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Field Trip Permission Form

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Your child is going on a field trip! Please read the information below, then sign and return the permission
slip at the bottom of this form by ____________________.
Field Trip Information:
Date: March 5th 2016
Location: The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis
Purpose: To provide a fun and educational trip to the Childrens Museum of Indianapolis
Means of Transportation: Empire Charters
Leave FoC: 9:00 A.M

Arrive back at FoC: 6:00 P.M

Please list any medical needs that your child has below:

_____________________________________________________ has permission to attend a field trip to

The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis on March 5th 2016 from 9:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M.
I, _________________________, give my permission for _____________________________________
to receive emergency medical treatment. In case of an emergency, please contact:
Name: _________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________
*A sack lunch will be provided, please indicate which type of sandwich your child would like:





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