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Bascon Arvin Loui DF.

Prof. Pascual
August 21 , 2015

A Mans Idea

We always come up with a lot of Ideas many of us always do

But the question is whos idea will work or what idea will work most and
valuable and useful I think that is something that is hard to answer till the
verdict of the majority will be set. In the movie of Flash of Genius. A lesson is
learned by not only me but most of us who already watched the movie , it
leaves to me a message and a lessons to learn that dont let someone take
or stole my own Idea that is something that I valued most what ever will be
the cost and how long will it take to bring it back, what is Important is that I
fight for what is right and I am taking back what is mine. Just like Professor
Kearns who Invented that Intermittent wiper that saves life of People until
this day his work is found to be useful and life saving but then there are
People around him who wants to take it away from him and have benefit on
what he had done. But against all the odds he fight for his work because he
know that he was right and he know that the truth will come out at that point
he only not fought for himself but also for the other inventors and other
individuals who was victimized by this such act of Conspiracy. At the end he
won the fight. Professor Kearns leave a lesson to us that never to steal
someones Idea or even a smallest thing that is not ours , I just felt bad when
I am watching this movie that the People we are expecting to be or that we
are thought to be a role model is that they were the first one who violate and
uses there Influence to take advantage and steal something that is not
belong to them. For the whole movie the lesson there is that money is
nothing or even fame will become worthless and nothing if we earned it In a
wrong way. Always fight for what is right not for the money, not for fame and
do not let anyone to steal what is yours.

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