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Issues that Latinas Women face in America

Issues that Latinas face in America

Ericka Gomez
University of Texas at El Paso


Issues that Latinas Women face in America

In America many Latinas and descendants are subject to be teased just for the ignorant
reason of being from another part, another culture. In America most people over generalize
because many women come to this country to have a better future but most of the time it doesnt
come as planned, they dont know all of the hard work and struggles that they face every day.
Media has being a major contributor to show what they being through in the places where you
least expect. In most cultures people tend to generalize that this particular women just are good
to clean houses and offices and they tend to believe that they are uneducated. Most people now a
days dont pay attention to this type of discrimination but it is as important as any discrimination
towards any other culture. Discrimination have always existed and is a major discussion theme
that people and media tend to talk almost every time. There are several major key points of
discussion that need to be talked about such as the why, does it make it worse being a Latina or
even a descendant, differences in the Hispanic culture and others. To be able to answer these, we
could make some conscious or even make people think about it.

Discrimination against Latinas: A Review of Literature

Issues that Latinas Women face in America

Discrimination, a topic that always has been a major issue in America and most people do not put
attention to it because of the simple reason that it does not affect them. People should be aware
that this situation affects everyone in every aspect. In America, there are high percentages of
discrimination towards every race, but the ones that suffer the most are Latinas especially if that
person is a Latina women. This issue prevents the Latina women into reaching higher standards,
such as educationally and economically. The American culture treats every race and culture
differently, based on the stereotypes that each one have. The main job that are destined to these
women is the home cleaning. Most of them have these job because other cultures think that they
are incapable of doing other jobs, higher ranking jobs.
There are several factors that can affect directly and indirectly the behavior towards them. One of
the major attributors for people to get informed about the situation is media. What media does
best is to deliver information, the latest news to people that are willing to hear about them. Media
has the power to influence people, to make them believe what they want them to believe. The
idea that most cultures have about the Hispanic culture is not the best because they over
generalize. This action have a great impact in the lives of Hispanics. This issue will be covered
through three questions:

Does the media affect the way the public perceives Latina women as less?
Does the media portray Latina womens as inferior?
What are the major reasons for the way that Latinas are viewed as inferior?
What policies needs to be in place to resolve the issue of whether the media affects the
way the public perceives Latinas as inferior?

An analysis of the issue of Discrimination against Latina women shows the struggles as well as
the challenges they face due to media stereotypes, generalizing a whole group of individuals,

Issues that Latinas Women face in America

discrimination by other races of people because of this. Hispanic culture has always deal with the
racial profiling by others.
Does the media affect the way the public perceives Latina women as less?
This question depends in the perspective and opinion of each person. Some people might believe
that it does affect, but what affects is how the news is being presented to the public. Or in the
other hand, some might say that it does not affect how they are viewed. Some people might
believe that it does affect, but what affects is how the news is being presented to the public. Or in
the other hand, some might say that it does not affect how they are viewed as inferior. To have
the most precise answer to this question, research is indeed needed. By the research that has been
done, the results show that it does affect the perspective that they have towards Latinas. Latinas
are not the only ones that are affected by the media, all Latinos are, both, males and females
Latinos. According by a research made by Jon Gulman, Lindsay Relss and Liat Zudkawich in
2007, Latino portrayals in the media has had negative effects for the Latino community.
Historically Latinos have not only been portrayed negatively through stereotypes but they have
also been largely ignored and excluded from most American Media. Also, in the article Mass
Media in the White Mans World, Latinos have experienced discrimination for years through
print news and entertainment television. Not surprisingly, both of these mediums have been
dominated by the Anglo-culture and have therefore been structured to harbor the needs and
communicate the ideas of this controlling class. Through all the hardships that most Latinos had
come through they needed a solution regarding to biased media. To be able to overcome the
racial stereotypes of today, they must create their own mediums. The results in the research prove
that media has a great impact and does it affect the perspective and view that Latinas are viewed
as inferior. Media has the power to influence and sometimes negative thoughts and opinions can

Issues that Latinas Women face in America

be given to the public. In result to this the public can lead to believe that Latinas are indeed
Does the media portray Latina womens as inferior and criminals?
According to the research done for the first question, the results demonstrate that in effect media
portray Latina womens as inferior. These factor has in result the treat that Latinas get. The
answer to this question is yes, the answer to this question backs up the previews one because the
reason why Hispanics are viewed as criminals is because how media portrays them that and
media has large amounts of influence over peoples thoughts and opinions. According to
Disruptive Women in Healthcare. Inez Gonzalez, when she was asked for the reasons for why
Latinas cant make an impact in media, she responded, for women and girls of color the impact is
even greater, as racial markers, such as dark skin and kinky hair, are rejected by the influential
media. Women with these physical traits are seemingly unworthy of media attention. Indeed,
women of color are largely invisible in media, and the darker one is the less likely she is to see
people like her on TV. News about the murder of some Latino are not news that are heard every
day and rarely gets national media coverage, but sure happen every day. According to CNN, the
use of lethal force by police is a prevalent issue in Latino communities. There have been cases
about Latinos who were shot and killed by police officers like Antonio Zambrano-Montes,35,
who was shoot 17 times but only two bullets hitting him, after he allegedly threw rocks into
traffic and at the police. Police said that they shot at Zambrano after voice commands failed and
two officers were hit by rocks. The recording of the video is shown at YouTube with more than 2
million views but still many people have never Heard of Zambrano. Zambranos death initially
prompted news from The Seattle Times to Fusion to The New York Times but only to draw
comparisons to the Ferguson, Missouri, shooting of Michael Brown. Latinas have not been the

Issues that Latinas Women face in America

exception, for example Jessica Hernandez, who police officers killed at age 17, who was driving
a stolen vehicle and was unarmed in Denver on January 26. The reason that the police officers
said was were justifiable in light of the manner in which she drove the car in close and
dangerous proximity to them, threatening the life of Officer Jordan who had little room to avoid
the car There were no charges present towards the police officers because it was a defensive
shootings. Jessica is not the only Latina victim that has not been in media, there are several more
Latinas that their defensively murder remains unseen by media and viewers. Media has the
sources to portray any person either in a good or bad way, in these case they are been portrayed
as criminals.
What are the major reasons for the way that Latinas are viewed as inferior?
There are several reason for why Latinas are viewed as inferior. Some of these reasons are
because of stereotypes, work and education. The word stereotype comes in hand with several
things. For example, it is believed that most of Hispanics are bad persons such as thieves.
Americans tend to believe that because this type of news are the ones portrayed in the media.
Other people might think that we are not worthy of them because of the physical traits that
Latinos have, especially skin color. Based on skin color, many people can come out with the
most absurd things. People need and have to understand that not all of it is based in stereotypes,
nor skin color. There are other things that make up a person who they truly are. Most Latina
women who come to America, come for a better life, what Hispanics called the American Dream.
Were they dream that they will have a job were you will get payed sufficiently to support and
give a better life to their families. The reality is other. America is a place where you cannot work
if you dont have the desired papers that prove that the person is eligible to work because they
are residents or American citizens. The reality is that women work where they can such as

Issues that Latinas Women face in America

cleaning houses for about $40 US Dollars a day, doing everything that the Mrs. tells them what
to do; doing the dishes to taking care of their kids til lawn the yard in one day. The situation is
harder when the person does not speak English, were she can get easily discriminated at any
place. In the other hand, education is another thing and the most important thing that makes them
look inferior. According to CNN they surveyed 335 Latina students which one third do not
expect to achieve their educational goals for various reasons. They stated, Many Latinas are
influenced by family and societal expectations, often based on stereotypes of Latinas as
submissive underachievers and caretakers," the report said. "When these stereotypes are
internalized, they may cause Latinas to doubt their chances for academic and career success.
They also face a series of other challenges, including poverty, immigration status, limited
English and lack of parental involvement, it said. Students who are undocumented or whose
parents are in the United States illegally face anxiety caused by instability, and do not have the
financial advantages and opportunities their American counterparts have, it said. Their parents
are unfamiliar with the education system and thus do not take part in school activities. These
reasons clearly demonstrate the reasons for why Latinas seem inferior to others.
What policies needs to be in place to resolve the issue of whether the media affects
the way the public perceives Latinas as inferior?
Discrimination will not have an end if people do not make conscious about all the problems and
consequences hat discrimination brings. Making awareness can lead to stop discrimination
towards anyone. Many Latinas, Latinos in general believe that this is unjustified discrimination
and definitely is, is not someones fault to be born in the person that you are now. You did not
choose your culture, your physical traits, family, anything of these is up to you. It will be a great
way if media could not influence peoples opinions, meaning dont give just one side of the story,

Issues that Latinas Women face in America

give both, show how really the story is. This is stated because media has a great influence in
peoples lives, people believe most of the things that television say. Policies should be placed
with specific regulations in order to prevent further discrimination.


Issues that Latinas Women face in America

The research demonstrated that Latinas do suffer from discrimination from different
perspectives. Media is a great contributor to the perspective that American population have
towards Latinas who classified them as inferior and even criminals. By completing this research,
evidence is given at the main points that were mentioned. Media is a great contributor to any
point that is mentioned, but unfortunately only one perspective is shown.


Issues that Latinas Women face in America

Gulman, J., Relss, L., Zudkawich, L., (2007, December 14) Latino Portrayals in the Media.
Retrieved from
La Pierre, C., (1999, June 4) Mass Media in the White Mans World. Retrieved from
Gonzalez, I., (2012, July 18) Minority women in the media. Retrieved from
Fieldstadt, E., (2015, June 5) Officers Cleared in Fatal Shooting of Denver Teen Jessica
Hernandez. Retrieved from


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