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Luis Calzadillas
Professor Jackie
English 113A
19 October 2015
One Sexy Salad
It can be difficult to make a salad go from drab to fab. This Carls Jr. commercial shows
Kim Kardashian eating a Cranberry Apple Walnut Chicken Salad in a seducing way. A salad is
generally a mixture of lettuce topped with apples, nuts, croutons, vegetables, and even salad
dressing. Salads are healthy but not very tasty and they can leave you wanting more food. This
commercial uses sexuality to promote the salad and make it more appealing or attractive. Carls
Jr. uses Kim Kardashian to convince the viewers to eat their salad by using sexuality.
The scene opens up with Kim Kardashian strutting into the room, showing off her
voluptuous body. She starts to walk towards the bed in slow motion while wearing a white robe
and nothing but a bra and underwear underneath. They use the setting of a bedroom to establish a
sexual presence and make the scene as soft-core pornography. As she says, sexually, Im such a
neat freak, she shows her importance of being neat by gently laying down a blanket flat on her
bed and making sure not to leave a mess. She lies down on her bed and just starts staring at the
camera, showing off her smile. To set the mood right, soft hip hop music starts to play as she lays
down and starts gripping her bed sheets. It not only promotes a sexual presence in the room, but
also a seductive outcome to signify the importance of her seducing ways. As she is rolling
around in her robe, she decides to grab a piece of the juicy salad with her fingers and slowly put
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the piece of lettuce in her mouth. The camera zooms in on her lips as shes licking her fingers
and savoring every piece of salad she eats. She certainly does a good job of eating the salad in a
seductive way because of the way she slowly bites every piece she has. After a few bites, she
spills the cranberry sauce and her eyes widen with a distraught look on her face, she knows now
that she has to clean herself. She states, While the best things in life are messy, its always fun
to get clean. With pleasure, she walks towards the bathtub and strips down naked. As she enters
the tub, she takes another bite of her salad and covers her naked body in bubbles. Rubbing her
body in the soaking water, she continues to eat. After being able to see her body aroused after
taking a few bites of the salad, she blows bubbles in the air as she takes a bite of the apple to
finish her salad. Looking back at the camera, she smiles and the scene begins to end with a voice
saying who said salads cant be hot? The Cranberry Apple Walnut Chicken Salad is then
placed in front of the camera to show off the looks and what it offers. She is portraying her
Kim Kardashian was very seductive throughout the commercial, which was done because
there needed to be focus on her since she is an attractive celebrity, as portrayed by the media.
The robe she is wearing in the commercial is see through which can give the viewers a sneak
peek of her bra and underwear. Her boobs were being flaunted as the camera man zoomed in
closely to them rather than focusing on the subject of matter. The main picture was always
referring back to Kim Kardashian after she took a bite out of the salad. It was showing, for
example, by eating this salad, anyone who tries can be as attractive or sexy as Kim Kardashian.
Her face and voice are both well known which can be used as an attraction for viewers. Her
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voice highlights the words crisp, clean, and tasty" when she's seductively eating the salad. She
keeps her voice slightly seductive enough to get her point across while keeping her body images
just as seductive. By touching herself, she starts to seduce the viewers. Her voice and eye contact
are tempting, presumably to a male audience.
The commercial targeted the male population as the viewers because they focused on the
sexual tension and alluring music to attract men and have them pay attention to even a boring
salad. Many members of the female audience found this commercial disturbing and rude.
Madeleine Davies states, The restaurant used Kim Kardashian in 2009 to try to advertise a
salad. Honestly, I would respect this commercial more if they just fed it directly to her vagina
(4). She signifies the word vagina to imply that it might as well have been a porn scene with all
the sexual tension. Kim Kardashian was speaking in a seductive tone designed to stimulate. Not
only does Carls Jr. promote sexuality, they over use it to a new extreme. Having to shun this
commercial away from his kids, Jordan Boeskool says, And heres the thing: Ive seen a lot of
strip club commercials in my life, and NONE of them are as overtly sexual and explicit as these
freaking Carls Jr. commercials (Boeskool). They use so much sexuality to promote a simple
salad, which is not attracting many female audiences.
The advertisement is not intended for women because not many women find Kim
Kardashian alluring or captivating in a sexual way. It captivates sex for men to want to see and
try the salad. Todays generation is depicted on looking good or following trends, watching this
ad can lower peoples self esteem. Not only is the commercial offensive to the female population,
it also seems to focus more on the sexuality of Kim Kardashian rather than the actual salad. The
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media puts out beauty and as a generation of today, it is very hard to be perfect. It is
demeaning to women of todays generation.
This ad appeals for attention. Kim Kardashian getting naked while eating a salad can turn
any guy on. It attracts viewers not to think of eating the salad, but rather eat her. She makes a lot
of purposeful mistakes to try and be sexy. For example; she likes to get messy just so she has an
excuse to clean when it helps just to eat the salad with a fork, rather than get messy and use her
fingers. Another example would be when she gets in the tub so sexually over a tiny mess she
made. This commercial is disrupting the natural way to promote food and show how the salad
looks. It directs away from the actual point of view, which is to promote the salad. It also focuses
on Kims attractive looks and how she is trying to make this salad attractive as her.
In conclusion, Carls Jr. main goal is to elude the viewers and make them believe that if
Kim Kardashian is going to eat Carls Jr, then they should too. The sexuality being used is also
allowing the advertisement to be more popular and attract more viewers. Carls Jr. promotes
sexuality in their commercials and the marketing style used is understandable since in todays
generation many references used are related to sex, but their commercials are still extremely
degrading to women of our generation and making them feel like they arent good enough.
Whether Carls Jr. type of propaganda has worked or not, it is never fair to regard to sex in order
to promote food.

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Works cited

Daveis, Madeleine. "Put It in My Mouth: A History of Disgusting Carl's Jr. Ads." Jezebel.
13 Mar. 2013. Web. 19 Oct. 2015
Boeskool, Jordan. "Raising Daughters In A World Full Of Hardee's Commercials. 6
Sept. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2015.

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