the point, place or immediate vicinity of the unitiigof the
tv;o conditions or elements will the manifestation occur.
In and around the point or place of manifestation there is a dis
turbance or stressed condition of the equilibrium of the medium in
which the manifestation occurs.
This disturbed condition or stressed condition may manifest it
self in the form of a magnetic condition.
The positive element is ever seeking the negative and trying to
get away from around it all that is also positive; the negative is
ever desiring, wanting, the positive and trying to hold back the
influx or contact of anything negative.
For this reason "like repels
like and attracts unlike", b y which we learn that the positive is

seeking its affinity the negative and repulsing the positive, while
the negative is also seeking its affinity the positive and repulsing
or pushing away the negative.
6 . This action of attraction and repulsion is constant throughout
all nature and results in the continuous process of all elements
adding to themselves dissimilar elements and building up, creating:
while the repulsion manifests in a process of disintegration which
enables creation to continue with released elements.
The electric?.! energy as a unit, or either one of its two elementr
can be transmitted from one thing to another either through contact o:.
through close proximity to or location within the stressed or magnetic
condition r e f e r r e d to in law #3.
End of Lecture Number Eleven - A.
- oOOCOo -



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R E G I S T E R E D U . S. P A T E N T O F F I C E

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The contents

herein are to be used for the purpose intended, and fo r no other, and all righ ts and
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AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.



The following principles and laws in regard to magnetism should he

well learned, or rather consciously digested, so that they appeal to
the reasoning as logically true, rational and so simple that they are
easily remembered.
They are based upon the laws and principles of
magnetism as taught in the various schools of electrical science.
The word magnetism is derived from the name of the town of Magnesia,
in Asia Minor, where the ancients discovered a mineral having an un
usual condition which manifested itself-in an attractive force exert
ed upon iron.
The attractive power thus manifested they termed mag
netism and the minerals they called magnets.
The ore really consist
ed of a combination of seventy-two parts of iron (Vibratory Key 60)
and twenty-eight parts of oxygen (Vibratory Key 16).


. .

The ore referred to above

.abhstituted one of the natural magnets
to be found in the earth.
This particular ore, ..and all of its kind,
have been named LODESTONES because it was found that when such miner
als were suspended in free space from a.-.thread it invariably swung
around to such a position (unless affected by another magnetic or elec
trical body) that one of its magnetic ends pointed toward the magnetic
North of the Earth and the other end toward the magnetic South of the
For this reason such minerals were used by navigators to de
termine the oourse of the vessel and to lead them on the open sea. As
"leading stones"
they came to be known as lodestones.
It was observ
ed that when the mineral magnet was suspended in free space and swung
around north and south the same end of the stone always pointed north
ward. This invariability of the peculiar action of the lodestone at
once suggested a relation'between "the one end of the ore and the North
Magnetic Pole.
Experiments with the ore, as a magnet, revealed some
principles which later were proved to be laws of nature, or, as we
will call them here, laws of electricity.
One of the first discoveries thus made wa,s that when the lodestoire
was rubbed against a hardened piece of steel the steel acquired the
same magnetic properties peculiar to the lodestone without the latter
losing any of its properties.
In other words, the piece of steel also
became a magnet, .and, if suspended in free space, also swung around so
that its ends pointed to the North and to the South.
And even this
steel magnet, would impart dome of its .magnetic quality or nature to
other pieces of stefel.
These "magnetized"pieces of steel were called Artificial Magnets in the natural magnets found in the earth.
metals or ores have been found to submit to this magnetizing quality
They are Nickel and Carbalt, which have the same Vibratory Key
as Iron, and Maganese, Cerium and Chromium, which are in the same

AUOEC-Rosic rue i an Brotherhood.



octave of the Vibratory Key Board and closely related.

The next important discovery was that the two opposite ends of the
magnet, those ends most widely separated from each other, constituted
the magnetic poles of the magnet.
How the poles of a magnet are of opposite and opposing qualities,
or natures, and this very condition is what constitutes a magnetic
I7e will continue to use our explained terminology and say
that one pole is negative and the other is positive.
For this reason
the one pole has an attraction to or for the other.
The positive pole
radiates a certain flow of electric waves which go forth seeking' a
series of negative gaps or undulations into which the positive vibra
tions can find a proper place.
On the other hand, the negative pole
is radiating, or rather creating or causing to exist in its environ
ment a condition that might be termed an electirc or vibratory vacuum.
This condition seeks or calls for the positive vibrations which will
attune with it and supply what is missing.
This action between the
two poles of a magnet is attraction and constitutes what is termed
Magnetic attraction.
O n the other hand, if two negative poles are brought near each other
the condition they create or cause in their environment is exactly the
same from each pole and the natural tendency is, that when the negativ
gaps or vacuum conditions emanate from the poles and find only a simi
lar condition responding, or nearby, each repels the other, not desir
ing any more of that condition and pushing it away so that its own
negative condition will not be added to.
Likewise, when two positive
poles come near each other both send forward into the same environment
similar vibrations, each desiring no more of its o w n kind but seeking
that which it has not; and therefore the vibrations from the two
positive poles repel each other.
This is also repelling.
In this ac
tion, then,between similar poles we have the opposite orinciole to
ATTRACTION, and it is called REPULSION.
These two principles of ATTRACTION and REPULSION, based upon the
action explained in Laws Number 1,2,3,4, and 5, as given on Page two
Lecture eleven, constitute one of the fundamental laws to be utilized
in the explanations of nature's processes of creation.
Explanation of Plate One.
A study of the diagram on Plate One will make pla in these principles.
In^Diagram No.l we have the common type of "bar magnet - a steel bar
which has been magnetized and is an artificial magnet, therefore; one
end is positive and the other is negative.
In the center of the bar,
where both the negative and positive qualities blend or neutralize,
there is a neutral section, marked A, where the bar manifests no mag
netic quality at all.
Both the positive and negative poles are
emanating their individual kinds of magnetic waves and these waves
become weaker as they reach further into space.

AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.

p L A T 'E




D IfrC -rQ A M /\)P 2.

P C 5 i U11/1

R E p O L 5 / 0 0)


AMORC-Rosicrucian Brotherhood.


In Diagram No.2 we have the ends of two separate magnets turned so

that the negative ends or poles of each magnet are toward each other.
Here we see the negative magnetic waves of the two poles radiating
into space, hut as they come near to the waves of the other they_are
At points marked B and C we notice the effect of the re
pulsion because the waves.become weaker or neutralized; and in the
very center of the space the two sets of waves repulse each other and
refuse to blend or mingle.
The space between B and C, therefore, re
mains a neutral field.
In Diagram No .3 we have two magnets facing each other, but with oppos
ite poles - the negative and the positive.
Each sends forth its
magnetic waves toward the other, but here we find the negative draw
ing or reaching out as far as possible to absorb the waves of the
positive pole; and these positive waves likewise go forth with the
utmost force, with no repulsion to retard, and blend into the waves of
the negative.
T7e notice that bbth'the positive and negative waves
are stronger at the poles and become weaker as they get farther away
from the poles, but in the center of.the space between the poles, be
tween the letters D and E, we see how equally the waves of one pole
fit into the waves of the other pole.
This center space, then, con
stitutes a UNITY of the two and is termed the MAGNETIC FIELD.
It is
a field of attraction, and anything coming within that field would
Joe affected by the UNITY of magnetic wavesoexisting there.
To be Continued in Lecture Number

0 O-O 0

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