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Portugal, Latham, Levins 1

J. King
4th Period, English 1
23 October, 2015
Todays world is the hand-made product of the past, where innovation and creativeness
began to influence the choices of all. The actions we take have always been and always will be
determined by the things, people, and ideas around us. Even in the early 1900s people invented
things that changed the world due to other peoples beliefs and values. These beliefs and values
have varied as time has gone on, such as the case in Romeo and Juliet where conflict interfered
with the love of a couple. One lives their life based on the influences around them, the way they
were raised, or the basis of their beliefs. Being forced or swayed to commit to situations can
reconcile with the alteration of ones fate.
Romeo and Juliets fate was ultimately decided by their surrounding culture which
included various beliefs such as fathers owning their daughters and controlling their actions, and
men not being allowed to show any emotion. In Act 1 Scene 2, Lines 15-19 Lord Capulet says to
Paris Shes the hopeful lady of my earth. But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart; My will to her
consent is but a part. And, she agreed, within her scope of choice lies my consent and fair
according voice. This quote shows Lord Capulet controlling whom his daughter marries as was
the culture during that time period. Juliets cultural identity was to be a mother and wife to
County Paris and Juliet disagreed with that. This identity would ultimately come to decide her
fate by causing her to go against her identity and try to create her own. This set up her decision to
take the potion to fake her death in order to be with Romeo but led to her inevitable fate of death.
In Act 3 Scene 3 Lines 95-96 the Nurse says Blubbring and weeping, weeping and blubbring.
stand up, stand up. Stand an you be a man. The nurse is implying the stereotype that men

Portugal, Latham, Levins 2

cant show emotions or cry, this stereotype was apart of their culture and still remains hundreds
of years later. Romeo then comes to realise that he cannot be weak during this time and accepts
his banishment. This acceptance would lead him to take action and kill himself when he hears
about Juliets death instead of crying like he would in the past, leading to his ultimate fate.
Romeos cultural identity of having to be a man and Juliets identity of having to be a mother
both led to their ultimate fate of death because of how they went against the powers that were
part of their culture.
The need for love and power became the culture for the time period of Romeo and Juliet.
In Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 5 lines 204 to 205, Lord Capulet says And you be not, hang,
starve, die in the streets, for, by my soul, Ill neer acknowledge thee. This quote is trying to
scare Juliet into marrying Paris so that she could have a perfect and wealthy husband. Another
piece of proof from Romeo and Juliet is in Act 1, Scene 1 lines 235 and 236 Benvolio says By
giving liberty unto thine eyes. Examine other beauties. In this quote Benvolio is trying to get
Romeos mind off of Rosaline by getting him to go to the party. This convinces Romeo and he
goes to the party where he then meets Juliet and instantly falls in love, which starts the conflict
of the whole story. These pieces of proof can relate to the 1900-1910 decade because love and
friends, along with family, was a very big cause of peoples fate changing. This decade was full
of influential ideas and people that changed the way of today.
For example, Wilbur and Orville Wright were the first to invent and fly an airplane. In
1900, Kitty Hawk North Carolina, the brothers flew their first glider. In 1903, the brothers flew
the first successful airplane. They inspired many other inventions for travel and convenience. Air
and Space claims that they helped commercial and military potential in aviation, and the
worlds idea of artistic expression (

Portugal, Latham, Levins 3

brothers/online/who/). This can easily relate to Romeo and Juliet because they were both trying
something that had never been done before - flying an airplane, and bringing love between the
two hateful families; they were both taking risks in failing, and each of them reunited hope with
tragedy. The world flourishes in the shadow of this creation, and by mans hand, future was
shaped by air, and by the brilliance of a bright future. The world around the 1900s weaved its
way into the inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Edison.

Even Thomas Edisons life was affected due to the culture of the time period. Thomas
Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. At age seven Thomas was in a one-room
schoolhouse with 38 other kids of 11 ages. His teacher was an overworked, short tempered man,
and had gotten annoyed with Thomas questions (due to his ADHD), had snapped and said
Thomas head was broad. As a result of this, his mother homeschooled him since she was a
teacher. This eventually got him inspired to pursue science, leading to the invention of the light
bulb. The light bulb has affected modern time and has saved natural resources like wax and
kerosene and has also helped everyone see better.
While the light bulb is considered to be one of the greatest inventions of all time, Ty
Cobb is considered to be one of the greatest baseball players. Cobbs reputation, however,
remains tarnished because of his actions on and off the field. When he was only a rookie, some
of the veterans on the team took to the tradition of hazing rookies, with Cobb as one of their
targets. Hazing was one of baseball and professional sports, oldest traditions and it had become
part of baseballs culture. He did not handle the situation very well, and as a result, became very
distant from his teammates and ultimately it led to his aggression on the field. Cobb was known
to slide feet first with his spikes high and wasnt afraid to start a fight with another player on the
field. This record of aggression would ultimately come to define him as both a man and a player.

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Ty Cobb was ultimately set up for greatness in baseball but failure as an individual much like
Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet their marriage was ruined by many outside factors such
as Romeo killing Tybalt, Romeos banishment, and Juliet being forced to marry Paris. Ty Cobbs
baseball career was plagued by violence and aggression on and off the field. In both of these
cases their inability to keep their passion separated from the culture around them led to their
ultimate fate. In Romeo and Juliet it was their death, for Ty Cobb it was that he would always be
known as a dirty player whose aggression and violent behavior caused him to be disliked by
Fate is not just the decisions we make, it is the path that twists and turns upside down to
challenge us to hold on tight and change our grip. Every thought can be so easily changed by the
suggestion of horrific glory, new religion, or even simple fashion. Romeo and Juliet had no more
of a choice to take the risk of change than a mouse would to take the risk to get the cheese. There
will always be ideas and opinions that crouch upon everyones shoulders, pricking nerves until
one gives in. Even in the 1900s, people went along with fads and inventions because it was
there within their line of sight and that is all it takes to convince someone to alter their fate. That
altered road is not just the vessel for someones life, it is a stream that carries down the drops of
several people and ideas. Every time a drop is added, the shade of blue changes and it is to never
be the same shade ever again. Plink. Maybe your shade of blue is slightly different now.

Portugal, Latham, Levins 5

Works Cited
"20th Century Map." Academic Art History. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Beals, Gerald. Thomas Edison Biography. Gerald Beals. Gerald Beals, June 1999.
Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Cobb, Ty, and Al Stump. My life in baseball: The true record. U of Nebraska Press, 1961.
"The Wright Brothers Culture and History." Sealaska Heritage. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov.
".The Wright Brothers." IBiblio. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.

Portugal, Latham, Levins 6

1. We have become makers of our fate when we have ceased to pose as its
prophets. - Karl Poppers.
2. Todays world is the hand-made product of the past, where innovation and
creativeness began to influence the choices of all.
3.The culture of life shall decide ones fate.
1. One lives their life based on the influences around them, the way they
were raised, or the basis of their beliefs. Being forced or swayed to commit to
situations can reconcile with the alteration of ones fate.
2. In life everyone has an ultimate fate which is decided by the identity that
they hold as a result of the culture that everyone around them has agreed upon
to follow.
3. With the culture of life and the influence of the world peoples fate shall be
chosen for them
Body Paragraphs
Wilbur and Orville Wright were the first to invent and fly an airplane. In
1900, Kitty Hawk North Carolina, the brothers flew their first glider. In 1903, the
brothers flew the first successful airplane. They inspired many other inventions
for travel and convenience. They helped commercial and military potential in
aviation, and the worlds idea of artistic expression.
( This might
relate to Romeo and Juliet because they were both trying something that had
never been done before - flying an airplane, and bringing love between the two
hateful families. They were both taking risks in failing.
Thomas Edison was made fun of in school by his teacher because of his
ADHD. As a result of this his mother homeschooled him since she was a teacher.
This eventually got him inspired to pursue science this leading to the invention of
the light bulb. This relates to the essay by proving an example of culture affecting
one's fate. (
Ty Cobb was a Major League Baseball player for the Detroit Tigers during
the early 1900s. He is considered to be one of the greatest baseball players of
all time but his reputation remains tarnished because of his actions on and off the
field. Cobb grew up in Georgia where racism was a very prominent issue. His
entire life he was exposed to the racism of the south and everywhere he went,
racism followed. Throughout his entire career Cobb was said to have assaulted
many different people, especially African-Americans such as Bungy Cummings, a

Portugal, Latham, Levins 7

groundskeeper, and a night watchman in an elevator of his hotel. Cobb was also
well known as a very aggressive player on the field as well as off. When Cobb
was only a rookie some of the veterans on the team took the tradition of hazing
rookies, with Cobb as one of their targets. Hazing was one of baseball, and
professional sports, oldest traditions and it had become part of baseballs culture.
Cobb did not handle the situation very well and as a result became very distant
from his teammates and ultimately it led to his aggression on the field. Cobb was
known to slide feet first with his spikes high and wasnt afraid to start a fight with
another player on the field. This record of aggression would ultimately come to
define Cobb as both a man and a player. Ty Cobb was ultimately set up for
greatness in baseball but failure as an individual much like Romeo and Juliet. In
Romeo and Juliet their marriage was ruined by many outside factors such as
Romeo killing Tybalt, Romeos banishment, and Juliet being forced to marry
Paris. Ty Cobbs baseball career was plagued by violence and aggression on and
off the field. In both of these cases their inability to keep their passion separated
from the culture around them led to their ultimate fate. In Romeo and Juliet it was
their death, for Ty Cobb it was that he would always be known as a dirty player
whose aggression and violent behavior caused him to be disliked by most.
( (In MLA, Cobb, Ty, and Al Stump. My life
in baseball: The true record. U of Nebraska Press, 1961.)

Portugal, Latham, Levins 8

Todays world is the hand-made product of the past, where innovation and creativeness
began to influence the choices of all. The actions we take have always been and always
will be determined by the things, people, and ideas around us. Even in the early 1900s
people invented things that have changed the world due to other peoples beliefs and
values. These beliefs and values have varied as time has gone on but they always form
the culture of that time period and help to create the identity of everyone in it. One lives
their life based on the influences around them, the way they were raised, or the basis of
their beliefs. Being forced or swayed to commit to situations can reconcile with the
alteration of ones fate.
Romeo and Juliets fate was ultimately decided by their surrounding culture which
included various beliefs such as fathers owning their daughters and controlling their
actions, men being stronger than women, and two families being so opposed to each
other that people from separate families were not to be allowed to be near each other.
In Act 1 Scene 2, Lines 15-19 Lord Capulet says to Paris Shes the hopeful lady of my
earth. But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart; My will to her consent is but a part. And,
she agreed, within her scope of choice lies my consent and fair according voice. This
quote shows Lord Capulet controlling whom his daughter marries as was the culture
during that time period. At the time it was normal for girls to be married off at young
ages as shown in Act 1 Scene 2, Line 12 when Paris tells Lord Capulet Younger than
she are happy mothers made. Juliet being 13 was at or near that age and Capulet was
more than willing to marry her off to Paris without giving her the choice of choosing who
to marry, if she even was willing to marry yet. Juliets cultural identity was to be a mother
and wife to County Paris and Juliet disagreed with that. This identity would ultimately
come to decide her fate by causing her to go against her identity and try to create her
own. This set up her decision to take the potion to fake her death in order to be with
Romeo but led to her inevitable fate of death. In Act 3 Scene 1 Romeo, a Montague,
kills Tybalt, a Capulet. This extends the two familys hatred for one another for no
apparent reason, it is just a part of their culture. Romeo is then banished for his killing of
Tybalt and goes to the Friars house for comfort. In Act 3 Scene 3 Lines 95-96 the Nurse
says Blubbring and weeping, weeping and blubbring. stand up, stand up. Stand an
you be a man.
The nurse is implying the stereotype that men cannot show emotions or cry, this
stereotype was apart of their culture and still remains 100s of years later. Romeo then
comes to realise that he cannot be weak during this time and accepts his banishment.
This acceptance would lead him to take action and kill himself when he hears about
Juliets death instead of crying like he would in the past, leading to his ultimate fate.
Romeos cultural identity of having to be a man and Juliets identity of having to be a

Portugal, Latham, Levins 9

mother both led to their ultimate fate of death because of their wants that go against
what is inevitable.

The need for love and power has become the culture for the time period of
Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 5 lines 204 to 205, Lord
Capulet says An you be not, hang, starve, die in the streets, for, by my soul, Ill
neer acknowledge thee. What this quote is trying to do is it is trying to scare
Juliet into marrying Paris so that Lord Capulet will finally be in royalty and he can
do things to the Montagues that he could not do before. Another piece of proof
from Romeo and Juliet is in Act 1, Scene 1 lines 235 and 236 Benvolio says By
giving liberty unto thine eyes. Examine other beauties. In this quote Benvolio is
trying to get Romeos mind off of Rosaline by getting him to go to the party. This
works and Romeo goes to the party where he then meets Juliet and instantly falls
in love which starts the conflict of the whole story. These pieces of proof can
relate to 1900 to 1910 decade because in that decade love and friends along
with family was a very big result of peoples fate changing thus being our theme
cultural identities creates ones fate.

Portugal, Latham, Levins 10

Fate is not just the decisions we make, it is the path that twists and turns upside
down to challenge us to hold on tight and change our grip. Every thought can be so
easily changed by the suggestion of horrific glory, new religion, or even simple fashion.
Romeo and Juliet had no more of a choice to take the risk of change than a mouse
would to take the risk to get the cheese. There will always be ideas and opinions that
crouch upon everyones shoulders, pricking nerves until one gives in. Even in the
1900s, people went along with fads and inventions because it was there within their
line of sight and that is all it takes to convince someone to alter their fate. That altered
road is not just the vessel for someones life, it is a stream that carries down the drops
of several people and ideas. Every time a drop is added, the shade of blue changes and
it is to never be the same shade ever again. Plink. Maybe your shade of blue is slightly
different now.

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