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Appraisal Planner: Setting Goals

School: Malfroy Primary School

Appraiser: Jo Jenkins

Year: 5,6

Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau

Relevant school-wide goals or targets

1. Meeting the needs of Maori, Pasifika, Special Needs learners and students from low-socio-economic backgrounds.
2. Continue to develop effective Numeracy programmes in line with current Numeracy practices and NZC. Continue to
develop teachers pedagogical knowledge of mathematics.
3. All students below the National Standard will be monitored using Numbers/Names/Needs.
4. 18 (Year 6); All students will make at least one years progress, with 15 of the students who were below achieving
at/above the mathematics standard.
Focus Mori students or groups
Year 6 working below and well below
Well below Stage 4
1. Student A (Term 1 MST)
2. Student B
Below Stage 5
1. Student C
2. Student D (Term 1 MST),
3. Student E
4. Student F (Term 1 MST),
5. Student G (Term 3 & 4 MST)


Learning (theirs and yours!) Have you

included goals both for improved learning
for Mori students and for what you, the
teacher, need to learn and be able to do
in order to facilitate this learning?
Priorities Are your goals the most
important ones to focus on? How have
you used data to determine them? Do
they take account of what your Mori
students and their whnau value?
Challenge Do your goals provide a
real sense of challenge? (They should
be realistic, but not lacking in challenge.)
Specificity Are your goals specific
enough that you and others will really
know if they are achieved? Be specific

Criteria for meeting the goals

Student learning and achievement

1. Able to solve a mathematics problem independently
Apply additive and simple multiplicative strategies and
knowledge of symmetry to: combine or partition whole
numbers find fractions of sets, shapes, and quantities;

Think about

* Students to set term personal goals (Passports)

* Use real life context to support the learning. (Shopping,
EOTC, cooking, sport)
*Focus group to meet teacher at least 3 days a week.
*Khan academy Online resources for extra support at home.

Which Mori learner/s

What aspect of learning

How much improvement is sought

When you anticipate the goal will

be achieved

How you will measure achievement

of the goal (What would success
look like, exactly?)

Timeframes Have you considered the

possibility of multiple, sequential shortterm goals (as opposed to goals lasting a
full year)?

2. Be ready for learning during instructional class

lessons and Math support programme (MST)

*Manage self - know time and day of when to attend the math
support programme
*Manage self Students to be ready for classroom lessons

Teacher learning and practice

1.Progression of students learning

*Feedback and feed forward

*Support from Wendy Falconer
*Passports/Learning progressions
*Gloss data

2. Effective strategies to teach diverse learners

*Model strategies and provide practice

*Select appropriate lessons to suit the needs of the child
ASD and learning -
Aspergers and learning

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Appraisal Planner: Planning Professional Learning

Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau

Associated professional learning
(Individual or group)

Student learning and achievement

1. Ensure learning is relevant to the needs of students

*Inquiry learning focus group


2.Ensure that students successes are celebrated and

challengers are discussed with others for peer support

*Inquiry Learning focus group

Think about
Will the planned professional learning
examine how your teaching impacts on
your Mori students learning?
Will it do so systematically using
Will it engage you with data about your
Mori students?
Will the planned learning connect you
with opportunities to build your
professional knowledge?
Will it enable you to learn from and with
your colleagues?
Does the planned learning explicitly link
to your goals?

Teacher learning and practice

1.Identify the learning opportunities relate these
opportunities to the skills and learning I want from the


Will it support and challenge you in

ways that will help you achieve your

*At risk students

*Inquiry learning focus group
2. Ensure that the relevant information gained from the
learning is utilised

*At risk students
*Inquiry learning group

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Appraisal Planner: Observation

Appraiser: Jo Jenkins

Date: 25 May 2015

Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau

Context: Mathematics

Relevant goals:
Focus students: Year 6 Below in Math
Teaching focus: Measurement

Think about

Data to be collected about teaching

Data to be collected about learning

* Engagement

* Inclusiveness

* Next steps

* Participation

* Walts and Success Criteria

* Assessment

Observers summary

When will observations be most timely to

support improving teaching and learning
for Mori students?
Will the planned observations enable data
to be gathered about your goals?
Have you specified the kinds of data to be
gathered? For example:

photographs or video of teaching and


verbatim records what exactly did

you and your Mori students say?

participation records what exactly

did you and your Mori students do?

data specific to the learning goals for

you and your Mori students for
example, work samples,
achievement data, students answers
to questions about the lesson

See In class support 2015

Discussion points / questions

* See In class support 2015

Are there plans to gather the same kind of

information at different times so that
comparisons can be made?
Have you identified both formal
opportunities for observations and informal
opportunities that might arise?
Have you and the observer arranged to
meet very soon after each observation?

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Appraisal Planner: Self-appraisal

Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau
Think about



Progress towards goals (with evidence)

Have you ensured that self-appraisal is not
a one-off, that it is ongoing and regular?

Student learning and achievement

1.Incorporate ICT technologies and strategies

* Year long

* Sumdog/Skoolbo

for information and motivation

* IXL Math (Term 4 trail)

2.Students are able to reflect on the teaching

* Year long

* Consolidation of learning

and learning happening in class

* Engaged learners

What strategies are in place to make sure

you concentrate on your goals and focus
Mori students throughout the year?
Do your plans for self-appraisal ensure you
can rigorously examine the relationship
between what you do and your Mori
students learning?
What data will you use?

Teacher learning and practice

1.Ensure planning is maintained

* Year long

* Support from Senior Team

2.Establish and maintain a strong delivery in

* Year long

* Professional Development Courses Attended

3.Create an environment that fosters student

* Year long

* Connecting the learning to their own experiences

desire and confidence

* Year long

* Open communication

Have you considered your own cultural

location and how it might be affecting your
assumptions and beliefs about teaching,
learning, and your Mori students?


4.Continuous reflection on teaching

* Foster students confidence to explore

and learning

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Appraisal Planner: Discussion

Appraiser: Jo Jenkins

Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau


Discussion focus (e.g., particular goals, an observation):

Discussions points / questions

Decisions / conclusions

* POP Puzzle of practice

*MST programme for term 3 &4 Progressed from stage 4 and is at


*Summary of key points from watching students

Engage in their learning

*Key roles of the teacher that we can highlight

*Aspects that we would consider improving on

*What would be your next learning steps from this


*Keep it fun, keep it short, ask questions

Showing responsibility for their own learning/managing self
Working well with their peers

Think about
Do discussions use evidence and data to
focus on your teaching and its impact on
Mori students learning?
Are they informed by data gathered during

The task is relatable

Do they incorporate self-appraisal,

including your assessment of your progress
towards your goals?

*Keep students focused, engaged and wanting to learn

Clear instructions

Do discussions emphasise individual

responsibility and accountability?

Ensure that all students understand the task

Are they open-to-learning conversations?

*Consideration of peer support - support each others learning

Modelling book Future reference (see Wendy Falconer)

Do both parties contribute on an equal

basis (while recognising the different roles
they have)?

*Continue to make it interactive and fun

Low learners Use real life examples
Review individual students from time to time Inquiry focus

Are discussions serious and rigorous in the

way they examine goal achievement?

Consider if the lesson is too long or short


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Appraisal Planner: Final Report (page 1 of 2)

School: Malfroy Primary School

Appraiser: Jo Jenkins

Year: 5,6

Teacher: Ngareta Te Whau

Self-appraisal completed? Yes / No

(see attached)
Think about

Professional learning (see full records attached)


Learning and impact

1.Priority learners

* 7 year 6 students - 2 WB 2 B


*Variety of ICT apps used to enhance the learning, all

students enjoy using devices for learning


*4 students have completed or are on the MST

3 are working AT national standard now

Are interim records (e.g., from

observations, self-appraisal, discussions)
and reports honest and specific about
which aspects of the goals have been

What was the impact on each of the

Mori learners targeted in the goal?

What aspects of learning were

improved or not?

How much improvement was seen?

Was the way of measuring

achievement of the goal rigorous?
What did success/lack of success
look like, exactly?

4 to be retested for final outcome

Observations (see full records attached)
Date 25 May 2015

Focus - Math

1.Co-operative learning

* Paired, grouped to ability and support of learning

2.Engaged with the task

*Hands on interactive activity

3.Next step for independent learning

*Continue to take the learning outside the classroom

Do interim records and reports draw on

and include data?
Do they signal areas for future

Discussions (see full records attached)

Date 25 May 2015

Focus - Math

1. Engagement

*Fun and interactive


* WALT, Success Criteria


*Clear instructions given

Do they capture the richness of


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Appraisal Planner: Final Report (page 2 of 2)


Minimal Partial

Comments and evidence


Student learning and achievement

1.Knowledge and understanding

Clear instructions are given, the task is clear for all


Keep it fun and enjoyable, continue to use ICT to encourage this enjoyment

Teacher learning and practice


Planning to be fun and interactive for all students, ensure the learning is


Trailed IKAN this year, students found the first test difficult to comprehend,
the second test was better because it was familiar.
PACT Maths has started this year

Summary (with reference to focus Mori students and teachers)

Students were focused and engaged during guided math lessons. Improved whanau school partnership. Parents were more involved in the childs learning.
Online resources to enhance the learning. Great support from colleagues and wonderful professional development opportunities.
Student outcomes:
Term 1 2 students Well below
5 students Below
Term 4 1 student Well below
1 student Below
5 students At
Implications for future goals
Associate Teacher
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