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The Varieties of Dance

for grade 6
Julia Jeng

What is dance?

-M ost com m on types:
C lassical b allet
M od ern b allet
-From the noblem en in Italy.

-Extended dance of A frican d an ce
-P opular in the States.
-D ance steps: m ixture of strength and
G entleness.
-N ew Jazz: m ixture of classicalJazz,
Latin, Belly D ance, and hip hop.

-Using the sounds of tap
shoes striking the floor
-2 major variations of ta
p dance: rhythm (jazz) t
ap and Broadway tap.
-Broadway tap: focuses
on dance
-Rhythm tap focuses on

Hip Hop
-A culture
-From African and Latino teens
in N ew York.
-4 elem ents: dance, G raf f
ti, D J, M C
-Types: popping, locking, reggae..etc.


-Extension of ballet
-More emotional expresses

-N ative to the southern Spanish
-Includes cante (singing),
toque(guitar playing), baile (dance)
and jaleo.
-M asterpieces of the O raland
Intangible H eritage of H um anity

Belly Dance
A type of M iddle Eastern dance
-Transm itted to Europe and the
States in 19 th Century
-Controversy: W here belly dance
originally cam e from
-The m ost com m on concepts:
origin of religion dance

-Ballroom dance and folk dance that origina
ted in Latin America.
-Category: thecha-cha-cha, rumba, samba,
paso doble, and the jive

Folk Dance
-Developed by groups of people
-Reflect the traditional life of the people of
a certain country or region.
-They share some attributes.

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