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Health Food Critic DEBATE

TOPIC: What is the healthiest Fast Food Restaurant?

Step 1: What is healthy eating?
- Create a definition for healthy eating by
analyzing articles

Step 1: /10

Step 2: Create a claim: What is the healthiest

fast food restaurant?
- Burger King
- McDonalds

Step 2:

Step 3: Build your argument by researching to

support your claim by collecting at least 5 pieces
of cited and quoted evidence on loose leaf that
shows that your restaurant is the healthiest
- Menus
- Customer Reviews
- Restaurant website

Step 3:

Step 4:
Step 4: Critique the opposing restaurant by
finding 5 pieces of cited and quoted evidence on
loose leaf that can be used show why their
restaurant is not the healthiest:
- Menus
- Customer Reviews
- Restaurant website
Step 5: Analyze the evidence you collected and
the evidence that the opposing team may try to
use against you.
- How will you defend your restaurant?
- Develop sound reasoning to back up
your argument

Step 5:

Step 6:






Step 6: Present your argument in the form of a

- Each team take turns presenting
arguments as to why their restaurant
offers the healthiest options
Health Food Critic DEBATE
TOPIC: What is the healthiest Fast Food Restaurant?
Step 1: What is healthy eating?
Create a definition for healthy eating by analyzing articles

Step 1: /10

Step 2: Create a claim: What is the healthiest fast food restaurant?

Burger King

Step 2:

Step 3: Build your argument by researching to support your claim by

collecting at least 5 pieces of cited and quoted evidence on loose leaf
that shows that your restaurant is the healthiest from:


Step 3:




Customer Reviews
Restaurant website

Step 4: Critique the opposing restaurant by finding 5 pieces of cited and

quoted evidence on loose leaf that can be used show why their
restaurant is not the healthiest:
Customer Reviews
Restaurant website
Step 5: Analyze the evidence you collected and the evidence that the
opposing team may try to use against you.
How will you defend your restaurant?
Develop sound reasoning to back up your argument
Step 6: Present your argument in the form of a debate
Each team take turns presenting arguments as to why their
restaurant offers the healthiest options

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:






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