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Note Taker: Douglas

Typer: Miguel
Moodle poster: Mohammad

Sensai: Pistol ?
#lame #weakAF

Khalifa: #LilB

Pirate 1: You seem unhappy


Pirate 2: #Pirates4lyfe #Aintnothing2fudgewith #ARGGGG

Pirate 3: The sea is great! It is so wide and deep #thatwhatshesaid #yourwife

Pirate 4: #Ayyylmao

Khalifa: #Saywhaaaat

Sensai: #dont #brain #wash #him

Khalifa: #howlongyoustaying

Sensai: #AlmostAyearbrah

Khalifa: I plan on setting sail !!! #learninghowtoswim

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