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Megan Martin

December 9, 2015
ISTC Final
From doing internships in the classroom last semester, I noticed that technology is
becoming very popular in classrooms. In the beginning of this semester I did not believe that
technology should have a big role in the classroom. I believed that teaching classes should be
more lecture and there should be computer time when children are done with their classwork.
Through this semester I have learned about Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Technology
pedagogy and content knowledge (TPACK), and assistive technology. When learning about
these concepts, it showed me how important it is to have technology in classrooms.
When learning about UDL, I learned what it is and how to incorporate technology when
using it. UDL stands for Universal Design for Learning. It gives students equal opportunities
for all students to learn and be successful. UDL uses three primary brain networks, recognition
network, strategic network, and affective network. UDL can be incorporated into the classroom
by using the three main types of learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. UDL can be
used by engaging all of the students. Teacher can incorporate UDL by playing informative
videos, playing music, or having students work in groups. It is important to incorporate UDL
into the classroom by using technology. Since our students will be 21 century learners, this
would be a great tool to engage all types of learners.
I also learned about TPACK and how it is important to incorporate it into the classroom.
TPACK is a framework that helps teachers teach a lesson with technology involved. The
TPACK framework is very helpful and consists of the teacher stating the content area, standard,
objectives, activity type, description of the activity, and possible technology tools. This helps
teachers stay organized and helps teachers come up with creative ideas on where they can
incorporate the technology into their lesson.

When learning about assisitive technology, I was amazed. Teachers must stay up to date
on the different types of technology that can help their students. I learned that parents and
teachers must take action to see if their child or students need assistive technology as soon as
possible. If the child or student does need assistive technology, teachers and parents must fine
the most efficient technology for that child, so he or she can start learning right away and not fall
behind. I also learned that technology can be a lifeline for disabled individuals. Assistive
technology does not only help individuals learn, but helps them communicate and maneuver on
day-to-day bases. For example, individuals may be able to communicate by using a computer or
have a motorized wheelchair to get them from place to place.
Before this class I had know idea about the different types of technology they have for
students with disabilities. Learning about assistive technology had the greatest impact on me. I
plan to become a special education teacher and the tools and technology they have to help
disabled students is astonishing. Assistive technology gives students the potential to learn and
flourish every day. It gives students of all ages hope and dreams that they can be anything they
want to be, no matter what their disability is. Throughout research and reviewing websites, I
might be able to find many items that will assist my students to learn to the best of their ability.
Every students deserves the right to learn to the best of their ability, and assistive technology is a
start to helping these students to a bright future.
Learning about 21st century learners is exciting. I am starting to understand that having
technology in the classroom is a necessity. I now understand why it is important to let the
students take learning into their own hands and why collaborative learning is so important in
todays classrooms. In todays classrooms, students are not learning as much information from a
lecture. Students are learning by using technology, by learning collaboratively, and by thinking
critically. I now believe that teachers should serve as a guide, rather than a main source of

information. Not only will students be learning research skills and gathering their own
information, but the students will be collaborating with their classmates and learning different
information from them. When I become a teacher, I want to stay up-to-date on technology. I
want to be able to work the smartboard, projector, and iPads. This class has open my eyes to
how important technology is and how I will incorporate it in the classroom.

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