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Melanie Krueger

EDCI 270
9 December 2015
Project Narrative
The learning cards were a really helpful tool when it came to making the presentation.
Unlike an outline where it is a general draft, each card summarized what would be on
each slide. The break down of each option we had develop was a lot clearer and easier to
portray once I put everything together through the planning cards. Once I started on the
actual designing of the presentation, it was helpful to have a friend constructively critique
what I had begun so that I did not continue to make the same mistakes that I was making
in the beginning. It was also a good building block for hearing the TAs critiques later on.
Both were really helpful when making finishing touches to the presentation.
From this assignment and all the others in this course, I have learned that it is important
to plan your time wisely. The amount of time spent planning it reflects on how well the
lesson works in the classroom. Procrastinating can really affect how well the work turns
out, thus not being the best that it probably could be. It is also important to not only do
one draft before completing the lesson. It takes at least three drafts to check that
everything that is needed for the lesson is set in place and can be done while covering the
InTASC standards.
For this project, I did focus my lesson on using InTASC standards, seeing as though they
would be required to actually use this project one day. I addressed InTASC Standards #1
throughout the assignment because I stressed how important it is to recognize each
students learning pattern and how to incorporate all of the students various ways of
learning into the classroom. InTASC Standards #2 is a large factor of the presentation,
considering that it focuses on giving students who may not typically be able to stay in the
classroom opportunities to stay in the classroom, but still be able to do the work at their
own pace.

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