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Argue a Position

Take a position regarding the issue discussed in project I and II. Write a 4-5 page persuasive
paper that effectively uses sources to support your position. You must include at least three new
sources in your bibliography. Create a 1-5 slide presentation using PowerPoint or Prezi to argue
your position. The presentation should include graphic images and text. Sound can be used.
Refer to J. entry 7 and readings: EEA ch. 7 and 14 and persuasive readings
Highlighted text - Phrase it differently

Background info provide a definition of Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission
(from here on referred to simply as: Citizens United)
Why its important

What I think should be done about this problem

The Citizens United vs. FEC Supreme Court decision should be

Evidence Because:

candidate solicitation of super PAC donations

Supporting Evidence
This blog by Sevren Gourley, a University of Virginia School of Law student, goes over 5
effects the court decision has had in the last 5 years. He first notes how, through super
PAC donations by corporations and business interests, campaign spending records were
broken in the 2014 mid-term elections. He claims these donations have significantly
altered the operation of American politics.
Since the decision, campaign spending on state and local elections has also reached
record levels. Even spending on local school board elections has reached record levels.
With money on your side, it can be easy to influence local elections.
There are weak disclosure laws when it comes to donating to a super PAC.
Donors make the maximum legal contribution to a candidate and then use super PACs to
contribute even more. A complaint filed in 2014 to the FEC by the Campaign Legal
Center which illustrates how super PACs formed to support single candidates can be
abused by those seeking to avoid campaign finance limits. Corporations can spend
unlimited amounts to influence elections simply by donating to super PACs. Super PACs
enjoy unlimited spending as long as they operate independently of candidate campaigns. - Martin Gilens, professor of Politics at

Princeton University abstract

Ari Fleischer, former press secretary for President George W. Bush said:
Super PAC money is a wild card that weakens our eventual nominee, regardless of who
he or she is, due to the onslaught of negative ads against that candidate.
The problem is, the political climate is not always influenced by a candidates ideas as
much as how much money is behind those ideas and how loudly they can discredit others
in the race. Money provides the megaphone and as far as primaries go, that megaphone is
easily and often turned on fellow contenders. Perhaps the real problem is that
Americans are too dumb to see that these candidates with super funding are working for

Well known people in support of overturning Citizens United:

"I continue to believe that Citizens United contributed to some of the problems we're
having in Washington right now," Obama said. "You have some ideological extremists
who have a big bankroll, and they can entirely skew our politics. Obama

Opposition Respond explicitly

These ads are an expression of first amendment rights. At the end of the day, U.S.
citizens will elect candidates with better ideas, not more funding, right?
The problem is, the political climate is not always influenced by a
candidates ideas as much as how much money is behind those ideas
and how loudly they can discredit others in the race. Money provides
the megaphone and as far as primaries go, that megaphone is easily
and often turned on fellow contenders. Perhaps the real problem is
that Americans are too dumb to see that these candidates with super
funding are working for corporations.
NY Times article -
While this may be disheartening to Washington lawyers and lawmakers, it should be a
breath of fresh air to everyone else. The greatest benefit of Citizens United is that it will
restrain Congress from flooding us with arcane, burdensome, convoluted campaign laws
that discourage political participation.
The history of campaign finance reform is the history of incumbent politicians seeking to
muzzle speakers, any speakers, particularly those who might publicly criticize them and
their legislation. It is a lot easier to legislate against unions, gun owners, fat cat
bankers, health insurance companies and any other industry or special interest group
when they cant talk back.

A recap on why the topic matters

A persuasive appeal for what you want readers to do and why

Instructor Feedback I see that you have provided a draft outline, which prevents me from
providing feedback. See the instructions for the assignment in Blackboard and make sure that
you clearly state a claim and offer good reasons and evidence to support it.

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