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Cacioppo, John T, Louise C. Hawkley, Greg J. Norman, and Gary G. Berntson.

Isolation." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1231.1 (2011): 17-22. Print.
John Cacioppo has worked in many universities including Notre Dame, Iowa, Ohio State
and more. He has also won many awards throughout his career like a MERIT Award from
the National Institutes of Health. In this article it goes in depth on isolation through
behavioral, neural, hormonal, cellular and genetic mechanisms. Some examples is how
the bodys senses can heighten to social threats or decrease inflammatory control. They
explain how social isolation can cause higher rates of morbidity and mortality in older
adults. This article was useful for my research in understanding all of the outcomes social
isolation can have on the body This article focuses mainly on how social isolation can
affect the body internally and externally. Other readings explained more of the author's
own experiences with social isolation or on others they have came across. The
information in this article could be used to explain the negative effect of social isolation
on the human body. Also how its mortality rate is at the same level as smoking, obesity,
sedentary lifestyle and high blood pressure. The author provides a useful list of suggested
further reading at the end of the article. They used 65 references just for this article. After
going through a couple of the references, they are worth following for more information.
The ideas outlined in this article appear to be largely academic support by the amount of
references they used. No opinions are in the article just scientific findings on the effects
of social isolation. The article provides a basic overview of isolation in humans and
animals. It was intended for knowledgeable audience, the writing style is formal. Yes the
article helped me understand the topic, but some of the words used in the article were
hard to understand. After reading it I didnt change my thinking on my topic. Work Cited
Coleman, Mark. "Awake in the Wild." Google Books. Inner Ocean Publishing, n.d. Web. 24
Nov. 2015. <
Mark Coleman is the founder of Awake in the Wild and The Mindfulness Institute, which
is based on finding peace through inspiring retreats. He enjoys backpacking and spends
much of his time outdoors. His book is about finding inner peace through nature and
meditation. He explains the importance of nature and how we have lost our ability to
sense the natural world around us. This book relates to my article, because Im trying to
understand how Chris felt in nature.

This chapter focuses on three main issues. These are nature, meditation and making
connections. This books matches with In the Middle of This Road We Call Our Life
because they both want us to understand our inner self and be happy. The difference is
that in James's book it's through his meetings that is helping his clients to understand
themselves. While Mark is helping people through his meditation techniques and using
nature as another tool.The information the author gives can be used to explain the
importance of meditation for the mind and body. He also goes in detail how nature can
influence our mood for the better, even help with stress. For an essay you could also
write on the impact nature has on our stress, does it reduce it or not. The author does not
provide a useful list of suggested further reading at the end of each chapter.The ideas
outlined in this article appear to be largely the authors personal opinion and experiences
as there is a lack of supporting evidence presented. But the years of experience he has
with helping others understand their inner self is enough to be credited information. The
article provides a basic overview of the techniques of meditation. He provides his
experiences and was with coping with life.Although written for a knowledgeable
audience, the writing style is informal for anyone to read it. The audience is for people
who want an escape from the stressful events of life and to try to relax and let go. The
text did help me understand more about why Chris from Into the Wild wanted to be so
close to nature and away from civilization. The topic didnt change my idea, but help
explain the importance of understanding our inner self.
Coplan, Robert J, and Julie C. Bowker. The Handbook of Solitude: Psychological Perspectives
on Social Isolation, Social Withdrawal, and Being Alone. , 2014. Internet resource.
Robert J. Coplan is a Professor in the Department of Carleton University, while Julie C.
Bowker is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University at Buffalo, State
University of New York. Robert used to be a former editor of the journal, Social
Development. Julie has a research program that focuses on how close interpersonal
relationships play in socio-emotional development.The books talks about current
psychological research related to the construct of solitude. It goes into detail on
psychological perspectives on solitude including developmental, social personality,
clinical psychology and more. It also talks about the experiences of people who are fine
with solitude, but talks on the negative and positive outlook on solitude. This goes with
my article in a psychological perspective of how solitude affects humans. Why humans
look for solitude and what causes it, is information I need in my research.
This book differs to my other research by the amount of information it has. This book has
years, statistics, experiments, and backing from other important works.You could use this
information to support why solitude can be positve for some people. They give plenty of
resources of other works you could include to help explain the essay.The author provides

useful resources throughout the book including the author's own studies in their
experiments. Examples of resources they use (Epley, Akalis, Waytz, & Cacioppo, 2008),
(Jaffe, 2008, p. 16) and more. The ideas outlined in this article appear to be largely the
authors input and academic support as the amount of supporting evidence being
presented. The article provides a basic overview of how solitude affects our mental well
being and other factors that can contribute. The intended audience is for people to
understand that solitude isnt just a negative aspect. Solitude could also help individuals
in healing, connection and finding enlightenment.The text helped me see that solitude
isn't always bad, it can help in many ways. I needed this information to show that yes
solitude can be good but only in small periods and not in extreme periods that takes a toll
on our mental health. Reading this book didnt change my research at all just gave me a
different perspective.

Jones, James William. In the Middle of This Road We Call Our Life:
The Courage to Search for Something More. San Francisco, CA: HarperSanFrancisco,
1995. Print.
James is a professor of religion and a practicing clinical psychologist at Rutgers
University. He has many written works based on the mind and religion and how they
connect.The main idea of this book is the connections we make with people and what
fulfills our life. He shows this through the experiences of others and himself of self
discovery. The people he uses in his book are patients who he helps to understand more
about themselves.This books relates greatly with my topic because of this quote The
goal of childhood is to become an individual; the goal of adulthood is to give that
individuality away.. I feel as if this is how Chris was feeling when he wanted to go to
Alaska. To keep his individuality was to be on his own. But he then realized too late that
the connections he made along on the way was the true adventure.
This author still correlates with my other research topic about connections with other
people. The only difference is he talks a lot of religion.This chapter focuses on three main
issues. These are religion, spiritual journey and connections.
The information could be used to help people how to better their well being. He talks a
lot of about accepting your true nature and create a balanced life.He gives references of
his patients and how their stories are very relatable to many of us. The book is years older
but the information can still be used today. The author does not provide a useful list of
suggested further reading at the end of each chapter.The text is the authors personal
experiences with his patients. The author has a very credible background and they way he
talks about the experiences is very professional. The ideas outlined in this article appear
to be largely the authors personal opinion and the evidence is based on his knowledge

and his patients outcomes after his therapy. The book is specific more on one topic and
it's the way we understand our self as a person. The article provides a basic overview of
religion and the importance of ourself. The intended audience is for people to realize
what we do in life is important and everything has purpose.Although written for a
knowledgeable audience, the writing style is informal due to it being experience based.
The text did help me understand my topic more. It has many good examples and quotes
Ill be using for my research. The text didnt change how I felt about my topic, it just
gave me more ideas.
Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild. New York: Anchor, 1997. Print.
Jon Krakauer is a known writer of nonfiction. Some of his published books are best
sellers which include Into the Wild and Into Thin Air.Into the Wild is about a guy named
Chris Mccandless who later changes his name to Alex Supertramp. His ultimate goal is to
leave home and travel to Alaska. He does reach his goal in getting to Alaska but there are
consequences along the way. The book does relate to my research topic because I will be
using Chris as an example for my essay. He will be used to illustrate the importance of
have others around you.
This chapter focuses on three main issues. These are survival, chasing a dream, and
nature. Into the Wild is a non fiction book meaning most of the information is made up.
There are some facts like the journals and interviews with the people Chris came
across.But when compared to John Cacioppos article all of it is straight facts and
information.The information from the book could be used to show how to be prepared in
the wild and not be like the travelers showed in the book. There aren't any references
worth following unless you research further about the travelers mentioned. The author
doesnt provide a useful list of suggested further reading at the end of each chapter. Its
more personal opinion and how Chriss family wanted the book to be written. The author
and Chriss family did not first hand experience what Chris went through. The ideas
outlined in this article appear to be largely the authors personal opinion as there is a lack
of supporting evidence presented. The only evidence he could use was Chriss journal,
photos and the interviews of who he met. The article provides a basic overview of Chriss
journey and how he got to Alaska. The writing is informal and is intended for an audience
who enjoys adventure in the wilderness. The text did help me understand the topic is was
straight to the point. The book did not change my thinking of the topic.
Olien, Jessica. "Loneliness Can Kill You. Dont Let It." Slate. The Slate Group, 23 Aug. 2013.
19 Oct. 2015.

Jessica Olien is a writer who is currently living in Brooklyn. She has many written
articles including Going Dutch and And You Think Women Are Too Picky? and
more.The main idea of this article is telling how loneliness can affect us. The author
explains this by sharing her a experience in her life with the audience. She also uses
outside credible sources to back up the affects of being lonely. Her article will relate to
my research topic by comparing it to Chris Mccandless.
This article focuses on how loneliness can lead to depression and other health issues. It
also address how hard it is to admit when one's lonely.The author provides good
information on how loneliness affected her personally. She explains emotional how she
felt even when she had friends but not meaningful connections. She brings up works of
John T. Cacioppo who studies how loneliness and social isolation affect people's health.
He is someone worth following for my research. The ideas outlined in this article appear
to be largely the authors personal opinion, but there is some supporting evidence of the
works of Cacioppo.The article provides a basic overview of her experiences with
loneliness. Although written for a knowledgeable audience, the writing style is informal
to let people know the ordeal she went through and for people to reach for help and not
be embarrassed of it. The author does help me understand the topic more but I still need
more depth in the health outcome of loneliness. But she will be used to make a point of
her experiences. The article didnt change my thinking on the topic.

White, Naomi Rosh, and Peter B White. "Travel As Interaction: Encountering Place And
Others." Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Management (Cambridge University Press) .
15.3 (2008): 42-48. Entrepreneurial Studies Source. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
Naomi White is an Associate Professor of the school of Political and Social Inquiry at
Monash University. Other information about her is unknown as well on Peter White. The
main idea of the article is to show the types of interactions we have with others during
travels. These interactions are supposed to help create a meaningful experience while
traveling. The purpose of theses interactions can either be for companionship or for
resources. This article relates to my research by showing how important it is to have
people around when traveling.
In the book Into the Wild, Christopher McCandless makes many connections with people
during his travel to Alaska. The connections he made helped him learn and grow as a
person. They taught him many helpful resources and even a bed to sleep on his journeys.
This is similar with this article by how we need others to create a meaningful experience.

This chapter focuses on three main issues. These are travel, understanding the
environment and connections we make with others. The information could be used to
inform the public how meeting new people is a great choice in traveling. Making new
connections can help you understand the type of environment you're in and learn new
resources that can be applied on the trip.
The author provides a useful list of suggested further reading at the end of the article.
One article Temporary Strangers by Cathy greenblat and John Gagnon talks about how
travelers have to go through many levels to understand and manage unfamiliar
environments. The text in the article is at academic level. The authors created an
experiment to show how social interactions can help influence our well being. They also
use plenty of outside resources to make their statement seem accurate. The article is
specific to throughout the text. The article provides a basic overview of the concepts of
traveling with a companion. Also getting to know the people around the area can help
further the experience. Written for a knowledgeable audience, the writing style is very
formal and to the point. The intended audience is for people who are planning a trip to a
new location. Its for them to understand the resources they can achieve from meeting new
people in the area. The text did help me understand the topic. Much of this article will be
used in my research. The article did not change my thinking on the topic.

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