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Character Backstory:

I was born in the belly of a whale. That sounds really weird doesn't it?
Okay...let me explain. My mother and father used to be the most notorious thieves
in our kingdom. They would steal gold, weapons, they even stole a castle once and
they would be graceful during all of it. And they loved each other very much.
However, they were swallowed while escaping from the royal guard after stealing
the King of Nardicorn's crown.
And hey, I know what you're thinking and I completely agree... How can
people that badass be swallowed by a whale? Totally lame.
In any case, they raised me in the whale until I was about maybe three years
old. At that time the whale was caught and killed by pirates.
And I know what you're thinking. "Oh my God pirates! They're going to kill
and steal from you!" Whelp, why don't you shut up and let me finish my story before
you go spouting out generalizations about people you don't know eh?
Well, when the pirates cut open the whale for its precious blubber and oil,
they found us. The pirates looked at us with confusion. I'm sure that they were
VERY surprised to see a family in a whale. After the pirates helped us out of said
whale, they took the time to consider what to do with us. They presented two
options to us. They were either going to throw us overboard to sleep with the fishes,
OR sell us in the slave trade. Buuutt, my parents presented an alternative to them.
My parents were willing to give the King's Crown, and all the other treasure they had
with them so that all three of us could instead become members of their crew. The
pirate captain took a moment to consider this idea, but eventually he came to the
conclusion that he was all for this idea and welcomed us into his crew with open
Let me guess..."Oh my GOD! You were a pirate? But they're so filthy and have
no manner whatsoever!" And yes, while most pirates are known for their brutality
and lack of manners, these pirates were quite different.
This crew was extremely nice and fun. Like how in the world could these guys
be pirates nice. They weren't the kind of pirates that would pillage and burn a small
village, they were the kind of pirates who were on their journey for fun and
adventure. And I loved that about them. They had THE best motto ever. Their motto
was "We only need four things to live in this world! Rum, beef, music, and
adventure! Everything else is a benefit from those four things!" They were amazing
and were known as the Singing Pirates. They also had the best Jolly Roger. It was a
skull and crossbones, but the crossbones were quarter notes and the skull was
smiling. Their ship was known as The Beautiful Muses, symbolizing how music is
beauty and pure.

I learned many things on that ship. I learned how to fight a bit. Mostly just
moves that allow me to be able to dodge an enemy easily. I also learned how to
read the stars and navigate. They even taught me how to properly sail a ship! But
the most important thing that I received from them was my calling in life. From each
and every one of the fifteen people on the ship, I learned how to master many
different instruments. From the lute, to the drums, an ocarina, saxophone, and even
the piano, I learned them all. But what I learned most on the ship was the value of
friendship. These people raised me. My parents, my captain, and everyone else on
the ship raised me into the person that I am now... But that was all taken away from
me five years ago.
I was fifteen at the time and was cooking dinner for everyone. I was preparing
an amazing whale and beef stew, but the stew and my life was ruined when the
boat shook like a slime during an earthquake. The stew spilled all over the ground
and burned my feet, but I didn't care. I ran outside to see what was going on and if I
could help with anything, but I was met with a hellfire of cannon balls, magic
meteors, and other various types of magic raining down on our ship. To the right of
the ship, a royal warship was firing upon us with all of its power and showed no
signs of stopping. The ship was obliterated, my comrades, my parents, and my
captain were all dying right in front of me blowing to pieces, crushed by meteors,
evaporated by magic. The people who raised me, fed me, and cared for me...were
all gone. It was my small big moment of hell. And at some point my brain shut down
and I blacked out.
When I woke up I saw that I was the only survivor of the attack and was
captured by the royal guard. They had fished me out of the ocean and had thrown
me into one of the prison cells on the ship. They told me that the only reason that I
was able to survive was because of the lute that I was floating on. Thankfully they
threw the lute with me into my cell. And when I saw the lute I burst into tears. It was
the present that I received for my fifteenth birthday. It was a white Oakwood lute,
with strings of polished velvet silver. It's now my prized possession, because it's the
only thing that I have left of my family... The Singing Pirates.
After the attack, the guards managed to fish the crown out of the ocean, and
soon after they left for Nardicorn's Prison Island, Tewbach Island. When the ship
arrived at the island, they took about maybe two minutes to carry me out of my cell
and throw me into the high security prison. My only solace was that they allowed
me to keep my lute. Simply out of pity of course, but they let me keep it
I was in a large cell designed for twenty people and it was dingy as a home
for about twenty goblins, which it pretty much was. I had nothing to do. Every day
for a year the guards would wake us up at dawn, feed us bread and water, and then
leave us in our cells to do what we pleased. All I would do was sit in the corner and
play songs on my lute, sometimes I would sing, but at other times I would just strum

for hours until it was time for bed. I couldn't stand living there and I wanted to
escape so very badly, but my life changed for the better when a rugged old man
was thrown into this cell from another. Apparently he was always in fights with the
members of his other cell.
They called him Aldis, because he preferred to be called that. And wow was
he old. Like, old old. I think he was old enough to be my mother's father. At first he
seemed rather quiet and content with keeping to himself, but that changed when he
saw my skill with the lute. The old coot came over and sat down next to me. I
stopped playing and gave him a quizzical look. All he said was, "Don't mind me! I'm
just an old man looking for some entertainment!" He seemed very...happy for being
in jail at his age, well...being in jail in general. And after playing a couple songs on
my lute, he decided that he was going to talk to me. He told me his past and how he
got into jail. Aldis was an old wizard, in fact, he was the head of the Academy of
Magic. Why was he in jail? Treason. He was thrown in jail for having radical ideas
against the king, and when he challenged him and his rule, no one stood behind
him. So he was thrown into jail. Apparently Aldis thought it appropriate to teach me
what he used to teach his students...magic. He taught me how to harness my inner
magic and how to use it effectively. Sadly I was unable to summon my magic power
like most people do. I could never make a ball of fire in my hand, or an arch of
lightning from my head. I tried it all. Levitation, pyromancy, cryomancy, and all
other sorts of magic, but I just couldn't get it. I was close to giving up and in my
depressed state I started playing one of my favorite tunes. I can't really explain how
it goes in words, but it was the first tune that my captain taught me, and it's still my
favorite tune to this day. But when I was playing it something literally magical
happened. I wasn't even thinking about it, but while I was playing my song my lute
started to glow and my feelings of depression washed over everyone else. Aldis
grabbed my shoulder with depression and excitement in his silver eyes, we had
found my medium for magic. He knew that the only way I could use magic was
through song.
So he began to teach me more and more about magic through music, and
eventually success was mine. I could play songs that could do amazing things. I
could heal a person's wounds or put them into a deep sleep. I could light someone
on fire, or freeze them in ice. I could do lot.
Then something unexpected happened. One day Aldis leaned over to whisper
in my ear and said, "It's time." All I could do was stand there wondering what he
meant, but my question was soon answered. Aldis blew apart the bars of our prison
cell, and froze the guards outside it solid. As I sat on the cell floor drowning in
confusion he said "It's time to put your skills to use." And started running down the
Aldis had started a revolt. As he ran down the hall like a small dog on
steroids, he kept blasting the other doors of jail cells open. The people in the cells

were confused at first, but they came together and rallied, killing guards, looting
food, weapons, clothes, and other assorted goods. And at some point I was right
behind Aldis, paralyzing, freezing, igniting, and blasting guards backwards with my
After about thirty minutes of freeing all of the prisoners we all ran outside into
the main courtyard. Thousands of guards surrounded us and right in front of the
doors to the outside world, the warden stood between us and freedom. Warden
Aldrich the Cruel stood in our way with a cold look in his red eyes. The warden
raised his right hand, made a fist, and punched the air in front of him sending a ball
of fiery force towards us. I thought we were dead, but to make matters worse at that
same moment all the guards decided to shoot at us with their crossbows. I gave up.
I didn't think that we had any chance of surviving whatsoever, but I was wrong.
At the end of the attack, we were all still standing completely unharmed. As
the dust cleared, Aldis was standing right in front of the group, arms stretched
forward covered in blood. He was panting, hard, and was drenched in sweat.
"Foolish old man! To use that spell to protect thousands of prisoners? You should be
dead right now!" Yelled the warden as he brought his arm back again. The warden
began gathering power into his hand. The air around him began to distort and glow
red, like this was a punch from a lord of evil. Before he could throw his devastating
blow, Aldis made a small ball of blue energy in his hands and walked up to me with
his head down. "You have to escape from here." He looked up at me with a smile on
his face. "You have your whole life to live, friends to make, and things to see. I know
that your life may have seemed over after your ship was destroyed, but you know
that those who are dear to you will always live on as long as you don't forget them."
A tear ran down his face. "You look just like your mother did when she was your age.
Sweet red hair and silver eyes, just like when she was born." A look of shock and
confusion appeared on my face. I wanted to ask him so many questions. How did he
know my mother? How in the world did he know about the ship? I never told him
about it!
I was about to ask him what he meant by that, but before I could say
anything he pushed the ball of energy into my stomach. In less than half a second I
was thrust backwards into the air. I gasped as I watched from over one hundred
meters away as the island that the prison was on, exploded in a fiery inferno that
could make the sun look like a small lamp. My mentor, all the prisoners, the guards,
maybe even the warden, had all died. I was alone in the world...again. But at least I
still had my lute, my white lute with polished velvet silver strings.
I flew through the air for three days and three nights and crashed through the
roof of a small tavern. The roof caved in and mugs and alcohol flew everywhere
from the impact. I was knocked out, but otherwise unharmed.

After I had regained consciousness, the bartender thought it appropriate to

yell at me for thrashing his tavern. He kept yelling and yelling and eventually... I
snapped. I had enough of all the things that had transpired the last couple years
and I snapped. I got up, grabbed his neck with my left hand, and threw him across
the room. He hit the wall a loud crack and was knocked unconscious. The rest of the
people in the tavern looked at me with anger. As I turned to look at them, my face
was scowling and cold, I didn't back down, I fought them all. Blood, beer, and glass
constantly flew in the air as the fight went on. At the end we were all on the ground,
my face and body were beat up, bloody and bruised, and the rest of the people lay
on the ground in the same condition. But my lute was fine. My white Oakwood lute
with polished velvet silver strings was fine. I got up from the ground, blood dripping
from my head, and left the tavern. From there I spent my time as a drifter, going
from town to town in the Kingdom of Wook.
I wasn't wealthy, but I wasn't poor. I always made enough money for food, a
place to stay for a couple nights, and to buy things that I wanted. Although, I do
owe all my money to my musical skills. My lute was my source of income, and the
only thing that has been with me since childhood. Granted, my life wasn't all that
simple as a wanderer. I of course got into fights here in there, been to jail for a day
or two, I've even come close to being raped two or three times. But I never thought
of stealing from people to get what I wanted nor did I ever think of selling my body
for money, but by no means does that mean I didn't use my body to get what I
I remained a wanderer for five years. And one day while walking down the
stairs from a rather nice pub, I slipped and fell. Fell all the way down the stairs and
landed on a Dragonborn. I was scared shitless, I had heard stories of how fearsome
Dragonborns could be and I was scared for my life. I mean, who wouldn't be scared
by a 7'4 creature with scales and a tail that could turn a boulder to dust. But my
opinion of Dragonborns changed when he bent down and lifted me up. He stood me
back on my feet and brushed the dirt off of my shoulders. "Sorry about that." He
said, "Why don't I take you out for a drink? I didn't mean to scare you." He was
super nice, and had a goofy smile on his face. I took up his offer and went with him
and my white Oakwood lute with polished velvet silver strings to have a drink.
My name is Thea de Lapillus, my life goal is to find out what Aldis meant
about my mother and to get revenge on the King, and Warden (if he's still alive), for
taking away all that I had in life. I know that my life will have many more struggles,
but no matter how long it takes I WILL achieve my goal.

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