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Reading Response #7 BOOK SELL

You must hand in this slip before your present to receive a grade.
Create a persuasive speech to convince your class to read the at home novel you completed.
Be sure to:
- State Title & Author /5
- A brief summary (that doesnt give away the ending)
- An explanation of why you liked it (maybe a text to self connection)
- Use at least one persuasive technique /10
- Practice your presentation so you are prepared to present it clearly, and persuasively /15



Reading Response #7 BOOK SELL

You must hand in this slip before your present to receive a grade.
Create a persuasive speech to convince your class to read the at home novel you completed.
Be sure to:
- State Title & Author /5
- A brief summary (that doesnt give away the ending)
- An explanation of why you liked it (maybe a text to self connection)
- Use at least one persuasive technique /10
- Practice your presentation so you are prepared to present it clearly, and persuasively /15



Reading Response #7 BOOK SELL

You must hand in this slip before your present to receive a grade.
Create a persuasive speech to convince your class to read the at home novel you completed.
Be sure to:
- State Title & Author /5
- A brief summary (that doesnt give away the ending)
- An explanation of why you liked it (maybe a text to self connection)
- Use at least one persuasive technique /10
- Practice your presentation so you are prepared to present it clearly, and persuasively /15



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