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Jadaeja Brown

Journal #14
100 Black Women
Here on campus, we have a club called 100 Black Women, this organization was created
for women of color to empower and uplift others, not just women of color, or women in general.
But they encourage the entire 49er community. They also were created to further the
understanding of the black culture. Hooks stated that the feminist act followed the wake of the
civil rights revolution, we have to remember that before women were trying to be equal to the
man, the black man was trying to be equal to the white man. 100BW, was created to raise
awareness of the black community and share the encouragement with the rest of the UNC
Charlotte community. Hooks also says on page 16 that, As long as women are using class race
or power to dominate other women, feminist sister hood cannot be fully realized. I believe that
100BW are here as a sisterhood to bring the races together. The organization is called 100 Black
Women, but they focus on empowering all races, not just African Americans. Sisterhood
shouldnt be classified as a race, or class. We all have to come together before a change can be
made. 100BW are here to serve by leading others and enabling us to understand that race should
be put aside, like sexism. In chapter 2, Hooks said that before we can overcome the problem, we
have to figure out what the problem is, and that is lies in us. She also goes on to say that even
before race became a talked about issue in feminist circles it was clear to black women that they
were never going to have equality within the existing white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.
10BW was created because they know how important it is to help our fellow sisters, we
shouldnt be against each other, but we have to work together.

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