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Brianna Lammers

TA: Mr. Rudy Rico

Web Portfolio Narrative
My Weebly website experience was an interesting one. Making a website was a
completely new idea to me before now. I can, however, say that I have learned a lot that will
help me in my future teaching career.
There are several ISTE Standards that were addressed through the development and
implementation of this project. On a teacher side, this experience has allowed me to design and
develop a digital age experience for both myself and those that I mentor in the future. It has
provided me the opportunity to become familiar with how the program works so that I can model
and promote digital age work and learning for my future students. From a student perspective, it
allowed me to be creative and innovative. It made me problem solve when documents would not
upload correctly. It also helped me to improve my digital citizenship as well as engage in new
technology operations.
Through the design and development of this project I learned first and foremost how to
make a website. I had no idea what I was doing when I started and now I feel confident that I
could help others make their own. I also learned a lot about how easy it can be to mess-up while
working on the internet, especially when posting things. I now am more aware of doublechecking what I write before I publish.
I think that this project could be integrated within the teaching/learning experience very
easily. Students could make a website for anything. They could use the blog to submit written
work. They could use the various upload features to add projects and other important
information. Having them make their own website would help them learn both how to be
digitally and informationally literate as well as help them to improve their 21st Century skills.
Overall, this project was pretty effective. It taught me a lot. However, in order to make it
better for the future, I would suggest incorporating more of the upload features in the future. I
used a lot of the main ones, but there are still several that I have no idea what they do. I would
also recommend having students update their Weebly throughout the semester rather than all at
the end.

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