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Effectiveness of Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Liquid Soap in Acute Wounds

A proposed

Science Investigatory Project

Paaralang Sekundarya ng Lucban Integrated School

Lucban, Quezon


Irisha Mae C. Lopez

Danaya Kim M. Deveza

John Carl Apolo



Having an acute wounds can be something as seemingly unharmful as a light

scrape. Anywhere on the body, acute wounds range in depth from superficial to scrapes

to severe wounds that harm muscles, nerves, blood vessels, or other bodily parts. An

acute wound site could experience discomfort, inflammation, or bleeding. The skin

around the wound will be exposed and may look ripped and ragged. The area of the

wound may be swollen, sensitive, or red. For cleaning mild wounds, soap and water can

be used; however, a saline solution may be required for deeper or more complicated

wounds. It heals in accordance with the typical wound healing process at a known and

expected rate.

Since it heals in accordance with the typical wound healing process, leading to the

wound's closure. We considered developing or conducting research on gumamela as a

component to utilize in soapmaking to benefit in the healing process of wounds. Since

there aren't many people using gumamela for wound healing right now, this is also a

method to have an affordable and effective remedy.

The rationale of this study is to develop an alternative product for use as a

therapeutic solution. We also came up with this since many people are unaware that

gumamela has additional ingredients, and we are aware that the healing process

generally takes time.

Backround of the Study

Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is also called Hibiscus, China Rose, Shoe

Flower, but it’s most people call it Gumamela. It is one of the world's most beautiful

flower, the gumamela is grown for ornamental purposes and comes in a variety of

colors. The most popular type of this plant is Hibiscus sabdariffa, whose red blossom is

used medicinally and is found in several dietary supplements. Numerous conditions can

be treated with hibiscus, including mumps, boils, swelling, and abscesses, mumps,

coughs and sore throats, fever as a refrigerant drink, diarrhea, urinary tract infections,

bladder infections, high blood pressure, and more.

Few people are aware of gumamela's additional uses because it is primarily used as

a home decoration. Additionally, they are not aware that it has a long history of usage,

primarily in the fields of cooking, botany, flowers, cosmetics, and medicine. Due to its

diuretic, choleretic, analgesic, antitussive, antihypertensive, antibacterial,

immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, and anti-cancer activities, the latter

has a significant impact.

Vitamin C can be abundantly found in gumamela. As a result, it works well to treat

headaches, sore throats, coughs, and colds.

There have been research done on rats that demonstrate the ability of gumamela

extracts to improve wound healing and skin development. If you want a wound to heal

more quickly, consider drinking a cup or two of gumamela tea.

Gumamela has antidepressant properties due to the flavonoids, vitamins, and

minerals it contains. Your nervous system may be calmed by these characteristics. Your
anxiety and despair may be relieved or lessened by the effects of a calm mind and


If you want to prevent hair loss or are already experiencing it, you can apply

gumamela oil to your hair. It is said that it can fortify your hair from the roots up. It can

support in the treatment of dandruff in addition to hair care.

As of right now, no other products use gumamela to produce liquid soap.

Nowadays, finding efficient solutions for people's daily requirements is growing more

difficult. Other options may even have an impact on customers' health. As a result,

many look for options that will allow them to spend less money while still insuring

everyone's safety.

Before, people just weren't aware of the significance of this flower for one's health,

but now that there are numerous manufacturing methods available, it's possible to

create a product that will be of use to people.

One more justification for choosing gumamela as the study's material is that it is

easily accessible. Gumamela is simple to locate in the Philippines; this is mainly

because most people are not aware of all of the other benefits of gumamela.
Research Paradigm

This entails the systematic experimentation that was carried out during the

investigation to verify the hypothesis. The input activities, the processes, and the

finished product were the main points of interest.

Input Process Output

Analysis of: Planning

Components of Regular Gathering of Gumamela Liquid

Liquid Soap Dry Gumamela Soap in Acute Wounds

Components of
Gumamela Extract Gumamela Extracting
Benefits of Gumamela

The first thing to do is to know and analyze the distinguishing components that are

present in the regular liquid soap and from the components present in the gumamela

extract. Therefore, researchers would know the benefits of gumamela liquid soap.

After the first stage, the next stage consists of extracting the gumamela. Materials

would be collected in order to gain quick access to extraction. There are two kinds of

processes, one cold process and one hot process.

Due to the gumamela extract and other components, the researchers will able to create

gumamela liquid soap, which can promote the desired quick pace to cure the wound.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study is to assess the efficacy of a liquid soap that

contains gumamela extract in addition to other liquid soap ingredients. This investigation

aims to establish whether gumamela liquid soap can quicken wound healing.

This study, in particular, aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the benefits of gumamela?

2. How can gumamela extract be produced?

3. What are the impressions of respondents on gumamela liquid soap

in terms of:

3.1 Quality


3.3. Scent

4. Which kinds of acute wounds does the product work best on?

Significance of the Study

This study aims to develop an alternative liquid soap that can quicken wound


The study's findings would also be beneficial for the following subjects, people, and


Consumers. This research study helps consumers realize the benefits of using

natural goods and provides them with an alternative for quickening the healing

process of wounds.

Educators. This could assist teachers in using this study as a resource while

students are writing research papers, so that it can be easily understood by the


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