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It should have children from underprivileged

Need to have certain Infrastructure facilities
for e.g. good classroom, toilets , playgrounds
Teacher pupil ratio should be sufficient
The overall performance of the school which
may be checked by data relevant to the
school report card including learning levels,
enrollment of children, dropouts, attendance,
curriculum completion level, parent teacher
meeting etc

Beneficiary Children
They must be school going children
They must be financially vulnerable , it must
be verified that income in their families are
inadequate to support a quality education for
The children must also exhibit high potential
and commitment to progress through the
school system.
The children must be performing at a level
consistently higher than average in at least
in their last two previous school assessments
(grade report)

Special attention shall be given to children

who meet school requirements but are also
socially vulnerable i.e. where children are
potentially exposed to physical and
emotional abuse from the immediate family.

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