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Abigail Moeggenberg
James VanderMey
English 111
28 September 2015
Ideas Critique
In Freire's piece The Banking Concept of Education he argues about the banking
concept and the problem-posing concept of education. He shows his frustration to the banking
concept and how it treats students. Teachers become narrators and are only there to give
information to the students to memorize. Freire believes education should be taught through the
problem-posing concept, which is teaching students and relating it to their life for them to
understand and be able to hold onto the information needed for them in the future and work
Freire fights the belief the educated man is the adapted man, because he is better fit
for the world in the banking concept. In agreement of how ridiculous the statement is, the
banking concept is not going to educate any man. If the student is forced to memorize
something, he or she will never understand the information without it relating to a life experience
or having an example of the situation and that is exactly what Freire meant when he fought the
statement. The thought the educated man is a better fit to the world than someone with street
smarts is not always true. Depending on the career, sometimes someone who knows more street
smarts than book is better fit for a job. He or she is still educated, but in a different way and
through other subjects which are outside of schooling. Someone does not need an education to
invent something or have ideas of improving society. As a baby, the infant will figure out how to
sit up and walk on its own through problem solving. In the banking system of education, the

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educator is teaching students how to memorize and repeat everything from the course but in the
problem-posing education the student is able to learn how to engage in critical thinking and have
creative thoughts. The problem-posing is far better because students are actually able to learn and
hold the information over a longer period of time because it is being taught through hands-on
learning and more critical thinking than just copying words down onto a spread sheet of paper as
The fact Freire understands this and sees the problem with the education in society, how
come it has not changed in schools? Why has not anyone else reading this piece agreed or
realized the problem also? His chapter was written years ago and in schools students are still
complaining about having to memorize information for a test score rather than being able to
learn it the right way and in a way it will be remembered and not forgotten weeks after final tests
are taken. In high school, I had teachers who stood in front of the class every day and read word
for word off a PowerPoint or from a book. Those specific classes I do not remember anything I
learned unless it was something I read about and taught myself on my own time because I did not
memorize word for word what the teacher wanted me to know. Many of my teachers made it
obvious he or she only cared about the grades students earned on their quizzes and tests because
it is supposed to be reflecting their teaching skills therefore many of the educators would use
open book, notes, and/or other references allowed during the assessments to ensure most students
would utilize the extra help and receive passing grades.
The classes I took where my teachers explained why I was being taught certain subjects
and why I had to read certain books that had no connection with me whatsoever or my future, but
because of the underlying lessons and concepts that can help me in time when I am in situations
became the classes I remembered information from. I had quite a few educators who used the

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problem-posing concept as much as they could instead of shoving PowerPoint after PowerPoint
in my face and I learned so much more in their courses and could still have an educated
conversation with someone taking the course if I am no longer in it. Freires anger and frustration
with the banking concept in education is very understandable and rational. Educational systems
need to become problem-posing based rather than banking or else societys future is going to go
down a downward spiral.

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