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Conservation Biology, BIOL1120

The Lorax Assignment 20 pts

I. Instructions:
1. Read and/or view The Lorax by Dr. Seuss PRIOR to class.
2. Answer the below comprehension questions (10 points)
3. Answer 5 of the below reflection questions (10 points)
4. Submit via Assignments Tool.
5. Post on your ePortfolio as a signature assignment with a reflection.

II. Comprehension Questions:Write a 1 sentence answer to the below

1. The Truffula Trees were scarce, valuable natural resources. What made the
valuable and scarce?
The Truffula trees were valuable because they possess a unique quality,
and the need to supply the demand made it scarce.
2. Why did the Once-ler chop down the first Truffula Tree?
The Once-ler found that the tree's tuft is soft and lush for making his
Thneed, so he chopped the tree down to easily harvest them.
3. What benefit did the Thneed have for consumers?
The consumers enjoyed its fashionable, multifunctional quality and soft
4 .The Lorax did not think anyone would want to purchase a Thneed. Was he
5. What new capital resource did the Once-ler invent? How did this help his
The Once-ler invented the Super-Axe-Hacker, it sped up the tree-cutting
process by many folds.

6. Who was harmed as more and more Truffula Trees were chopped down and
they became more scarce?
The Brown Bar-ba-loots; they have no shade to play in, no fruits to eat,
and no place to stay.
7. Was it wise of the Once-ler to chop down all the trees?
Of course not! The inhabitants had to be relocated, and the factory
caused a lot of pollution.
8. In the story, all the trees were chopped down. In the modern U.S. economy,
why would this not happen?
Thanks to the laws enforced, the efforts and pleas of conservationists,
awareness of the public, and innovation of alternative solutions, it is
preventing or at least delaying this from happening.
9. What situation or condition would promote the cutting down of all trees or the
overuse of natural resources?
Growing population, ignorance, and greed are the most prominent
factors that promote deforestation and over-exploitation of natural
10. When a good, service, or natural resource becomes more and more scarce,
what happens to the price?
The prices will increase.
11. Compare the Once-ler's attitude toward the environment at the beginning of
the story with his attitude at the end.

In the beginning, the Once-ler only cared about making money; at the
end, he was filled with regret and shunned himself from the world, he
wanted everything to return to the way it was.
III. Reflection Questions:Using 2-3 sentences, answer FIVE of the following.
1. Both the Onceler and the Lorax were passionate about their goals. Discuss
several reasons to explain why the Onceler succeeded while the Lorax failed.

The Once-ler had manpower and a lot of customers backing him up. As for
the Lorax, he is the lone advocate for the forest and its inhabitants. Nobody
else cares about his cause nor do they see the purpose in it.
2. An argument was once made for protecting desert tortoises is that, desert
tortoises are important because people enjoy seeing them. Explain why this is or
is not a valid argument for the preservation of a species (such as the SwameeSwans in the video).
The Swamee-Swans could not sing anymore becuase of the smog stuck on
their throat; innocent animals are being harmed. There's more to a living
thing than its appeal to people; they thrive there for a reason because their
existence helps the ecosystem thrive as well. Would a watch still be able to
function normally even though only a tiny gear is missing?
4. Many countries have laws that prohibit the abuse of animals. Discuss reasons
for these laws to exist. Do these laws establish that the animals have a moral
standing in their own right?
Animals have the ability to think, feel emotions, suffer pain, and respond;
however they cannot express themselves in words. That is why it is up to
us to establish laws to protect a living thing's most basic rights. Otherwise,
people can get away with the most unimaginable cruel acts that can be
potentially be done on a human when they get more desensitized and

7. What did the once-ler mean by "UN-LESS"? What responsibility does he

seem to think "someone like you" needs to take? What kinds of things can we do
today to ensure that natural resources will be available for purposes in the

UNLESS current unethical and unsustainable methods are fixed.

SOMEONE LIKE YOU is a person who genuinely cares, wants change, and
actively does something about it. We can reduce-reuse-recycle, and make
daily choices that involve the least carbon footprint as possible.

9. The Lorax says he speaks for the trees. What does this mean to you? What is
the Lorax's attitude at the end of the story?

We need to come forward to take action in our community to spark

awareness and movement! It's the mob mentality. If no one steps up,
nobody would; if more people step up, everyone would! With nobody
saying anything, government institutions will do as they please. At the end
of the story, the Lorax saw that things were changing. He came back
because he was relieved and forgave the Once-ler.

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