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I visited this museum that is housed in the Peter and Paul Fortress (a
beautiful place, with many other places for visiting), the museum has a range of
exhibits exploring the history of cosmonautics, or space exploration, in the very
space in which the Soviet Union first set up laboratories in the 1930s to
research military rocket science.
In this museum we can see the history and development of space ships
in the Soviet Union and Russia. I liked too much baceuase we can imagine how
was this age, when they started those early space missions. The museums
exhibits include rocket engines, a Soviet era reentry capsule, a number of
cosmonauts space suits, and even the space-dogs Belka and Strelka, who
were the first animals to survive being orbit. When I looked the pictures with
these dogs, and another animals, I was thinking about the great contribution of
this animals to the science, not just in the space exploration, but in all of the
branches of medicine, pharmacology, etc.
In the museum we saw also the St. Petersburg flag that adorned the Mir
Space Station for 161 days in the early 2000s, and which was returned to Earth
in time for the citys 300th Anniversary celebrations in 2003.
Perhaps the most visually impressive aspect of the museum is the
Cosmonaut Memorial Monument built over the museum itself. This huge steel
construction appears to hang in space, its arc culminating in a rocket pointed at
the sky.
The Museum of Cosmonautics and Rocket Technology it is a really nice
place, where you can imagine how does is the space, and see how much hightech and engineering we need for reaching space!








We Took the team and we visited this museum Also Which exhibits an
enormous collection of arms and heavy artillery from the Middle Ages to the
present day, this museum is located just across a narrow channel from the
Peter and Paul Fortress. The museum is a great place to visit! Has a lot of
open-air exhibition of artillery and missile launchers in the museum's courtyard.
Inside the museum displays a rather old-fashioned collection of military
memorabilia, temporary exhibitions, a nice little shop stocked with models of
weapons and miniature soldiers and a cafe.
I took some pictures and despite the cold, it was a really cool experience!
Cars and artillery trucks are incredible results of a great engineer, but I hope we
do not need to use them again!

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